Col. John West of West Point, Virginia - @Colonel John West II

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 2, 2017
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> Have found that "Shawnee Heritage" is not necessarily reliable

That's my experience as well. It seems to be a lot like Wikipedia. Good for finding what people have been saying, but only reliable to the extent it gives sources. And then don't be surprised if the sources are not exhaustive.

Just a tiny detail I thought of interest.

This is Thomas Mathew's narrative of Bacon's Rebellion, events in 1676-1677 but published in 1703. Wonderful lively writing.

The editor, in this 1915 compilation, has useful notes, including:

"she had a son, John West, from whom came the name of the locality, West Point."

Is he saying West Point VA is named for "Indian" John West & not for Col. john West?

If not already done so, I will add that last point on Indian John West's profile. TY

I also just uploaded an article I've seen before

The source looks fairly credible, and there are maps.

Justin, Erica, Tom, et al, this is a fascinating if still-obscure-to-me discussion revealing of the challenges of genealogical research. I've been toodling along solo in amateur investigations of various trees in my father's line that all go back to the 1600s here in the "New World." Geni has suggested I am in Col. John West of West Point's line via his daughter Ann (who married Henry Fox, Justice of King William County).

Is there anything in these discussions that would impact that connection?

Robin, the connection of Ann West Fox to father Col John West seems secure.

Thank you kindly for your response, Justin!

An interesting perspective. A friend of mine used to say you're not related to anyone who isn't descended from your great grandparents. His idea was that this is the real limit of family memory and reliable tradition.

I disagreed with him but I always thought it was an interesting perspective. I never considered the DNA or Biblical angles until now.

Very interesting to read this entire discussion. But gets confusing when it looks like some posts have been deleted where others are responding. Have learned a lot. Thanks.

Justin “made me” read the contemporaneous references, that was very interesting indeed.

To G.J. Floyd: Where in the Bible does the Bible read were only blood kin for 5 generations? When Adam and Eve sinned in the "Garden Eden" by disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit from the "tree of knowledge", we all on planet earth from from our first human parents, Adam and Eve inherited their sin. So we it is evident that we are all kin because of that inherited sin. But there is no blood test, be it DNA or any other test that will pick up a marker for "sin," which we all have inherited back to over 120 plus generations.God’s Word says: “Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” (Romans 5:12) So our kinship has not been erased.

Geni is not the place to debate religion. We sometimes have to touch on the subject of religious documents but we should be respectful, as well as mindful that theological beliefs are only evidence to the people who share those beliefs.

The Bible says, "The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation." (Numbers 14:18, New International Version)

That's an interesting point in a discussion about the limits of family, but debating whether or not it's true is not something that belongs on Geni.

Justin, you never cease to amaze me. You have the patience of Job (sorry for the biblical reference, LOL) and a vast amount of knowledge across the board. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Private User, thanks for the kind words.

I paid attention in Sunday School when I was growing up ;)

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