Siegbert VI, count of Razès - Not Ermentrude's son in law?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, July 16, 2017
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Go! Go! Go! - Disconnect once you have reason. Thank you!

I found from the relationship calculator ! What a great tool that is.

So now we know the cut points to isolate the faux line?

Sorry for the messed up links above, having browser issues.

I've reconnected the main line of descent for this family. Having that main line will help us find the problems.

Lots of places we need pruning. Lots of breath-taking speculation.Étienne-de-Joinville-lord-of-Vaux/60000... Who has good sourcing is several generations down from the faux joinville parent, so I'm unclear what should be done. I would think disconnect at the graft anyway.

It will be very labor-intensive to go back and re-check sources on each connection. I think we should stick with MedLands.

For example,

We should probably step up the Razès and lock each generation so changes can be channeled through this discussion.

A caution about Racines as a source.

Several people have told me Racines is a school project and should be treated with caution. I don't know if that's true but I keep it in mind. If Racines says something, I look for another source to verify.

>"I think we should stick with MedLands.
>"We should probably step up the Razès and lock each generation so changes can be channeled through this discussion."

Sounds sensible.

Did some basic clean up tonight. The main line is now connected and most profiles have been added to two projects:

Fictional Genealogy
Holy Blood, Holy Grail

There are some spouses and children I still need to look at.

We could, if there is an interest, add other children who are given in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail. I would expect we would need to master and lock them as well.

At some future date, we could augment this tree with the fakes from the books of Michel Lafosse. His fantasy genealogies are much more interesting, and just as popular on the Internet.

Oh my God! It was not my intention create all these lineage conflicts!!!!
I wish I could help now but I am a total ignorant, nevertheless I am reading carefully all your discussion in order to learn from you,

No worries, Virginia. We all do the best we can. This is not just you or any particular user. It's years of pent up problems being resolved in one very wonderful mass action.

Sigebert IV (c. 671 - c. 679) was the son of Dagobert II and a Saxon duchess called Mathildis (also called Mechthilde),[1] and the grandson of Sigebert III of the Merovingian dynasty.[2][3] He is believed to have died either just before or after his father and other members of the royal family, who were killed on the orders of Ebroin, the Frankish Mayor of the Palace of Neustria.[4]
In the 10th-century biography of Saint Arbogast, Vita Sancti Argobasti,[5] Sigebert is mentioned but not named as having died during a hunting accident and later miraculously raised from the dead by Arbogast, Bishop of Strasbourg and close friend of Dagobert II.[6]

Priory of Sion[edit]
According to the pseudohistorical Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau and related documents, Sigebert IV, on the assassination of his father Dagobert II, was rescued by his sister and smuggled to the domain of his mother the (otherwise unknown) Visigoth princess, Giselle de Razès in Rennes-le-Château. He is said to have arrived in the Languedoc in 681 and, at some point, adopted or inherited his uncle's titles, duke of Razès and count of Rhedae. He is also said to have adopted the surname, or nickname, of “Plant-Ard” (subsequently Plantard) from the French appellation ‘rejeton ardent’ ‘ardently flowering shoot’ of the Merovingian vine. Under this name, and under the titles acquired from his uncle, he is said to have perpetuated his lineage.[7]
Journalists and scholars who have debunked the Priory of Sion hoax argue that Pierre Plantard created the Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau and the fictitious biography of Sigebert IV to support his false claim that he was a descendant of the extinct Merovingian dynasty through this figure.[8] In 1990, Plantard revised himself by claiming he was only descended from a cadet branch of the line of Dagobert II, while arguing that the direct descendant was really Otto von Habsburg,[9] who, according to Plantard, was descended from Sigebert I (the son of Bera II and the grandson of Wamba), who married Magdala, the granddaughter of Dagobert II.[10][11]

Why is "Sigebert III" the step father of Dagobert II when he is "Dagobert II" own father ... If this is all your idea of "cleaning up" you people need to do a better job of things . The tree is split so many times now because of all your so called cleaning up it not even funny.

And PLEASE stop using other trees you find on the internet as your proof .. Did it ever occur to you that they're wrong? I have seen many curators do this. PLEASE STOP! And while you're at it, fix the tree so "Sigebert III" IS NOT the wife of "Mathildis" that's so wrong. and has split the tree once again.

Jitske, we are conforming this tree to the information presented on MedLands, which is a reputable, though not always completely reliable source.

If you have academic references that contradict MedLands please bring them up for discussion.

If you find the Geni differs from MedLands please bring up the problem for discussion (and provide links so we can see what you're saying).

Please do not rely on Wikipedia as your main source. It can be a clue to other information. Nothing more.

From your Wikipedia post, Jitske: "Journalists and scholars who have debunked the Priory of Sion hoax argue that Pierre Plantard created the Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau and the fictitious biography of Sigebert IV to support his false claim that he was a descendant of the extinct Merovingian dynasty through this figure."

On your Sigebert III, King of Austrasia step parentage point - which I can't see anymore, so I presume you have changed it - (thank you) - that is a typical result of a half completed merge-in on the tree. This is exactly why we urge people NOT to merge into the Medieval tree - it results in exponentially increasing conflicts that ripple across the tree. See:

On your Mathildis husband point - that is also a result of a conflict from a merge.

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