Mathieu/Mahieu de Savoye - Sources

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, March 28, 2017
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3/28/2017 at 6:18 AM

No primary sources have been added to connect this profile Mahieu de Savoye to Jacques de Savoye and the SA descent line.
Cutting pending sources.

10/20/2017 at 7:29 AM

Dear Sharon,

I am contacting you about this profile: Constantine's Dad...

The parents is as follows:

Mathieu de Savoie (1520-1575) and Lusette Barbieur (>1528-<1600)

Grandparents: Claude de Savoie (1490-...) and Catherine ... (1508-...)

The follws: Michiel de Savoie (1470)

Jacque de Savoye (1450)

Ludovico I (Louis I) de Savoie (1413) and Anne Lusignan (1418)

Amadeus VIII de Savoy (1383) and Mary de Valois Burgandy (1386)

Amadeus VII de Savoy (1360) and Bonne de Berry (1365)

Amadeo de Savoy (1334) and Bonne de Bourbon (1341)

Aimone de Savoy (?) and Violante Paleólogia del Montferrato (?)

Amadeus de Savoy (?) and Miribel "Sibylle" de Bauge-Bresse (?)

Hope this will assist with updating the de Savoye ancestry line!


Hester Margaretha Pienaar
Unknown father of Jacques de Savoye

10/20/2017 at 1:50 PM

Constantine's Dad?

10/22/2017 at 10:55 PM

No Jacque de Savoye's dad.... it seems like the link for some or orther reasons jumepd to the discussion on Constantine's dad even though I responded on the one on Jacque de Savoye's parents

10/23/2017 at 12:22 AM

Mathieu de Savoie (Jacques father), husband of Lusette BARBIEUR see link:;p=mathieu&amp;n=de+savoie

Jeanne van der Zee (Married to Jacque de Savoie) was also known as Jeanne de La Mer
see link:;p=jeanne&amp;n=van+der+...

Who was the mother and father of Julien de Savoye wh was married to Jeanne DUREAU OU DURIEU;p=julien&amp;n=de+savoie

The are the parents of Jacques de Savoye who came to South Africa husband of Christine Madelaine du Pont;p=jacques&amp;n=de+savo...

10/23/2017 at 6:35 AM

That's someone's family tree, but I can't see his sources - am I just not looking carefully enough (possible).

10/23/2017 at 6:38 AM

I have send Henri and e-mail requesting help with the resources already :) I awaits his response

10/23/2017 at 7:12 AM


10/26/2017 at 11:14 PM

Good morning guys!

I have received feedback from Henry and he informed me that his information originates from the French departmental civil-state, the work of other geneanauts and Wikipedia. He unfortunately did not provide any source links for me to check out.

11/14/2017 at 3:40 AM

Michiel de Savoie from this geneanet Henry Dardenne tree was b. ca 1475 died 1505 at chateau de HAM Picardie. This is the place where Jacques de Savoie Comte de Romont also died at 36 years in 1486.
Michiel was probably an illigitimate child. Since Marie de Luxembourg the wife of Jacques in 1484 was born in 1462( and was also his niece by the way ).They had one daughter : Françoise Louise b 1485 + 1511 married to Henri II Comte de Nassau et Vianne b 1483 + 1538

11/14/2017 at 3:42 AM

It is also mentioned that Claude de Savoie married Catherine de Bellevaux

11/14/2017 at 3:53 AM

Mathieu de Savoie was" échevin " in Chievres from 1547 to 1557 near ATH .
Lusette Barbieur was b in ATH in 1558. ATH is in french part of Belgium in Henegauw ( Hainaut) some 50 miles from Lille/France.

Private User
4/25/2018 at 1:37 PM

Mahieu was married first to Marie Ghosselin, by whom he had two daughters, then, having been left a widower, he married Lusette Barbieur, by whom he had two sons: Andre (from whom descends the present de Savoye family, ennobled in Belgium in 1910) and Jacques, husband to Jeanne de Suslamer. It has been stated that the Cape settler Jacques de Savoye was the son of Jacques de Savoye and Jeanne de Suslamer. Certainly a relationship seems possible and it could be that a man born in 1636 might be the grandson of one who held civic office in the 1540s and 1550s, but it seems more likely that there is at least one intervening generation unaccounted for.

The earliest record of the Cape settler traced is of the marriage at St Julien d'Ath on 4 July 1657 of 'Jacobus Savoye' and 'Christina Du Pont' before the witnesses 'Juliano Savoye', 'Benedicto Du Pont' and 'Francisco La Haye'. Also recorded at St Julien d'Ath are the baptisms of the couple's two eldest daughters, Catherine on 29 September 1663 and Jeanne Julienne on 13 July 1665. Precisely when Jacques and his family left Ath is not known, although religion was probably the motivating factor. On 24 March 1662, prior to the baptism of his eldest child at Ath, 'Jacque de Savoy' from ' Hainault' was registered as a burgher at Leiden, with one of his guarantors named as 'Benoit du Pon'.

