Indian Girl 1662

Started by Justin Durand on Tuesday, July 25, 2017
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11 kits claiming from the Harrison line and ANderson lines claiming descent from Cockocoeske via Jane and Susana match in their cousin-ness specifically on chromosome 16 as to the Davis Hoosiers DD Dillard, Hughes, Davis out of the Chowan Co NA indentures match on chromosome 16 , as do the 6 kits of Lovey Harris Basse Nansemond NA x on the same chromosome and in a unit cohesion with their Saponi cousins of Anderson Co,.who are also matching on chromosome 16.

11 kits claiming from the Harrison line and ANderson lines claiming descent from Cockocoeske via Jane and Susana match in their cousin-ness specifically on chromosome 16 as to the Davis Hoosiers DD Dillard, Hughes, Davis out of the Chowan Co NA indentures match on chromosome 16 , as do the 6 kits of Lovey Harris Basse Nansemond NA x on the same chromosome and in a unit cohesion with their Saponi cousins of Anderson Co,.who are also matching on chromosome 16. THat distant relatives don't always share genetic material is why testing is done in big groups with chromosome browser readings that triangulate. It is only possible to date segments at all unless you are using LFR - Long Fragment Reads.

Getting closer to clarity.

I'd be interested in something like this:

A group of 11 people claiming descent from Cockocoeske. X number of people in the group share a N cM segment on Chr 16. The closest relationship within the matches is Yth cousins, and the most distant is Zth cousins.

See how much information that conveys in a brief description? It gives us all a way to visualize the evidence.

That's already in place with the Anderson Co cousins to the Rice Hooe /Tabitha Harrison Cousins per DNA Detectives. That info on the Harrison/Anderson cousins, Mary King of King Connect NA has the screenshots; she's a part of this discussion. Mary, are you there ?

King Connect NA

Anderson Co Siouan Cousin segments to Tabiltha Harrison/Mrs Rice Hooe IV cousins - will post those segments into Tabithat's Sources; Bogue Chitto Old Cheraw.

While we're waiting I'll tag Tabitha Courts to this discussion since you believe she's the common ancestor.

Put the segment, the additional participants to the earlier triangulated results, etc, etc. and the reason I put it on Tabitha's is due to the common Harrisons; not that she is the MRCA; but, everyone who is matching on x16 also has a Harrison in their tree. She's the earliest Harrison that I can find who is a DD of Rice Hooe II.

Tabitha would be the closest cousin to all of the participants.

Ok. I understand. Geni is not designed to track this type of information easily, but it helps to have an overview in the different profiles (as you are doing). And it helps to be sure the profiles are as connected as possible in Geni's World Family Tree, and also linked in the discussions so users can see easily what you are saying.

It might be helpful at this point to create a separate discussion for the DNA data. It seems to be sidetracking the other discussions. For example, I intended this discussion to be about the Indian girl named in the 1662 lawsuit but we've been pulled waaaay off topic.

Copy that.

I somehow found this discussion and am a descendant of Bland and Rice - North and South Carolina who moved down from VA. As a Floyd, I find it even more interesting.

Reese Hughes of 1652 is Rice Hooe I --initial transaction for the services of the Indian girl took place before Hammond returned to England in 1652 with same parties in court ten years later. , and not at How's Court at Shirley's Hundred Acre Plantation, the longest same family owned plantation in America's history, to this day as a Carter family plantation, where Rice Hooe 1 held court prior to having his trade license with the National Archived Trade license of 56 being the reason for Gedcom small segment matching trees lining up Trader Hughes and Nicati as ancestors.

Bland seems to have a case of sour grapes. He and Wood had the only Brit trade licensures with John Floyd of Ft Henry until Hooe 1 got his license in 56.

Bill Deyo sends word: "I wanted to mention that Theodorick Bland might have some significant connections to the Pamunkey Indians. Walter Aston was buried right beside Theodorick Bland at Westover. Walter Aston came to VA with a number of head rights, including his wife, "Warbow" Aston, whom the late Leonard West theorized was one of the companions of Pocahontas who went with her to England. Walter Ashton's daughter married Richard Cocke, who transported a John West and a Thomas Pearson to Virginia. The Pearsons were connected to the Blands in England. Leonard West also believed that the Pearsons were descended from another companion of Pocahontas, as was the Burr Harrison family. Note that, according to the author of the Burr Harrison book, namely John Alcock, stated in a letter to me that he had not realized it before he published his book but that John West of Stafford County had married first Sarah Harrison, sister of Burr Harrison. The patent of four joint patentees (Thomas Harrison, William Harrison, John West, and Thomas Pearson) indicates that they were all relatives. Thomas Harrison was the son of Burr, William Harrison was his cousin, John West married Burr Harrison's sister, Sarah, and Thomas Person was stated in the records to have been a cousin of John West, not his brother-in-law, as many have tried to indicate. Leonard West firmly believed that Burr Harrison's mother, Susannah, was a daughter of one of the companions of Pocahontas, who had married a Pearson in England. That would explain the kinship of the 4 men of the patent and the reason that John West named his son "Pearson West", not because his mother was a Pearson, which cannot be substantiated. Food for thought!"

Makes one ponder why agent for Bland who returned to England has to wait 10 years for a court date and that would mean, the Indian girl wasn't just any Indian girl. It was the person the Floyd's claim as their tie to Powhatan and it is whom the Patawomeck send word is their and the Monocan's history passed to them. (Nicati is how they all want it spelled, passing that along.).

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