Jesus - How can you be sure?

Started by Daniel Horn on Tuesday, September 12, 2017
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9/12/2017 at 2:21 AM

I would like to ask, how can anyone be so sure of this time line of Jesus Family tree? Looks very fishy, not at all accurate.

9/12/2017 at 2:29 AM

All people are been Adam and Eeva they are relations of Jeesus

9/12/2017 at 2:31 AM

And we are 21 cousin together

9/12/2017 at 2:39 AM

Yuo can be sure of that

Is this the path that you are getting?

You will see that the colour changes 3 times - these signify marriages whereas the same colour signifies blood relationship and / or adoption/foster.

You should be able to follow the line to see if it makes sense.

A lot of the profiles in this early part of the tree will give sources for the information, particularly in they are a Master Profile. For example Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean)

Sorry I don't work this far back so can't add any more information or specifics.

If there is a particular relationship that you disagree with, you can contact the Curator of the profile with your sources and they can look into it and if appropriate disconnect it or fix it.


Private User
9/12/2017 at 8:34 AM

About Jesus, the mythological Jesus and the historical Jesus, the first one is in the bible, the second one aren't quite fully proven to have existed at all. About relationship, it all comes down to whether the sources are trustfully or not, it's that simple.

Regarding my path to him here on Geni, it has changed so many times so I don't care much any longer, once I actually did have a fully blue colored path... I guess the sources weren't that good.

9/12/2017 at 11:51 AM

It seems from what I'm reading that no one has a clear answer. There can not be a Mythological Jesus or a Historical one, One can't live from truth or lies... So how can anyone be sure that we are able to trace from this moment of time to Jesus and say that we are family related.....

Private User
9/12/2017 at 12:20 PM

To be 100% sure often includes a big portion of faith.

It can be either one myth created from a historical person, or one myth created from a fictional person, not both.

People lives under truth and lies all the time, it's a balancing art between conception, deception and perception, don't just fall.

About relationship, it all comes down to whether the sources are trustfully or not, it's that simple, but I guess that wasn't that simple after all.

9/12/2017 at 3:12 PM

Hmmmm, It's not a matter of faith to know if a linage is true or not. From the moment that the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE any record's of Family tree was gone. No one can find any info that can Precisely give a linage from today back to Jesus day. Only from Adam to Abraham and then to David and last to Jesus. That info is only found in the Bible. In books Genesis, Chronicles, Mathew, and Luke.

9/13/2017 at 4:34 AM

It is fun to speculate and it is sad that we've lost so much of our history that we need to speculate, but one thing is certain, speculating about the life of Jesus brings us closer to Him.

Private User
9/13/2017 at 6:02 AM

Are you ready? I'm dumping a lot of stuff here!

p.s. By the way: My paths are always blue in all relationship options! ;-)

Private User
9/13/2017 at 6:55 AM


Private User
9/13/2017 at 8:02 AM

Unfortunately we can not certify the descendants of the Jews of that time. I do not know how the profiles were added in the tree. But in a way, as James Andrew ASBURY said, experiencing Jesus for two thousand years, he becomes real anyway!
So, I will try prove that the historical Jesus existed!

It is well to remember that in "history," the existence of a personality as a threat to the Jews, surely should have their records erased from history by this people. Thus, as he was considered to be marginal by the religious authorities of the time, it is not expected to have records of Him. I have no record of my delinquent ancestors! Only of barons and kings ;-)

I work with high technology: 3D Modeling, Drones, LiDAR (a kind of laser), geophysics. Anyway, the latest technology. I've never seen anything in this world like the Holy Shroud! All the religious figures of the world were described by written words. But no one left his photo or his "mold" on a fabric.

Before I explain what the Holy Shroud is, I will make it very clear here. Lets go...

Assuming that all that is described below is true, others might still question: Nothing proves that the man wrapped in the cloth was indeed Jesus!

OK! But think this way: Everything that is registered in the fabric coincides with what is described in the sacred texts. Proven by legist doctors, forensic physicians and other scientists (From photographers to NASA physicists).

