Pope Gregory X - Pope Gregory X (Theobaldo Visconti) parents ?

Started by Angus Wood-Salomon on Monday, March 27, 2017
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Showing 61-83 of 83 posts

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 6:00 AM
I think I should revise my Eripandos stated previously... (both married to a Beatrice de Milan...)
I base this revision on "wives", and their marrage dates, previous spouses, etc.
For Otton I (Othone or Ottone) Visconti, husband of Luitgarde (Lucrèce, Lucretia), most converge to say they were married about 1120, and Luitgards's likely birth date is 1095, for Otton I's bith date c1087.
Otton I father is Eriprando c 1050 married to Beatrice de Milan c 1060.
Erirpando c1050 is the son of Bonifacio c1020 with Gisela de Borri de Milan c1020 ESPECIALLY SINCE Bonifacio's mother, Mathide von Schwaben (de Souabe) is reputed to de born in 995 (and hence her son could not have been born earlier, as some indicate)
More sources for Otton I and the paternal tree Otton I c1087 - Eriprando c1050 - Bonifacio c1020 - Obizzo I de Milan c985!
Ok for you?
Obizzo c985 is son of Foulques Autpertus c950, son of Ugo (Hughes) de Milan c920, so all in coherent in that line.

ie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 6:01 AM
The Eriprando c1030 with the wife Beatrice sould be deleted, I believe. Thanks

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 6:04 AM
Source confirming the paternal linage from Otton I - Eriprando - Bonifacio, albeit without many dates : http://fabpedigree.com/s040/f010485.htm

4/9/2017 at 6:10 AM
Source for marriage of Luitgaarde in 1120 with Otton I

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 6:26 AM
Good spotting these - they are NOT the same (but I had to research them!)
(you asked "Are you able to solve this
https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000003122422977?highligh ")

Manfred Béranger de Milan (di Milano) is our man, father of Hughes : http://www.histoireeurope.fr/RechercheLocution.php?Locutions=Manfre...

Berengario II is not at all linked to our tree at this point :
English : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_II_of_Italy
and in my suggested Italian spelling Berengario II d'Ivrea : https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengario_II_d%27Ivrea

In these above links, you have the persons to whom Berengario II blongs.
thanks so much!

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 6:31 AM
This Berengario II should be merged with https://www.geni.com/people/Berengar-II-king-of-Italy/6000000005936...
Berengario was indeed King of Italy.

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 6:59 AM
You said"
"For Otton I (Othone or Ottone) Visconti, husband of Luitgarde (Lucrèce, Lucretia), most converge to say they were married about 1120, and Luitgards's likely birth date is 1095, for Otton I's bith date c1087. "
Ottone I, Visconte di Milano
Luitgarde Stampa

Please check dates

us Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 7:04 AM
You said
Otton I father is Eriprando c 1050 married to Beatrice de Milan c 1060.
Eriprando Visconti
*** You can edit the name (data conflicts) by going to Actions >Resolve Conflicting Data****
Bâeatrice Visconti di Milano


ngus Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 7:09 AM
You said
"Erirpando c1050 is the son of Bonifacio c1020 with Gisela de Borri de Milan c1020 ESPECIALLY SINCE Bonifacio's mother, Mathide von Schwaben (de Souabe) is reputed to de born in 995 (and hence her son could not have been born earlier, as some indicate)
Bonifacio Visconti di Milano
Gisela (Borri) di Milano


**ESPECIALLY SINCE Bonifacio's mother, Mathide von Schwaben (de Souabe) is reputed to de born in 995 (and hence her son could not have been born earlier, as some indicate) **
Mathilde di Milano

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 7:12 AM
You said
"The Eriprando c1030 with the wife Beatrice sould be deleted, I believe. Thanks"

In Geni we do not like deleting but rather we like merging so that the people who originally added profiles will become co-managers

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 7:28 AM
You said
"This Berengario II should be merged with https://www.geni.com/people/Berengar-II-king-of-Italy/6000000005936...
Berengario was indeed King of Italy."


Angus Wood-Salomon
4/9/2017 at 7:29 AM
Do you mind adding in the sources and also any cleaning up that is needed

arie Woodall Patureau
4/9/2017 at 12:47 PM
Thanks for all of this. I'll go through to see about any remaining data conflicts to resolve, if any. Yes, I'll add on the sources.
Once I've done tweaking the profiles and resolving data conflicts, yes, I agree these should be put up as MP to avoid too much messing around.
Thanks once again for all your help!

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/11/2017 at 9:17 PM
Here is path of Gregory X to Charlemagne
Charlemagne is Pope Gregory X's 13th great grandfather!

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/11/2017 at 9:10 PM
"Do you recommend leaving or cutting out the dates we added in while working? I'll go with your recommendations"

Let us remove them now..

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/11/2017 at 5:52 PM
Will do

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/11/2017 at 4:57 PM
Hi all,
I've been continuing my cross-checking and uploading sources for our Visconti line (and spouses).
See my latest request for Anastasia Pirovano in the public discussion on Theobaldo Visconti.
Also, in spouse-checking, I've branched the tree further up, as I'm sure you've noticed (Robert I, King of France, Charlemagne, etc), adding my own sources, and then checking eventual inconsistencies along my direct line.
I may not be very active for the next few weeks (holidays with family here), so Angus, if you'd like to MP and set the profiles I've sourced, you may.
Do you recommend leaving or cutting out the dates we added in while working? I'll go with your recommendations.
Many thanks!

gus Wood-Salomon
4/11/2017 at 9:17 PM
Here is path of Gregory X to Charlemagne
Charlemagne is Pope Gregory X's 13th great grandfather!

arie Woodall Patureau
4/13/2017 at 2:06 AM
For Pope Gregory, his tree is only as strong as any one of its weakest links (of course). That seems to be in the determination of his father, perhaps not known with certainty, but surmised to be Uberto.
I've found this religious reference "Theobald, son of Hubert, a brother of Otho Visconti, Archbishop of Milan and lord of that city, " from here : https://www.saint-mike.org/library/papal_library/gregoryx/biography...
Wikipedia does not, however, state his father's name...https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Gregory_X

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/13/2017 at 11:49 AM
We still have to fix this
Anastasia Visconti

In here https://www.saint-mike.org/library/papal_library/gregoryx/biography...
**It shows Theobald, son of Hubert, a brother of Otho Visconti, Archbishop of Milan and lord of that city, was at of Lyons, archdeacon of Liege, and then became legate in Syria.
This is showing correctly Pope Gregory X brother of arcivescovo Ottone Visconti, signore di Milano

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/13/2017 at 1:19 PM
I suggest we put an N (or Unknown) Pirovano between Andreotus and Oberto, father of Anastasia. Sorry, contrary to what I stated a bit ago, this makes Andreotus her great-grandfather, if I am not mistaken, not her grandfather, too much of a stretch.

Angus Wood-Salomon
4/13/2017 at 2:05 PM
Please check

Marie Woodall Patureau
4/14/2017 at 10:29 AM
I would like to merge these two, as a son of Andreotus please (they are the same, Archbishop of Milan, d1206
cardinal Uberto Pirovano, archbishop of Milan...
At this point in the tree, we need to consider several sources per individual, since estimâtes vary greatly at this point (and no source tree is "exact" or devoid of mistakes)

All of the above posts that I copied and pasted were from Geni messages...

Many thanks to you, Angus, for all your help!

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