Geni consistency & plausibility checker

Started by Private User on Saturday, April 29, 2017
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Thanks Will, there is a bug for the Country check. In this case, the country field is empty. The location is instead specified in the place field. So it's still a good warning as they're not in the proper fields, but I had added an exclusion for when a place is specified (as this is somewhat common). However, I incorrectly defined the field as "place" when it's actually "place_name".


The built-in Geni location lookup (which uses the Google location services) will quickly expand those locations into the detail fields by, for example, typing a 'comma' after the location to 'activate' the lookup. Then select the proper location (if more than one is presented) to get the detailed fields filled in (expand the location details, if not already visible).

Private User thanks for the clarification.

Dan Cornett I use a similar technique - in those fields that contain the county, just nestling my mouse on the last character of the country and one backspace usually prompts a dropdown offering the correct result (in the case of the Usa, with the 2 letter state abbreviation.

However, this process is very time consuming and, having spent several hours yesterday and today I think I'll not use it anymore until it is de-bugged.

As one can see from the following profile, the sheer number of hits is somewhat demoralising :>)

I pushed out version 4.2.5, which will ignore the country check if there is something in the place_name field.

The real value of expanding the location detail fields will come when attempting to look at family groups & migration patterns ... as can be done (albeit somewhat crudely) using tools such as the Ancestor/Descendant Graph (another of Jeff's fine tools for Geni!).

Jeff: can that 'lazy country check' be a config option? The 'country check' is already a config option, but I would like to know when the detail field is not explicitly filled in.

I just noticed a problem. We adopted my step-daughter's youngest. With your help our tree reflects that. The email reminder goes out as my wife's grandson instead of our son. (BTW, step-parents can be grandparents too).

Mike Stangel - Perhaps you could, when you have time to check into it, clarify how relationships are 'reported' in notifications, particularly when there are adoptive/foster relationships -- and if there is a way to indicate a preference. (akin to the display preference in Tree View for multiple parents)

David Lee Baker - I suspect that almost all non-interactive "reporting" or "tracing" of relationships follows the 'blood-line' over other possible types of relationships. That is, of course, important for DNA comparisons and inheritance-based health-related questions.

Private User - I would find it helpful to have the "suffix test & fix" be a separate "configuration" option. In the "royal lines" (particularly pre-1400 or so) the "number suffix" is often not put into the suffix field ... and it'd be nice to eliminate those "checks" when amongst those branches without eliminating all the other "name" checking.

Just wanting to say thank you Jeff - your hard work is appreciated! I am not at all technical and don't know if this is the right place to ask for it - but what about putting a feature in, so it could pick up a duplicate profile - immediately after it has been entered - and then merge it here and then - so we don't have to merge profiles manually afterwards! The program must do it for us! I am now so scared to merge - after quite a few flops I made! Poor curators that had to fix that!

That would be a nice thing to have, Wilma!

Unfortunately, SmartCopy doesn't have any way to tell if there will be a "duplicate" show up from among the 100+million other profiles on Geni -- until after the profile is created. One just has to be diligent about checking the "family" surrounding a profile before deciding they may indeed be duplicates -- or not.

You may have noticed the small "magnifying glass" next to the Parents section of SmartCopy; that is a way to perhaps a little more conveniently search for the parents on Geni before creating a new set of parents for the current "focus" profile.

Of course, if you haven't seen it yet, if there is a existing Geni "Tree Match" (e.g. the Blue square) for the current focus profile, SmartCopy *will* tell you that with a reminder to check it out before creating more new profile (you can then come back to SmartCopy to check if any fields need updating or profiles added after dealing with any possible duplicates).

Hi dear Dan - well thanks so much ! I did not know about this! Much appreciated! So we learn - as we go!

I don't know in which topic i can write it, but Who can merge it? I think it's same profiles

Macharius Verstraete
Macharius Verstraete

Private User
Please make those requests here

Macharius Verstraete


Apologies if this has been asked before and/or resolved before.

Within the Consistency and Plausibility Checker, is there a mechanism to suppress the repeated warnings if, indeed, the condition reported is actually true?

Examples: Marriages between paternal cousins where the wife's birth surname is the same as the husband's,

Daisy Arleavy (Leavy) Starnes (Starnes)

And, marriages where one spouse's age exceeds that of the other spouse by 22+ years, etc.

Thank you.

Good idea.

Some conditions for the consistency check are controlled by the user; for example, age differential. Click on "Configuration" (top right of smart copy screen) and then choose the tab "consistency checks".

I would add or "slightly" change from suppress to approve or accept the criteria.

I don't have smart copy.

Sharon Doubell, SmartCopy is the source of the consistency check. You are authorized to use Smartcopy. You would need to download it for the appropriate browser.

I know Jim -) I'm pointing out that I'd have to do that if I wanted to suppress / unapprove? the instances where it's flagging an actual factual condition.
{sorry for short answers; I'm in the middle of setting an exam :-)}

If we did implement something like that, I expect it would be user specific as I don't want to have to query a remote backend database each time to determine if something has been "approved". Something could be stored in your local browser cache that records your ignore, but if you were to change browsers, move to a different machine, or clear the cache, it could reset it.

At the moment, I'm only doing bug fixes on SmartCopy. I still need to add in parsing for the new FindAGrave format.

Hi, i tweak my personal settings in smartcopy depending on when and where i am working.

The warnings on age at marriage or spouse age difference are awesome for finding potential incorrect merges, relationships or data entry errors.

I am glad that it can't currently be marked as accurate by others as i generally find that the petson who made the mistake thinks they are correct so could mark them as accurate when they are not.

Just saying that in history there are many marriages inside of the family, with lots of age difference (Still happening that girls age 4 gets married to man 70 years old, that is just the fact) And paternal ccousins marriages, also brother an sister. Good to check, but that is, and has been the reality.

I would handle the historic facts in overview notes, curator notes, attached documents.

Rather than change settings, just ignore the ones you don't care about. For example, it is always possible for a child to be born after the death of a father. I use it mostly to find data conflicts and capitalization issues.

Would it be possible to do something like fixing the case to lowercase for these when the last name starts with these followed by a space:
van de
van der
van den

and the country is Netherlands.

When copying from other sites these often start with an uppercase letter, but should almost always be wholly in lowercase (exceptions mostly when a family migrated from Belgium to the Netherlands).

If changing the all profiles on a page for the same old value in a field in one go was possible, this would not be needed so much. But I have to change it on almost every profile I copy from MH.

Job Waterreus, take a look at the option "Force compound lastname to lowercase". I believe it applies to the consistency checker as well.

The profile Private User... shows a Consistency Check report pointing out that there is a misplaced suffix in the first name field, If this is processed it replaces the existing - in this case important - content 'Byzantine Emperor'.

Could I suggest that the code is tweaked to append the extracted content to any existing content with a separating comma between the two? Thus, in this case, resulting with 'IV, Byzantine Emperor'.

Here's a link to the revision in question,

Private User...

Whoops! The url was concatenated - the correct profile should be Alexios IV Angelos, Byzantine Emperor



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