Geni consistency & plausibility checker

Started by Private User on Saturday, April 29, 2017
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Thanks, I'll extend the twin exclusion to 48hrs to cover two days.


Thanks for posting a bug report.

Please can we have a way of acknowledging to the "More than 22 year age difference between partners" alert, that it is, in fact, correctly logged, so that the consistency alert goes away?
Many powerful men are able to marry women young enough to be their daughters, and there is no way to get the consistency checker to resolve itself.

I just ignore most of those along with born after death of father. I jut did a small family where the wife found out she was pregnant in the morning and the husband was killed that afternoon.

Sharon, - 22 years is just the default value for that test. You can change it to whatever you want. Personally I have found errors in the tree thanks to this test.

Can I change it, Bjorn? That would be great - I didn't know I could customize it. How do I do that?

You have a configuration link at the top with three tabs where the second one is for consistency check.

Thanks Bjorn, I'm obviously not looking very well. At the top of what is the Configuration link?

Sharon Doubell, if you click SmartCopy in this discussion thread it should automatically open the configuration, but the button to open it is directly below the blue [ i ] and orange [ ? ] icons.

Sorry, I'm really not following this at all. I don't use Smart Copy if that's a useful piece of info. (And I'm not wanting to).

RE "If you click SmartCopy in this discussion thread..." the link in your opening post takes me to an example.

The little blue arrow link on the left of the Consistency check bar that runs along the tops of profiles takes me to the Smart Copy project. I don't want use Smart Copy - I just want to make the 22yrs age difference alert go away.

If you have a consistency check, then you're using SmartCopy. You're probably just not using it for copying profile data. You should have that arrow icon in your menu bar. If you click it, you can change the configuration of the consistency checker.

That arrow icon links to - the geni project.

Sharon Doubell, not the in-page icon where you're seeing consistency checker text. Look in your browser bar. See the Example picture on the project page that shows where you might see it. If you don't see any extension icons, click the three dots. You have the extension installed, you're just not seeing it in your menu bar since you probably don't ever click it. Chrome hides extensions if you don't use them much.

You must be close: do you not see "Configuration"? Posting a screenshot on facebook may be easier.

Yes, Jeff probably is right. Click on the three dots on the far end of the address bar.

But you should totally try out SmartCopy after you watched that video.

Oh I see it!!!
Thank you guys for bearing with me. You are the best! I've changed it.

I love Smart copy consistency and plausibility checker, especially the fix case option. Can I make a request? I have a large number of profiles where for some reason (I think there was a change at some time in Geni that caused this) the place name is duplicated. i.e. to fix it manually I have to go to edit profile then edit place and delete the top line of the place. It would make life easy if this could be similar to fix case!

Private User, I love this feature (and all of Smart Copy), but one thing that annoys me and I wonder if I can fix is the capitalization check--do you have an exception for "de" and "van/von", etc.? I don't want someone going in and changing all the medieval French "de Whatevers" to De Whatevers.

Terry Jackson (Switzer), if the profiles are contiguous (or not too separated), I can help with that. Just give me an example. If it requires google location lookup, I'll leave it to Jeff.

Pam, the fix case only flags if all letters in in UPPER or lower case. If there is any mixed case, such as "de Whatever", it will not flag. No if it is "de whatever", I believe it should adjust based on the option under copy preferences "Force compound lastname to lowercase".

Terry, as Liu mentioned, it would be great if we could get an example.

Thanks, Jeff. Also, Private User, what's the possibility of getting it to flag profiles that have birth or death locations listed in countries that did not exist at the time? I am constantly removing "United States" or "United Kingdom" from profiles, for example. I realize that Geni's automatic location filler creates many of those problems, but I know they irk many of us.

Private User, thanks. I seem to notice it mostly in my family from Farnham Surrey.... not sure if that's because it is contigious or just that's where I've noticed it.
Esau Parratt
Richard Wilkinson
James Wilkinson

These examples are quite close but there are profiles where the place names seem fine in between.
It would be great if between you and Private User could come up with something. Thanks.


We’re trending Colonial America filled in, some are going further and defining British North America etc. I field lock Master Profiles to that value.

Yao had thought about a global replace script, but certainly putting it in SmartCopy for before July 4, 1776 might be feasible?

(Also there might be some pushback from people who want to map the current location. My answer would be use the burial field, even if Cemetery etc is unknown. So keep that in mind.)

Pam Wilson:

Unfortunately, the (initial) location lookup happens in a context which knows nothing about any associated date, so preventing the usage of the "modern" location during the "initial loading" for SmartCopy is not particularly feasible.

Adding the ability of the consistency/plausibility checker to 'propose a fix' for locations would be feasible, but it would be a significant coding effort in that one would have to build some sort of database of date-ranges during which country names were accurate, some sort of geographic location to decide on the "date-based name" which might be correct (consider, for example, the Alsace-Lorraine region ... multiple countries involved, depending on the time period). And then the various rules for proposing changes to the detail location fields.

Not quite as simple as coding "Colonial America" for pre-4-Jul-1776 dates, or moving the "state" into the "country" field for pre-Unitied Kingdom dates.

Erica Howton
I guess that explains why i started seeing British North America popping up on profiles close to New Amsterdam.
I will stop wasting my time sending messages to users explaining that it is an inaccurate revisionist invention and just try to ignore it instead.
Of course prior to 1664 i will continue to delete any references to XYZ county or USA

And field lock if MP to prevent reversion

Alex - that’s why I field lock; and also use Colonial America in case I don’t remember the 1664 Colony handover date.

New Netherland and New Sweden were small enough and most MPs are in their respective project. Maybe there could be a project based global replace effort with a script by Yao?

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