ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, September 15, 2017
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Showing 301-330 of 1565 posts

Please complete the merges on Nicolaas Johannes Basson and his wife Elizabeth Jacoba Basson. The other profiles Nicolaas Johannes Basson and Elizabeth Jacoba Basson are in an abandoned tree and not connected to the big tree. I wish to add to and connect this family.

Private User


Curators: I have now received 2 "advertisement messages" from Geni members (?) How do I report them??? Or would one of you??? I look forward to Geni messages, but I get enough advertisement messages in my home emails. I don't need/want them here!!!!

1) Select Home Warranty
"Select Home Warranty is now following you on Geni. Select will only receive updates about your public activity on Geni. You can follow Select Home Warranty by clicking the follow button on his profile."

"Hello ,
This email is in reference to family / geni request posted herein which has caught my attention. Upon preliminary evaluation t, I am pleased to tell you I know a Lender and Accredited Angel investor who may be interested in funding your project. if you got any, I am wondering if this would interest you Please email a copy of your executive summary, business plan to him ;
Name : Mr. Yang Ti "

Thank you, in advance.
Have a great day,

Is there a way to deny someone who is following you??? That first one above is following me, but there is NO personal info in his profile so I wonder if it is a bogus profile...

Patricia Ann Scoggin, Select Home Warranty has already been reported. To report a spammer, go to their profile, "actions", and then "report". On a discussion thread, press "Report" below the person's name. Customer Service will handle the report and once the account is deleted then the person will not be following you.

Jim Wile--Thanks for the info... I just went to the 2nd person & it looks like he may already taken care of as his profile is no longer available.

Private User done

thanks Ard

Patricia Ann Scoggin and Unknown Profile - I recall having been told or seen in the past that using blocking was the way to cause someone to no longer be following you. And that unless one really, really wanted to be blocking that person, just do it for a short time (possibly a minute or so) and then unblock. If you unblock, then yes, they could do it again - but will they actually notice? will they try again to follow? probably not.

I generally send folks an email when I get the announcement someone is following asking why they are following me. Find it interesting to discover - was it my comments in the Public Discussions, a particular profile or profiles they were interested in, or does it seem they were just random stalkers.

And yes, have used the block and then unblock to knock some off my list of followers.

I don't mind who follows me on Geni, I am happy for anyone to see anything that I do. Following someone does no harm. They can only see what is public unless they are in my family group. And I don't put anything on the internet that I am not happy to be public knowledge.

Sending advertising messages is a different story - they should be reported and also blocked. Letting a curator know too helps as we can stop them from continuing to send messages until Customer Service can act on the report.

Gesina Maria Hodgson (Uys)

Somehow my 3rd great aunt Gesina Maria Hodgson has acquired a set of parents that I can't get rid of. Her real parents are Nicolaas Frederick Uys and Gesina Hester Susanna Uys.

Her husband is George Augustus Frederick Hodgson, and his parents should be David Robertson Hodgson and Engela Elizabeth Hodgson.
I can't however assign the correct parents "as this will split the tree"!

Could a friendly curator please assist

Thanks in advance
Liz Uys

Please complete the merge.


I still get

Sorry, choosing those parents would split the tree"

Or am I doing something wrong??

Unknown Profile & [[6000000037283255160]
I don't normally mind who follows me. I usually ck to see how closely we are related & look at the chain between. Although I have to wonder why they are following me when we are 16th+ cousins x-times removed (or there is a convoluted connection) & then I don't received any communications from them... However, I have found quite a few cousins that way -- many that I would want to collaborate with.

But when the name seemed to be a business & when ch'd there is NO personal info at their site or it is someone advertising & soliciting business, I felt I needed to let someone in Geni know. They may be "trolling" and others may also have received messages from them -- they needed to be stopped!!! If ignored or temporarily blocked they may continue to "pester" others in Geni.

Elizabeth (Liz) Uys, k3, parents are attached to the proper person.

Private User, merges completed.


Patricia Ann Scoggin Go to the profile and report as spam.

Thanks Eldon. I think both issues have been taken care of at this time...

I need a curator to merge this two profiles into one.


Private User,
Merge completed

I need some advice, please. First this question:
I have created a number of family members around a certain profile, along with Events and relationships, based on some speculation, until I could investigate more deeply and come up with the truth of the matter.
Now that I've had some time and some help via a forum, I have established that my speculative family records do not relate to the person in my family tree, and I am now working along a different path with a very definite connection.
Should I delete all of the profiles which are not connected to my family, but do actually exist as a small family tree of their own, in case anybody ever works on that particular family tree - or does this just create orphans and clutter?

(My second question is dependent upon the answer to the first - might not be necessary!)

Oh please don't delete that lovely work! Detach from your own tree, maybe a brief note in the overview explaining. Someone will find and put the tree to use.

Please disconnect Lazer Schonfeld (Rabbi Lazar Schonfeld) from his incorrect father "Moshe Schonfeld" (Rabbi Moshe (abd) Schonfeld), as his father was "Moishe Schonfeld" (Moshe Schonfeld).

Melanie: Geni now provides a way to start "isolated" branches which one doesn't yet know how or where they might connect into the shared World Family Tree. So, yes, as Erica wrote -- just disconnect the otherwise "good" branch!

Thanks, Erica Howton and Dan Cornett

Now, I just have to work out how to disconnect! I have moved relationships before, but I'm not sure how to just disconnect and leave the others to float away...

The profile in question is this one:
I have now updated the records of his "siblings", and created a separate identity for the other Albert Edward, edited the event which brought them together, etc.
So now all that remains is for Albert Edward Cock-Collins to be prised away from the rest of them (and I also have a little more info to add to one or two of the non-relations, which I can do afterwards).

So if you can advise me how to do it, or if it's a curator function only, do it for me, I'd be most grateful. (Then I can start adding some corrrect info to the origins of this mystery man, which has taken quite a bit of digging to get to!)

(I might not have made it clear above - it's AE Cock-Collins who needs to be detached from all siblings and parents. His wife and children are correct.)

Angus Wood-Salomon - Thanks, that's great! I'll come back to fix up the new family structure later. :-)

Showing 301-330 of 1565 posts

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