Sir Roger Corbet, Kt. - The Corbet Mess and the Visitations of Shropshire

Started by Private User on Sunday, September 3, 2017
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Alice's name might also be Lacon or Lakyn (those names also occur on the list of High Sheriffs of Shropshire, 15th century).

Her parents don't look right - Suffolk?

John Lake, of Normanton

Wow, Jane Corbet became Lady Baker, wife of Thomas. I've never worked in the Bakers but I saw that Roland Henry Baker, III, who does good work, is a Baker male line descendant from my Jane Corbet and Thomas Baker :) I didn't realize I was related to him this way.

Yeah, any odd geography in this era is suspect. Suffolk and Shropshire??

A History of the Ancient Parish of Leek, in Staffordshire Including Horton ...
By John Sleigh

typed in Thomas Corbet and Alice Lacon Shropshire and a lot of actual research type discussion came up

(we want to get her off Lance du Lac anyways, right ? :))

You know my mother had a fit about our Lakes being connect to Lance du Lac haha...

This is inconclusive (the pre-1600 records tend to be sketchy), but Shaw doesn't have a Thomas Baker knighted earlier than 1603 (mass knighting May 11, at the Charterhouse, he and dozens of others).

Since we're having so much fun with the Thomases, here's about the Hadley branch!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/lJ...

Here are Bartrum's pages for the Corbet of Leigh tree per se.

If they don't load, try again later

Nest is not showing up on them, but neither is Ela, who,appears in the Bleddyn ap Cynfyn tree.

I have to wrassle the index. Will get to,that as I can.

Ela Corbet now does NOT match Bartrum. She is supposed to be, according to Bartrum, Ela Audrey, married to Gruffudd de la Pole.

Check the link to Bartrum in what is now Ela Corbet.

Sorry. Auto correct. Audley..

Sandford looks like there was property owned by the main Corbet family

And so back to Eyton and exhaustive details. :-)

3 marriages for Ela, first to de la Pole who dsp, then to de Ferrers Transcribed as de Perers, 3rd to Corbet, one son. Per Richardson.

Per whatshername who wrote the Family of Corbet, there was a son by second marriage also (James de Ferrers/Perrers Jr) but no word as to what became of him.

So, Bartrum is wrong? He has Ela Audley, daughter of Nicholas Audley, married to Gruffudd de la Pole.

He gives Joan Corbet as married to Owain de la Pole.

I would say he just didn't bother with Ela once she married back across the border (to two more husbands) - they weren't Welsh, they weren't in his lists, so he wasn't interested.

In the case of the Welsh genealogies, I would expect that Owain and Gruffudd are in the right places but that Joan and Ela, if there is good evidence to the contrary, might not be.

Anybody named Nest, however, should, at this late date, be in the right place.

Still waiting on index.

We were all over the Welsh De La Poles a bit earlier - Owain divvied up his inheritance among his brothers, but two of them were priests and at least one other one died relatively young without heirs, so a lot of it wound up getting re-collected.

If the info you have for them isn't contradicting Bartrum I am ok.

If it does, I need to figure it out.

Can we find where Sir Peter Corbet, of Hope-Juxta-Caus, Knight belongs? I think he & wife will be in Eyton & there was only one Nesta who was not this Peter's mother. There's a Warren pedigree & daughter should be right.


I think Ela Audrey & Johanna Corbet are both correct in Geni & conform to Bartrum, he just didn't get her additional marriages

That Joan Corbet would have to slot in two generations earlier (daughter of the Robert Corbet who married Matilda Fitzalan - a real feather in Owain's cap, that!)

Okay, now that I have you all here, what would you read to learn about British history say 1200s to 1600? I have all these ancestral branches and I need to learn more about geography and become steeped in history and sources. It has to be pleasurable reading but no silly historical fiction that makes up the facts. Although I do love There Be Dragons :)

(Erica) One thing we've got going on is the "modernization" of Piers to Peter. They're not quite equivalent but they keep getting muddled up (like Anne/Agnes/Alice).

Nest de Vale does not appear in Bartrum. This means that though the family liked the Welsh name, for reasons unknown, they were not Welsh themselves, and did not marry in.

There are no de Vales, under any spellings, in Bartrum's index.

So! That's it for me!

Audley! Lol

Hatte - British History OnLine and the History of Parliament biographies

(Hatte) There's always Thomas B. Costain's series on the Plantagenets - a tad bit outdated in some respects, perhaps, but still very easy intelligent reading.

The Plantagenets series (also known as The Pageant of England)

* The Conquerors (1949) William the Conqueror to Bad King John
* The Magnificent Century (1951) mostly Henry III
* The Three Edwards (1958) What it says
* The Last Plantagenets (1962) Richard II, Lancaster, York and the Wars of the Roses (Costain was pro-Richard III by the way)

Showing 61-90 of 374 posts

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