And yet I tell you: Nothing that is recorded in that cloth could have been made by human hands until then (and I believe even in the present day). Thus, it is impossible for someone to perform an art by following step by step what is described in the texts. Better than that, just using a time machine and seeing for yourself!

A warning: The tridimensionality of the image on the Shroud also occurs in the tissue, by sophisticated techniques (see below). And not just by computational processes.

I'll translate some parts of a Portuguese site that talks about the Holy Shroud (I work too !!!): "Science confirms church". Worth seeing by the amount of images, videos and links. (Portuguese) (Google Translate)

From "Aramaic inscription on the Holy Shroud: would be prior to AD 70" (Please, see the link page above!):

French scientist Thierry Castex recently discovered another inscription on the Shroud, reported the daily "La Stampa" (, the most important in Turin, the relic city.
The writing is in Aramaic, the language of the very first Christians.
It is not new that inscriptions of the I century are discovered in the Shroud. In 1978, a Latin professor at the Catholic University of Milan detected some of them for the first time.
In 1989, Professor Messina, a specialist in Judaism, identified another inscription that read "The King of the Jews."
The new characters now found aroused controversy. And this is frequent in the scientific environment. Within the limits of objectivity is beneficial, because the new finding is subject to adverse criticism. If it resists, it stays consolidated.
Vatican Secret Archives historian Barbara Frale was called to examine the new finding. It was suspected to be an inscription made by the Templars at the time they guarded the Holy Shroud.
But Frale dismissed the Templars hypothesis. Frale is a specialist in the study of this now extinct Order of Cavalry.
The fact that the characters are Aramaic leads directly to the times of Our Lord, explained Frale, for "after the year 70 there was no more Aramaic spoken in Christian communities. And St. Paul himself wrote in Greek. "
"There are many indications, I would say an infinity, that point to relate the Holy Shroud to the first thirty years of the Christian era," he added.
When asked if the writing was prior to the year 70, she replied: "Everything we know about the ancient world forces us to formulate this hypothesis."
In an interview broadcast by Vatican Radio (search for Barbara Frale in, the historian said that according to the scientist Thierry Castex, who is responsible for the finding, the word "found" can be read clearly and there is a word together that is still trying to decipher, but which may mean "we have found" .
The phrase may approximate the expression of the Gospel of St. Luke, where the evangelist refers the reason why Jesus Christ was brought before the Roman governor.
Saint Luke (23, 2) says: "We have found this man stirring up the people to revolt, forbidding to pay taxes to the emperor and saying to him Messiah and king."

Please, also see in "Unexplained three-dimensional image - The falsification conjecture is foreclosed (impracticable)"

It's worth watching at least these videos:

Nello Balossino racconta la storia della Sacra Sindone

Dr. Peter Soons - Dutch Holographic Laboratory, Eindhoven

The Shroud and the jew: Barrie Schwortz at TEDx ViadellaConciliazione

Private User
9/13/2017 at 1:09 PM

There is only one humankind and we are all RELATED! The question is if we are cousins or descendants to some specific identifiable person in this biblical tree who lived 2000 years ago and if there is any way to confirm a certain credible path by using sources available. Some say no, there's nothing that supports any lines to any of them, some say yes, there's some real paths.

Actually, there's nothing such at all, as best it's just more or less plausible. But with or without sources, they (just as anybody else) are still relatives (if they existed with or without shrouds), and this applies as true just as much to any person regardless if they are atheists, believe in only science or only religion.

Regarding Jesus timeline towards anyone living today, a minimum amount of generations would be 60, but more likely in general around 90, and based on our biological limitations, it can't this year 2017 exceed 140. To actually find an unbroken chain of documented people in this case for an average of say 80-90 generations, should be viewed as incredibly outstanding, yet some of us still have lines that goes this far and beyond, but many of them are subject to some curators happy cutting fingers where anything doubtful at all will be used as a sign for their right to cut off their parents.

In some cases it's enough that the source ain't contemporary, the idea that books gets old due to moist and molds and needs to be copied is beyond some of these curators horizon of imagination. Another reason seems to be political, a third based of antipathy for religion in particular.

