St. Bernard of Clairvaux - the Relation Path (to Me)

Started by Brenda Cote on Friday, May 12, 2017
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5/12/2017 at 7:36 AM

I Wish would Recognize My Family tree I Put up on If They Did then Id be Closer Related thru my Fontaine Line It Connects to my Cote Line as My Grand Mother Married I Guess it only recognizes your Parents Surnames 9Cote & Blake) Fontaine would be 1 Generation before My Parents on my Paternal Side Marie Jeanne Eugenie Fontaine born Nov 1909 in Asbestos Canada is My Paternal Grandmother .....I Read Somewhere that Saint Bernards Mother was a Fontaine Female ...I Cant Link it thru Cote'...TY I Appreciate Al of Your Help/Assistance

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5/12/2017 at 7:59 AM

Looks like you're linked to the Big Tree - I can see how we are 21st cousins twice removed.

As for St. Bernard, here's what we know about his family:

"Bernard's parents were Tescelin de Fontaine, lord of Fontaine-lès-Dijon, and Alèthe de Montbard, both members of the highest nobility of Burgundy. Bernard was the third of seven children, six of whom were sons."

Proving a line from the 12th century to the 21st is difficult and happens very rarely, and in this case one would need to work with French records extensively - not a trivial proposition.

6/18/2017 at 7:46 AM

I Think We May Be Related Closer than 21st Cousins I See Used my Mothers Side of my Family to get to this path but in Fact my Paternal Family (both Sides) Came from France ...Surnames Are (Jean 1634/5 Canada Immigrant) - Cote' , (Anne) Martin Married Nov 17 1634/5 Canada My Paternal Grand Mother Marie Jeanne Eugenie Fontaine born 11 /1909 in Asbestos Canada (Etienne Fontaine born 1659 -Immigrant 1683 St Jean I.O Canada from Ile D'Yeu, 100 miles off shore in the Bay of Biscay) Fontaine & Marie Conille She was born Sept 27,1665 5 in Larochelle France They Married on Married Feb 8 , 1683 St Jean I.O. Canada..Thank You Much for your Feed Back

6/18/2017 at 7:50 AM Has since done the Path from My Cote /Fontaine Side to St Bernard & he is my 27th Great Uncle ...My Grand Mother Maiden Name Fontaine

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