ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, September 15, 2017
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Then do it for me thanks Leanne,

This was a simple merge, everything was the same, i didnt see a problem with that, However i am happy for you to add me to the managers list, ,instead of having my profile deleted.

Aren't these profiles the same?
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia
Wenceslaus II, King of Bohemia

And who is "Elisabeth Fake account"
Elizabeth Fake account, [Claimed Historical Profile] DO NOT MERGE

re: Elizabeth Fake account, [Claimed Historical Profile] DO NOT MERGE - a claimed account which was determined to not belong to a real person, but hasn't been deleted yet.

Hi Angelina, I am not a manager of the profile, but you can request management yourself from the profile and one of the managers will approve.

Please merge the following two profiles:

Amy Dandy
Amy Dandy


Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺 -- I have seen repeatedly, do not delete, merge. Now you are saying do not merge, delete.
Is there a conflict in policy / advice / outlook?

Hi Lois, I am saying that no-one should create duplicates just fir the purpose of managing a profile. They can and should request management of a profile using the options menu.

Good afternoon,

Could a curator please mergeÓMEZ-GUTIERREZ/600000000048842... to Private User

Thank you very much!

A Curator today merged a Profile of a relative of mine - and she also decided to Resolve the Data Conflicts -

In the Timeline Event for Birth, (substituting XXXXX for the name) it included
On 1910 Census as XXX, age 11 - immig. 1902 - self & parents born Russ
On 1920 Census as XXX, age 20, self & parents born Russia (she immigrated 1903).
On 1930 Census as age 29, self and parents born Russia.
The Documents for those Censuses were also included (as Private Documents)

Despite that the Curator chose, for Place of Birth: "Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States" - for which there was no documentation. (the other choice had been "Russia" (in Country)]

The Timeline Event for Death included the fact that SSDI listed last residence: Boston, Suffolk, Mass -- and that MA DI listed Death Place as Brookline, MA.
So the Curator chose Place of Death as "Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States" - which was Last Residence, but NOT place of Death (that was the choice rejected!!)

- is the above the proper high quality work that should be expected of a Curator?

And if not - is there any way for us to report Curators who are lessening the accuracy of the records here on Geni? Or, to put it another way -- what can be done about Curators who are not properly careful of the facts?

Thank you very much Angus Wood-Salomon!

Hi Private User, anyone can report any user (curator, pro or basic) that they think are doing the wrong thing. Just go onto their profile select the Actions drop down menu and select Report.

There are a few options to select from for why you are reporting them plus a free form text option where you can outline what you think they have done wrong. Make sure you include links to the profiles that you are referring to so that Customer Service can investigate the issue easier.

re: Formal reporting

Customer Service will be looking at patterns of behavior, particularly if there has been previous "conversation" about the issue.

So, if the "issue" has not yet been raised by way of a person-to-person message, there may not be much action taken by a formal "Report".

If the behavior persists, either despite a prior "conversation" (or 'no-response' to an attempt to converse), then it is certainly appropriate to formally Report.

If you are not comfortable initiating such a "conversation" yourself, you might want to 'message' someone else (e.g. a Curator you *are* comfortable asking about the issue). Curators do have access to more information (but not all that Geni staff does, of course), so they can at least do a little preliminary "investigating" on your behalf.

... even Curators make mistakes or "have a bad day" ...

Indeed. But, everyone around here seems to own up to their mistakes, Dan. Remember that guy who accidentally unraveled some work another curator helped me with and I spent some time fixing it? No hard feelings for him. Sometimes people make mistakes. If it's really bad, you might want to report it. Especially if they have an attitude.

We're all only human. Some of us anyway. =)

Can one of the curators help with Adrianus (Arien) Aerts van Hesick? After a chain of merges he is now attached to two sets of parents. The correct set of parents is Arnoldus (Aert) Willems van Hesick and Eustachia (Stijntje) Ariens (for proof: just looking at patronym, family name and naming of the children should be sufficient to see that the other set of parents does not make any sense). The link with Jan Adriaan Jan van Rijswijk and Maria Cornelis Bernard Pullen needs to be broken. The other manager of the profile has blocked all Dutch curators, so we need some other curator who was not blocked to fix the error. Thanks in advance

Willem: An unmerge was done to "fix" the parents (prior to my looking at it just now).

Ok, that doesn't really fix it but in that case can you please break the link between Adriaan Jan Adriaan van Rijswijk and Adriana (Ariaentje) de Cock van Alem. She was married only once, to the son of Wilhelmus (Willem) Aerts van Hesick and Aleijdis (Aeltgen) Jans van Bommel and does not have any relationship with the Van Rijswijk family

Thank you Angus Wood-Salomon for the great job done for my tree. Great day

Willem: Adriana separated from the van Rijswijks.

Thank you Dan

Dear Curators,

This man
Thomas Shepherd Waith

has zomby parents, a zomby wife, four zomby siblings (and two zomby siblings-in-law) and eight zomby children.

Mosy it of the Waith line in Barbados seem to be zombies, if you can carry it up a bit


Woodman Mark Lowes Dickinson, OBE,
I switched about 25 to 30 zombies to deceased, merged several unconnected trees into 'World Family Tree' and reported several abandoned trees.
I left data conflicts for you to fix.
Please check

Got some Quebecois profiles that need merging with ze big tree. Please help.

Marie-Josephte Constantineau

Firmin Cyr

André Carreau

Helene Dumas (Arnaud)

Gariel de Ferdid

I saw some assurance was asked about this profile. I just added some bio information and documents to this family. Might help with research I found. This just to help Curitors working on this profile and family. It was in discussions I saw this so. If I messed up sorry.

Charles A Whitlatch, Jr.


I propose to make the profileСергей-Королёв/6000000050648834888 - master profile (MP)
Thank you in advance

can someone please remove William Comrie from Margaret McRostie thanks.


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