ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, September 15, 2017
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Showing 1411-1440 of 1565 posts

Private User, done

Please change Marvin Kagan to deceased (2/1/2018)

Marvin Kagan

Thank you!

Private User, I reported him as deceased. Since it is a claimed profile, Geni will need to mark him deceased. It will probably take a day or two.

I would strongly like to suggest that folks might wait a few days to before reporting a claimed profile. By reporting it right away, you may make it impossible for family to transfer management or perform other tasks that the person might have requested.
Clearly, if you are the person's close family, this may not apply, but for others of us - truly might be kind to wait a bit, just in case the person had tried to leave instructions for family or others.

Private profiles are preventing a merge of Catherine LeMesle and her husband and child. She is a filles du roi. Was only able to find her via the search:

Please make it public so I can merge. And please for the love of God don't make profiles of people born in the 1600s private. They ain't zombies. They been gone a LONG time....

Private User, FYI many zombies exist because years ago Geni's default was "Living" when a profile was not given a death date. The result was that they became private.
Those profiles are now marked deceased.

Private User, Susan's request was proper. She added and is the sole manager of the profile (although claimed, it was abandoned years ago). He passed away 5 days ago. Customer Service does a good job of assigning management.

@ Thomas Stanton (1913-1677) in my tree, a presumed ancestor of my wife, I have just changed his parents from a couple at Wolverton, Warwickshire to another couple at Longstowe, Cambridgeshire, but my tree now has retained an Ann nee Lord & her children, which I can't delete.
Can a curator please help sort this out to reflect that my Thomas Stanton has parents William & Margaret, who had only three children in all, John, Kathryn & Thomas? William did not have a second wife, Ann nee Lord with several other children. I wish to sever the connection with the Warwickshire Stantons.

Thanks, Jim. Now to merge.

Mary Gardiner Conkling Mary Gardiner is attached to two random husbands with no info. Her only husband of record is Jeremiah Conkling, Sr.. Will a curator please disconnect John Dodge and Thomas Mulford from her tree? Mulford belongs with child Mary. I don't know where John Dodge goes, but it isn't with this Mary. Thank you.

Thanks, Jim.

Hi !

My profil is not right . DNA is now N-Z1927. It must be Y-N-CTS1737. Help me and change it, please.

This is a problem when info changes at FTDNA - there's no working notification from FTDNA to Geni.
The easy answer is to unlink your Geni account from your FTDNA account and relink them - that will fetch the new information.

Peder Nilsson, till Berga (Bagge af Berga)
Needs this not his wife to be cut off from him
Botilda Clausdotter Abildgaard

Following up on earlier request....Mary Conklin Mary Gardiner is attached to two erroneous husbands. Thomas Mulford belongs with her DAUGHTER Mary Mary Mulford and the erroneous connection with Dodge seems to come from here: where facts are obviously off Dodge being younger, in RI, with kids who would have to have been born while Mary was married to Jeremiah and in her 50s and 60s. Would contact curator for her profile, but there does not seem to be one. Will a curator assist in cutting these guys loose, please? Thank you!

Thanks Angus Wood-Salomon

Now there's another problem, these two needs to be merged, but unfortunately one of them is a MP profile, and I hate rewarding carelessness, it's a piece of junk, a man married to another man, named "progenitor"!!!, however how so impossible in that arrangement, and of course misplaced...but anyway, regardless all those errors, he needs to be moved, renamed, and provided with a curators note stating that Asgot is a plausible progenitor to the Krumme's but it's not fully verified.

Nils Krumme l
Asgot, av Tådene

Jim Wile - Thank you for the info on the specifics of Susan's request. Was definitely not trying to slam you or Susan.

However, my comment was more to alert folks!! At least in part because as I try to contemplate what I will put down for last requests, trying to come up with what to do about the profiles I manage on Geni plays a big part - and if I actually manage to leave directions, I do not want them obviated by someone having jumped the gun and reported my passing.

As to "Customer Service does a good job of assigning management." - we disagree here. I believe the rule is the profiles a person manages are turned over to that person's nearest "active" relative -- not necessarily anyone who has any interest in inheriting them or managing them, nor are they given a chance to say "no thank you".
Looking in occasionally to remind yourself when a birthday is does not mean any interest in being a manager. Moreover - those who are actually active often have profiles they manage out in all directions -- and a second cousin on one branch who is active and interested in that branch may not be the best person for managing profiles on another branch.

Not trying to slam Customer Service here - the rules do not allow them to assign some profiles to a cousin on one branch, other profiles to a cousin on another branch, etc. - nor do they allow them to take into consideration in what sense the person is an "active user". But directions a person left with family or in a will might try for either or both. Many of us who have been active for a while are getting older, and I think this becomes more and more relevant.

Also - impacting this - just noticed recently that a few months ago Geni actually removed from the profiles where I had inherited Management the name of the person who had died or the name of the person (still alive) who had closed an account. And not sure if or how long the keep them listed for folks now being marked deceased or closing accounts. This can impact the access of many folks - some of whom might appreciate some time to do something before some profiles become inaccessible to them.

Meant to just do the one comment inspired by Susan and Jim's comments - then felt the need to respond further to Jim's comment - please forgive for so long an off-topic comment. (Tho a bit relevant since Curators seem to be often asked to mark folks deceased!) If folks want to discuss further - please create or continue in a separate thread, and post a link to it here.

Private User done

There are 3 merges in his tree that need to be completed and also a zombie. Thank you.

Blas Crespo

Thank you, Erica Howton

Request above for Blas Crespo still needs completed, please. I know they sometimes get lost in the thread. Thanks.

Hey. Can someone help me with this tree?

I am seeing merge requests for Jaques, Andre and Francois Allard. I merged a bunch of duplicates already but I still see blue merge boxes. Nothing turns up in searches. Can someone help me out?

Private User, merged.

Can someone please delete @bob female from the profile? It was accidentally added to three parents William Fisher II, Maria Klein and John Klein. I have tried everything short of deleting my whole profile to fix it.
Thank You!!!

Private User, where does bob belong? Who is her parent?

Could someone please merge these two profiles?


Please complete the merge.

Susannah Etter Gisch

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