But when looking at some of the profiles between us that still exist in the world tree this far back, we will find several profiles that may be more or less heavily questioned for real reasons, either because they are not known by their real name, or one or both of the parents isn't verified, or there exist an equally good pair of different candidates to choose from, or their existence is just built on assumptions, or worse indeed, just fabricated.

And as if that isn't problems enough (manipulation, genuine disapproval in general), even with sources, we can never be sure that the mother didn't have extramarital sex no matter how immoral that may have been deemed in any time. Even if every living person took a DNA test, it wouldn't help, because DNA test have their limitation within probably 250 year give or take, so that would be completely useless in most cases before the year 1600, which gives that we haven't got any means except sources to confirm anything between year 0 and 1750, and that's why some of you still have Adam as an ancestor, Jesus as a cousin, and others don't, but that's only temporary until the curators have made them all into isolated island of debris.

Private User
9/14/2017 at 7:10 AM

Ulf, You said well!

These articles can help in what you said!

Number of Ancestors in a Given Generation:

And two well-written articles by a great Brazilian researcher, from my city (site in Portuguese and offline. So, I use Google Translator and

Where is:

"All different, but all relatives If mathematics points out that I had a trillion ancestors 800 years ago, that means that by the year 1207, the 260 million living people had to fill all the vacancies of my ancestors. Obviously, then, my ancestors of 1207 could not all be different people! In my heredogram, some names will have to appear two, three, or even hundreds of times. Does this mean that I am a descendant of everyone living in 1207?

No, for two reasons. The first is that not everyone living in 1207 has descendants on Earth today. The second is that it would be difficult for some of these people to be my ancestors for reasons of geographical location (for example, it is very unlikely, though not impossible, for Asians like Confucius or Genghis Khan to be my ancestors. * but see other link below! Note of Sandro). Excluding such exceptions, all people living in Europe, Central Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas in 1207 are certainly my ancestors."

Where are:

"The second main alternative to studying our genealogy is doing the opposite, that is, trying to trace it from the top down. In this way, we begin with a historical figure and trace its offspring until we reach, we hope, ourselves.

For example, Amador Bueno (c.1584 - c.1649) was a great historical personage and the man who, in 1641, although acclaimed by the people, did not want to be king of Brazil. We can then try to trace the descendants of Amador Bueno.

In fact, we will eventually discover that virtually everyone in Brazil descends from it, because the number of offspring grows, not as a power of 2, as in the case of the ancestors, but even more rapidly, because of the large number of children that people had in the past."


"How could I make sure the bond is biologically real? After all, we know that about 10% of people do not have the father they believe they have (ie, around 10% of the children are not biological children)."

Other articles:


Private User
9/14/2017 at 7:35 AM

Private User Thanks for the links!

About the threads main question, "Jesus - How can you be sure?"

You can be sure that if he existed, you're related to him, but when it comes to the paths displayed here on Geni, you can't be sure that they all are correct.

Be happy anyway if you actually have lines that show him in your tree, not everyone has that, but still, no free pass to heaven is granted anyway.

Private User
9/14/2017 at 8:10 AM

Dear Ulf.
I believe that some links were already to your knowledge. I hope those who were unknown are useful to you.
I do not believe everything at Geni! A lot is just a fun for me! But for me, Jesus is true. He is the Truth!
No one has guaranteed right to heaven! Our goal is to serve everyone in the best way possible.

9/15/2017 at 5:16 PM

Thank you for the info Sandro and Ulf. But even with all this info Not a clear understanding of Why the lineage of Jesus ends with him and IF any existing info is available were is it? One thing I do know is that His lineage was to identify Him as the legal heir to the throne of King David making him the King to his Father's future Messianic Kingdom. It is another reason why we can't find anything about him today, with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE nothing was saved...

Private User
9/18/2017 at 7:42 AM

What we have today are the Gospels. Canonicals and Apocryphals.
As I said before, the Holy Shroud proves the Gospels. The Gospels prove the Holy Shroud. Excluding this the question is faith! What I believe transcends the sacred and science! This is not the place to discuss this!

1/9/2018 at 4:19 PM

For me Jesus is my 12th cousin 68 x removed.

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