Yngvi Odinsson, Tyrkiakonge - Tyrkiakonge?

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Thursday, March 30, 2017
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It seems that Yngvi son of Odin has acquired the suffix "Tyrkiakonge" (king in Turkey).

Given that Snorre doesn't make this claim for him, can we delete it again?

Jeg fant det på denne kilden https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ynglinge%C3%A6tten.
og jeg var litt i tvil om jeg skulle ta det med. Hvis du synes det er best tar vi bort Tyrkerkonge

Vennlig hilsen Ingvild

Yes you can delete it again.

It looks from the Wiki page like the suffix is from Islendingabok, which doesn't have Yngvi as son of Odin - so whether or not there should be an Islendigabok-compatible profile somewhere in the tree, *this* Yngve shouldn't be a Turkish king.

I've deled it. Thanks for the information!

Justin Durand with this profile not connected to anyone other than a NN spouse I am not seeing much point to keeping it

It's waiting for a decision. Either way is fine with me. Re-attach to Odin or merge with Freyr.

Not much point. As curator, I think you should have the honor of deletion, Alex.

Just a caution -- the best way to keep it from coming back (being undeleted) is to merge it.

gone but not forgotten

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