Missing Notables

Started by Randy Stebbing on Wednesday, March 29, 2017
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Use this discussion to list notable people who should have profiles on geni but don't yet.

A useful resource for this would be this shared document called "Human Accomplishment"


It contains a list of 3967 notable people in literature, biology, chemistry, art, philosopy, medicine physics and tehcnology. Of these about 40% of them are included in geni currently. We still need to add the remaining 60% of these profiles and their extended families.

You could help by finding profiles on this list that are already on geni and replying back to this list with a link to the profile. The second way you could help is by creating new profiles for ones on the Human Accomplishment list that don't exist yet on geni and then responding back to this discussion that you are working on that profile. Others can then join in in adding additional family members and connecting the profiles to the big tree.

Happy hunting!


Seeking profiles for these notables in the field of medicine.

Hunter, John born 2/13/1728 and died 10/16/1793 in Scotland
Semmelweiss, Ignaz born 7/1/1818 and died 8/13/1865 in Hungary

Wanting to confirm if this profile Prof. Moritz Pasch might be a match with this mathematicain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moritz_Pasch. The death year matches the profile on geni but the birthdates differ. The geni profile was created by Randy Schoenberg

Wanting to confirm if anything is known of the family of Thomas Harriot ? This matematician has a profile on geni created by https://www.geni.com/people/Justin-Swanström/6000000007278581048 but currently has no family connected to him

Justin Durand,

See the post directly above this one for the request by Randy Stebbing.

Wanting to confirm if this profile of Ewald Jürgen von Kleist is the same person as the German physicist mentioned on wikipeidia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewald_Georg_von_Kleist

I wasn't able to find anything about Harriott's family.

I've loacted Nobel prize winner in Physics Charles Barkla, Nobel Prize in Physics 1917 in the 1891 Cenus in Lancashire, England. The info from this census will add 2 more brothers onto his family.

Here is a link to the census image: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-909-57747-72336-21?cc=1865747

Also the 1911 census entry for his wife Mary Esther Barkla looks like it could add an aproximate birth year for her as well as a birth location and the names of one of their sons.

It's surprising what, and who, Geni leaves off until someone with "inside knowledge" comes along and adds them. A few years back, somebody had put in the Chetwynds (or at least some of them) and noted that a daughter Philippa had married "somebody named Mallory", but did not pursue the matter further.

Then I came along - one of a small number of Arthuriana nuts on this site. And I checked, and sure enough, that was the Philippa Chetwynd who married John Malory, MP, of Newbold Revel, and their son was the notorious Sir Thomas Malory (probable author of the Morte d'Arthur).

I'm still surprised that Justin Swanstrom didn't beat me to it. ;-)

I randomly picked one of the names for a geologist off of the spreadsheet https://goo.gl/xgf32r. His name was Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin and born in 1843 in Illionois. Thomas Chamberlin

He's interesting in that in 1899 he proposed the possibility that changes in climate could result from changes in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. I was able to find him in 7 census records, add a son, and add additional info on his siblings and spouses families. He's now a master profile and I'm sure there is much more research that can be done on his family history. He is connected to the big tree.

Justin Durand

Thanks for replying. It looks like Thomas Harriot is the subject of a biography by John W. Shirley published in 1983. ISBN 0-19-822901

Perhaps a geni user has a copy of the book and can see if it contains any family information.

I'd still like to know how Benjamin Russell Hanby (of "Up On The House-Top" fame) descends from Richard Hanby, of Northampton. I'm quite sure he does, and it's probably through Richard's peripatetic son William I Hanby. But I haven't been able to trace Benjamin R's line any farther back than his grandfather.

On Thomas Harriot see http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Harriot.html

His parents appear to be unknown.

I'm just finishing up work on Edwin H. Armstrong the inventor of FM radio. At the bottom of his "about" section are links to the nine primary source documents I used to consturct the info. I also found and added a lot of info on his wife Marion MacInnis Armstrong and her family. She fought in court to restore Edwin's repuation and recognize his accomplishments after his suicide.


Smithson Tennant Chemistry
Nehemiah Grew Biology
Empedocles Biology

Thanks Jason--I've updated the spreadsheet (https://goo.gl/xgf32r) to reflect your updates to Tennant, Grew and Empedocles.

I've done new searches for each of the 160 people recognized as notables in the list in the "medicine" tab of the spreadsheet (https://goo.gl/xgf32r)

91 out of 160 on the list have geni profiles and 5 out of the 91, while they have profiles on geni, are not Master Profiles.

All geni users are invited to help find or add these notables to geni. No matter what your experiance level you can help.

Yes, this is Prof. Moritz Pasch

Thanks Randy Schoenberg , I've added Pasch and Levi-Civta as being completed. I see that composer Paul Hindemith is also an MP and have marked him as being completed on (https://goo.gl/xgf32r)

Looks like composer Dmitri (Mitya) Shostakovich has been deleted and will need to be re-added to geni. If someone adds him and his family back in please respond back to this discussion to let us know that his profile is back.

Does he really have my grandfather as National Origin -- Hungary? He was born in Vienna in 1874. After 1919 he had Czechoslovak citizenship because of anti-Semitic/racist provisions in the Treaty of St. Germain. His father was born in Szecseny, Hungary, but had Heimatrecht in Pressburg/Bratislava, Slovakia. His mother was born in Prague. I would say "Austrian."

Randy Stebbing did you want to add Ford Madox Ford to the spreadsheet? There are other "notables" attached to his family also.

Thanks Private User --Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis has been updated.
Thanks Erica Howton --Ford Madox Ford has been updated.

Yes Randy Schoenberg, the author of "Human Acomplishment" lists Arnold Schoenberg with a national origin of "Hungary". I went back to the book to double check that I hadn't transcribed it wrongly but that's what is shown.

Randy Stebbing, I thought I had updated it on the file you shared with me, but they don't appear on this new one. I could add them if you grant me access.

Sherwood Anderson is started, tree needs more work, and also genealogical sourcing.


Felix Klein

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

Alfred North Whitehead

Sofya Kovalevskaya

Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之

Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov

(I'm quite surprised that Legendre would rank 3rd, before Archimedes, Gauss, Riemann, Hilbert, Poincare, Grothendieck, etc. My short list of the greatest mathematicians is in the mathematicians project.)

Private User I am now up to date and have updated the 16 Chinese Literature names you sent on 4/4/2017. Thanks to your efforts that category now has 25 profiles on geni.

The six mathematicians you located are also updated on the list (https://goo.gl/xgf32r)

Erica Howton Author Sherwood Anderson is now updated on (https://goo.gl/xgf32r)

Showing 1-30 of 39 posts

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