Niketti Totopotomoi - "The Cabell's and Their Kin"

Started by Private User on Tuesday, July 11, 2017
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It appears that is the 1912 book date of the 3rd generation finding of the petition, not that the Petition was also found in 1912.
The Petition was found by the 3rd generation in Jamestown and lost by later generations. About what Bill Deyo had said is this article explaining much about the sacred oral history of the Powhatans. Sacred oral history has Ka Okee mentioned in this article. gives the heartbreaking oral history of Pocahontas and how to spell her dad's name: Paramount Chief of the Powhatan Chiefdom, Wahunsenaca instead of Wahunsonocock. The Patawomeck Historian went on record last summer as not knowing anything about Nicketti, in an uploaded email from his in a discussion on Geni reposted by permission and is found by a google search. But, the non-tribal natives also have a history that does include Nickettii and that has meshed with the Wind Clan of the Creek nation from the 3rd generation daughter of Nicketti and that is another plus for ethnicity and a huge plus in the Wind Clan link to Pocahontas' brother who was Wind Clan, which is very important because clan names are like sir names passed down. Opecankeno is the spelling used in the court petition presented twice and he still had time to be the father of Nicketti as late as 1641 when the petition mentions him. I

Here’s a link to that mail

Have you considered the possibility that there are missing generations between a Nicketti of Cleopatra and a Nicketti, wife of Trader Hughes?

Leave aside fathers for the moment in constructing a chronology. Theorize that there was more than one Nicketti in early days as well as later days.

We have firm dates for Pocahontas (c 1596 to 1617).

She was supposedly the “youngest” daughter. (Pamunkey & Mattaponi tribal historians could verify; the British chronicler Strachey defined her as the youngest in his accounts).

So sisters to her would be born before 1595, and having their children starting 15 or so years later. Gives you an “early” date in a range of born say 1610, a latest date of born say 1635 (mother’s age 40).

Would it be possible to focus on the years between say 1580 and 1640, and then again “around” 1720 when Trader Hughes is reported to have had a trading post in Amherst County ?

Agree, the dates for Trader Hughes post are a range also, based on archeological evidence and what’s left of historical records. However it’s what we have to work with; he is noted as living, say 1720, with his wife Nicketti.

Which is a long way from say 1615 birth.

If we aren’t willing to consider options for the gaps in the chronology we just go
Round and round with your anger, Jason.

Plecker Form, ethnicity proof; settled ethnicity.

Oral History Proof From Gen 1 - Gen 3:

2nd and 3rd Generation Dysart Story of Nicketii's grandson's sister gave thie earliest history along with his sister, and grandmas name. which followed Floyd's grandpa'Burk cousins' story which later matched 7yr after he died, upon comparison at Gen 6 and 7.
of never-before- met Cabell and Kin author cousins who two oral histories that later matched up by stranger cousin and neither group of cousins ever exchanged the story; but, has been used as VA history.

By 1843, the never-before-used Hughes name was put into use by known Free People of Color per the Plecker Report; a non traceable name for this line previous to the use of it by sir name by Trader "Hughes", passed on to Mary Hughes, the mom of Robert Davis, and this was known to his sister who married a Burk who became the Cabell and whose story matched his wife's story and that was passed to the Davis - Floyds to follow. . This oral history of Cabell, Davis, and Hughes also matched the Floyd -Davis' oral tradition and the Burke Davis History which was confirmed by the author of the Cabell and Kin book. which all of the above had the oral tradition that Nicketti "Hughes" was from a sister (later known to be Cleopatra mentioned in a petition found by the 3rd generation Floyd) with ties to Opecanconough and the petition to see Cleopatra by her Bolling nephew is what,proved their story that there was a sister who proved who Nicketti "Hughes" grandma was. This was the only story that never was exchanged between stranger cousins and then later the story by Brown came to all as the same oral tradition amongst all the cousins.

Mr. Brown came to the Floyd-Davis family to inquire about the Nicketti oral history and returned to log in the history 7 years after Gov Floyd passed.

John Floyds' mom (A FPOC per the legal status flowing from the mother to the child per the Plecker report) had the same oral history of Nicketti being born in the first part of the 1600's century. This was a first hand accounting about Nicketi from Nickett's daughter she was her 10 yr old granddaughter. of Nicketi passed down daughter.

G. J. Floyd of the Floyd Family Association -- paraphrased and summaried: John Floyd's son passed the name NIK Et TIE (pronounced Nic uh TIE) and was the same as his dad's mom's oral history; but, it was his wife that passed it down or daughter, 7 years after he died. The petition found by Gen 3, p. 14 of the Cabell book is the proof to the oral history from Gen 1 to Gen 3 and carried on to Gen 7.

Bellinda Gail Myrick-Barnett Would you consider organizing this into a timeline ? It would be needed to match profiles.

Also, the petition of 1640 says nothing about the family relationships other than Cleopatra was Thomas Rolfe’s aunt.

Erica, the post right above your last post is the Floyd Family Asso. Timeline of their Oral History which they say verifies their history in that their first 3 generations had the story that the Petition later validated the fact that Pocahontas had a sister, which they had passed as oral tradition as being the mom of Nic A Tie / Nicati is how they pronounce it and spell it. Since that is the summary of their Asso, I must now rest my posting as that is their sacred oral tradition.

So it’s not possible to hang dates to the events described?

The petition has a date, it is 1640. Pocahontas has dates, 1596 - 1617.

Certainly dates can and probably should be in a range; that range can be made.

If anyone is willing to do it.

I took my best shot at it a year or more ago, and nothing that’s been said since offers an alternate.

For some reason there’s a thought that veracity is being questioned. It is not. Human timeline that can be described in a collaborative tree is.

The Time Line of the Floyd Family Association is:

G. J. Floyd of the Floyd Family Association -- paraphrased and summaried: John Floyd's son passed the name Nicati - -NIK Et TIE (pronounced Nic uh TIE); the same as John Floyd (known as FPOC per Plecker Form) dad's mother's oral history; which was passed down by John Floyd's wife or daughter 7 years after John Floyd died. The petition found by Gen 3, p. 14 of the Cabell book is the proof to the oral history from Gen 1 to Gen 3 and carried on to Gen 7.

Passing on the Floyd Association comment that two separate family lines formerly not known to each other til Gen 5 confirmed the same oral history.

Will of Samuel Burk names wife Mary. It does not say she was daughter of Niketti.

Replicated Study on Kings Connect NA of fb Results from yesterday. 2017 Results - - 53 from Summer of 2017 Harrison cousins who claim Nic a Tie through their segmentation triangulations posted their finding on GENI in a discussion post. 2018 Summer - 4 of those claimants just repeated their findings and added some new kits to the circle and got the same results. Adding to project on Geni to continue with the circle matches as that circle grows.

Decendants of Samual Burk who claim Nicketti - provided that will.

Where do I put my dna kit# for the Niketti project? I descend from Mary Davis Burks daughter of Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of Niketti. My Gedmatch # is A715783.

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