Source: Huguenot Society of London., 1983


Note: Jeanne de Suslamer was also known as Jeanne de la Mer

Private User
4/25/2018 at 10:16 PM

The unaccounted generation referred to in my previous post has been found namely, Julien de Savoye (x Jeanne Dureau). This closes the gap and solves the puzzle.

I am leaving this in the capable hands of Sharon, the curator of this family. I am at your disposal.



4/26/2018 at 7:17 AM

:-) Private User, the link generation was found a long time ago, but this Huguenot Society entry is useful to connect
Mahieu de Savoye as the father. Thank you.
One day soon, hopefully, we'll get the primary sources that entry was based on, but in the meantime, it's a lot better than nothing.

Private User
12/28/2021 at 11:44 AM

Hi Sharon, any further luck with the tracing of the parents of Mahieu? The tip above from Hester Margaretha Van der Walt does not pan out as the link Jessica Christophe-Dymock posted in another chat does not corroborate this and hers looks like a reliable source.
Search for "JACQUES de Savoie (12 Nov 1450-Château de Ham 30 Jan 1486, bur Saint-Pol)."
He and his wife only had one child which was a girl and not Michiel de Savoie as quoted above.

12/29/2021 at 3:47 AM

Thanks Jacques, I agree with you.

LOUIS de Savoie, son of AMEDEE VIII Duke of Savoy & his wife Marie de Bourgogne [Valois-Capet] (Geneva 24 Feb 1413-Lyon 29 Jan 1465).m (contract 1 Jan 1432, Chambéry 12 Feb 1434) ANNE of Cyprus, daughter of JANUS I King of Cyprus & his wife Charlotte de Bourbon-la Marche (24 Sep [1416]-Geneva 11 Nov 1462).
Duke Louis & his wife had nineteen children:

16. JACQUES de Savoie (12 Nov 1450-Château de Ham 30 Jan 1486, bur Saint-Pol). Comte de Romont et de Vaud. A letter of King Louis XI dated 30 Jun 1475 names “messire Jacques de Saint Pol, le seigneur de Contey, le seigneur de Crisancy, de Myremmont et ce seigneur de Romont” among those involved in a skirmish at Arras, during which “messire Jacques de Saint Pol” was injured in the head, “le seigneur de Contey est prins, le seigneur de Crisancy de Bourbon, ledit Jacques de Saint Pol, Romont, n’est point trouvé encore”[903]. m (1460) as her first husband, his niece, MARIE de Luxembourg, daughter of PIERRE de Luxembourg Comte de Brienne, de Saint-Pol, de Marle et de Soissons & his wife Marguerite de Savoie (-Château de La Fère en Picardie 1 Apr 1546, bur Vendôme Saint-Georges). She succeeded her father 1482 as Ctss de Saint-Pol, de Ligny, de Marle et de Soissons. She married secondly (contract Château de Ham, Somme 8 Sep 1487) François de Bourbon Comte de Vendôme. Jacques & his wife had one child:

a) LOUISE FRANÇOISE de Savoie (before 1486-17 Sep 1511). m (3 Aug 1503) as his first wife, HEINRICH Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg, son of JOHANN V Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg & his wife Elisabeth von Hessen (Siegen 12 Jan 1483-Breda 14 Sep 1538, bur Breda). Heer van Breda 1504. Graf von Vianden. Governor in Holland and Captain General 1511. Stadhouder of Holland, Zeeland and Friesland 1515.

Private User
12/29/2021 at 3:54 AM

No sources found but why bother just add a few xtra and wing it

12/29/2021 at 4:16 AM


Private User
12/29/2021 at 10:37 PM

Is it not about time that all these ancestors of SV/Prog or SM/Prog in South Africa without a valid source be disconnected?
Here I would loose quite a few ancestors but rather that than all these fictitious Ancestors .

12/29/2021 at 11:07 PM

We do it as people request. Start / Continue Discussions from them and call me there.

Private User
12/29/2021 at 11:15 PM

So is Mahieu de Savoye really my 13th grt grandfather or just a guess ?

Private User
12/29/2021 at 11:20 PM

Marguerite de Savoye - both husband and her my 8th grt grandparents.

12/30/2021 at 12:04 AM

The rest of the Discussion is about Mahieu's parents being unknown.

12/30/2021 at 12:13 AM

I'm reluctant to cut Mahieu until we know for sure that the Huguenot Society of London., 1983 had no sources for that entry.

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