Margrete Valdemarsdatter, Prinsesse af Danmark - Is Margrete Valdemarsdatter a daughter of Valdemar den Store ?

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 16, 2017
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Private User
9/16/2017 at 4:28 AM

I am missing a source for this claim/information. And also for the claim that she was the wife of @Alexander Pedersen.

I can't find any sources that says that @Valdemar den Store had a daughter called Margrete. It is of course possible, as for two of his 6 daughters we know nothing.
And if Alexander Pedersen was married to a daughter of a King, I think it would have been mentioned somewhere.

Private User
9/16/2017 at 5:14 AM

With Sofia of Minsk he had the following children:
Knut VI
Valdemar Seier
Ingeborg, dronning av Frankrike

9/16/2017 at 5:00 PM

Norwegian Wikipedia page is not a good source, and Ulf should know better than to link to such a page.

Maybe Anette could be of more help. Anette Guldager Boye can you help here?

Private User
9/16/2017 at 9:51 PM

Maria and Margrete is mentioned on many countries Wikipedia. But Wikipedia is not not reliable as a primary source.
I have looked in danish lexica, museum sites, history sites - no mention of Margrete (or Maria). It seems there is no information at all about these two daugters.

On Finn Holbeks site, the wife of Aleksander Pedersen is unknown. The same here:
I think (havent checked) the sources for this is "Danmarks Adels Aarbog".

Private User
9/17/2017 at 12:21 AM

It seems just now as this is the main source for her.

Alexander Pedersen Ridder known 1185-1201 wife Margrete, where the crown beside their names tells that they were daughters of the royal crown, "of Denmark.

If it exist any historical memorials, inscriptions or engravings on tombstones, epitaph, or pictures of shields etc. that lies behind as basis for the creator's of that site's insertion of her, I don't know?

Private User
9/17/2017 at 1:05 AM

And that site was made by kids as a school project...

Private User
9/17/2017 at 2:01 AM

The information is taken from the book "Thi de var af stor Slægt", written by Marianne Johansen & Helle Halding:

Private User
9/17/2017 at 2:02 AM

A review about the book:

"Forfatterne bevæger sig med passende kildekritisk varsomhed omkring i slægtens historie, indarbejder middelalderarkæologiens nyeste resultater vedrørende kirker og kalkmalerier og tillader sig selv at stille spørgsmål og opstille formodninger på passende steder."

Private User
9/17/2017 at 11:13 AM

The relevant part of the discussion that David linked to:

"Abbed Morten Pedersøn skrev i "Biskop Absalons Oc Her Esbern Snareis Herrekomst oc Adelige Stamme: Lorentz Benedich. 1589" at Alexander Pedersens hustru hed Margrethe. Andet skrev han vist ikke om det, tror jeg.

I Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, König von Dänemark af Sixten Otto Brenner, 1978, benævnes Alexanders hustru som N. N. af Danmark."

9/18/2017 at 9:55 AM

I have a question for this learned panel; Rani Jonsen Rani, appears to derive his stature from his mothers side of the family which appears to go back three generations to Margarete and her alleged ties to the crown of Valdemar. He is a historical figure who was executed for regicide at Roskilde correct? If he was low born, how did he get access to Clippard? Just wondering.

Private User
9/18/2017 at 12:02 PM

If have just got the book "Thi de var af stor Slægt". I will see what I can find.

I don't think they have any proof. And if it is (only) a hypothesis, I think that it should be made clear in the overview.

Private User
10/9/2017 at 11:50 PM

Now I have read the book.
There is nothing about the ancestry of Alexanders wife. Not even as a hypothesis.
The name Margrete seems to originate from the will of Absalon. Alexander was close to Absalon, and he was the executor of the will. "Mrs. Margrete got two cups from..." (page 62 in the book).
That is all.

10/12/2017 at 8:30 AM

wup sorry showing up a little late in the discussion here. I have my own book project that consume my time at the moment.

The wife of Alexander Due as far as I know is unknown and I do believe I have made the Cut before.

Guess it is time for a cleanup again .

Private User
10/12/2017 at 10:28 AM
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Private User
10/12/2017 at 2:02 PM

"Marianne Johansen og Helle Halding har en teori om at hun kunne være en kongedatter, hvilket ikke kan bekræftes i kendte kilder."

Kilder [S85] Hvide; Thi de var af stor slægt, Marianne Johansen og Helle Halding.

Is Finn Holbek lying about the whole thing? Is it really true that Johansen and Halding don't have a hypothesis about a royal connection?

Private User
10/12/2017 at 2:05 PM

Why not trying to contact Marianne Johansen and Helle Halding before doing a cut and ask them about the theory?

In the meanwhile one can add "hypothetical" or "disputed" to the profile.

Private User
10/12/2017 at 11:23 PM

Unfortunately the are both dead ...

Maybe Finn Holbek doesn't have his information directly from the book. I will ask him.

10/13/2017 at 1:16 AM

Haha Ulf. :) I have to say everytime I see a comment from you I start have a little smile on my face, because of the amazing display of belly bottum view. As usual tyou think the only one to know.
May I suggest you also take a view at this. I happen to know Finn and he will most definately agree with me on this. Same goes for any serious researcher.

I do believe you are letting your personal feelings getting in the way of clear sight on the matter

10/13/2017 at 2:15 AM

Theres no reason why a theory that are not based on any primary sources should be part of this tree. Finn has written in the debate that I linked to, that theres only mentioned a theoretically royal daughter in the book by Halding and Johansen and that theres no mention of a Margrethe Valdemarsdatter.. He writes:
"Sv: Alexander Nielsen Due og Margrethe Valdemarsdatter af Danmark
« Svar #7 Dato: 31 Jul 2017 - 11:27 »
Hej Martin

Geni har tilsyneladende forsynet Alexander Pedersen med navnet "Due", uvist hvor det skulle stamme fra? Det kaldes han normalt ikke, og heller ikke i Michael Krammers afhandling om Hvide-slægten i Danmarks Adels Aarbog 2009-11 side 569 nr 10, som det kan anbefales at låne på biblioteket.

Krammer skriver heller ikke om nogen kone "Margrethe Valdemarsdatter af Danmark".

Hvad angår denne, henviser Geni 1) til min hjemmeside og kilden "Thi de var af stor slægt, Marianne Johansen og Helle Halding, 22-23", men disse angiver kun en teoretisk kongedatter, som jeg har gengivet N.N. (af Danmark?), - så Geni henviser altså til data der ikke findes på min hjemmeside:

Geni henviser til 2)

Der er ingen kildehenvisninger på denne hjemmeside, så kontakt evt. sidens ejer for nærmere oplysninger om kildeinformation.

(MyHeritage og Geni er samme firma).

10/13/2017 at 2:39 AM

There are many theories of the Hvide family married into the Royal house, but no sources to back up this claim. This is pretty much the same discussion that comes up each time a Hvide is being debated. The unknown wife have to be royalty.

They are a powerfull familie but that does not meen they need to be royalty. That just meens they are a very powerfull noble family that in these years support the royal house.

It was not so unusual for medieval noble families to have this much influence without being directly connected to the royals. The Hvide family is a very good excample of this.

Private User
10/13/2017 at 4:03 AM

What about this then?

"I Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, König von Dänemark af Sixten Otto Brenner, 1978, benævnes Alexanders hustru som N. N. af Danmark.""

10/17/2017 at 2:27 AM

This is not an accurate source in anyway. Way to many theories that can not be varified with sources close to the events

10/17/2017 at 2:27 AM

And secondly No name either. It states NN not Margrethe

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