Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - What happened to Donald Trump's ancestors?

Started by Yehuda Rubin on Wednesday, March 22, 2017
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead. Public domain. Via
  • From pages 250-251 of the History of the Macleods, which you will find the full text as a PDF in the media section. It indicates Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times. Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times as follows: Wife #1: Anne. Page 250 reads, "Donald married, first, when only 18 years of age, Anne, daughter of Roderick Macleod, XVII. of Macleod, by his wife Isabel, daughter of Kenneth, third Earl of Seaforth, by his wife, also Isabel, sister of George, first Earl of Cromarty." Wife #2: Margaret Macdonald. Page 253 reads" "He married, secondly, Margaret Macdonald, described as "a daughter of John Macdonald Gorm Macdonald of Sleat." They lived together for nineteen years, without issue." Wife #3: Margaret, daughter of Rev. Donald Macloed, III, Of Greshornish. Page 253 reads: "Donald Macleod of Bernera married, thirdly, in the 75th year of his age, Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod, III. of Greshornish, and minister of Duirinish. She was then only sixteen years of age. By this marriage Donald had issue, in his old age—three sons and six daughters.

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Isn't it time we got back to the problem at hand with the lines in our genealogy instead of slinging mud and making this a political arena??

I really don't like that we're having these conversations in multiple places, but:

1) Tamás is a great genealogist, and if there are further questions about his abilities, they need to be addressed with Geni in private. Please file a help ticket if you are truly concerned about his actions. Let's stop targeting him in public discussions and instead get back to discussing genealogy.

2) Oddur F. Helgason's source is a community-edited family tree that, much like Geni, is only as good as the sources on its profiles. And since we have established that the sources necessary to take Mary MacLeod's ancestry further back are unknown or nonexistent, that Icelandic tree cannot be treated as a legitimate source.

Hi Ashley, just a friendly commentary to reply...

#1: Tamás a fine young man, bright and articulate, but a student. There is no critique; however, I am reviewing and questioning his research.

#2: Please do not discredit Oddur F. Helgason, he holds a Master of Neurophysiology and is an acclaimed genealogist in Iceland.

The managing director and principal owner of the ORG genealogy service is Oddur F. Helgason. The ORG Genealogy Service has been working together with many organizations, both public and private, including the University of Iceland, the National Library of Iceland, the Árni Magnússon Institute of Manuscript Studies and the Municipal Archives across Iceland. The ORG Genealogy Service Ltd is an Icelandic organization which specialises in researching and collecting information and sources about the family history of every Icelander, at home or abroad. This includes all those who call or have ever called Iceland their home, their ancestors and their descendants wherever they are in the world. The ORG Genealogy Service has been working together with many organizations, both public and private, including the University of Iceland, the National Library of Iceland, the Árni Magnússon Institute of Manuscript Studies and the Municipal Archives across Iceland. The collaboration reaches across the globe as well, with great friends in the Icelandic branch of the Church of Latter day Saints and Utah in the US

Here is more about Donald J. Trump from the acclaimed Icelandic genealogist Oddur F. Helgason:

I an familiar with Helgason. I also previously read the article you've linked, in which he states his source, which is a collaborative family tree. If Helgason has documents to share, I will gladly add them to the tree. Until then, we are right to question the accuracy of the proposed lines.

This is disappointing, to say the least. Politics should NEVER enter here. IMHO. Following and hopeful...

Neurophysiology is a branch of physiology and neuroscience that is concerned with the study of the functioning of the nervous system. So his Master's degree is as relevant to this subject as if he were a Veterinarian.

Without sources his tree is just a pretty picture.

Odd­ur F. Helga­son has a genea­logy data­ba­se with 778,642 Icelandic people and the conn­ecti­on factor is 93.68%.


Trump, Queen Margrethe's relative appeared
26.1.2017 12:09
Donald Trump, Queen of Denmark II. Margrethe and relatives
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Ünsal Turan / Copenhagen
The new US President Donald Trump, Queen of Denmark II. Turns out he's connected to Margrethe. Oddur F. Helgason, an Icelandic researcher and ancestry expert, wrote that President Trump and Queen Margrethe came from the family of John Stewart of Scotland, Charles III of Lennox and Elisabeth Stewart.
According to the news of the Icelandic media, the Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, the 15th generation of the royal family of Scotland and the 16th generation of the same family, President Trumh. According to the researcher, when four generations go back, it comes from the family of Queen Margrethe and President Trumh's Danish Christian I.

Sebastian OldenJörgensen, Royal Specialist at the University of Copenhagen, said the research result might be correct, saying that all people somehow have blood ties with each other. Sebastian Olden Jörgensen says, araştırıl If we investigate, many famous people have blood connections. It is true that Trumph was a descendant of the Queen, that is, like Queen Margrethe, had a blood connection to King Christian I. The result of the Icelandic lineage researcher is not a coincidence but a fact. ”

According to Oddur F. Helgason, an Icelandic researcher and ancestry tracking expert, when 25 generations go back, President Trumph has blood ties with Icelandic President Guoni Helgason, both of whom are descended from King Haakon of Norway.

You presented his Masters in Neuropsych as support of his authority, I pointed out it is irrelevant.

Further, the Icelandic database only tracks Icelanders. Donald Trump is not an Icelander, none of Donald Trump's ancestors are Icelanders, hence the accuracy of the Icelandic database is irrelevant.

Trump's recent ancestry is where the suspect links are, if you prove Trump's connection to Jamed IV of Scotland then all this sensationalist reporting becomes factual. Until then it is internet click-bait.

Read the text you quote, it's full of ifs and mights and coulds.

The Iceland Monitor tree “breaks” at these two poorly understood profiles:

Isabella Munro

And her possible mother: Hon. Anna Mackay (the possible royalty connection)

But regardless of the exact parentage of these two ladies, there is not a known connection between this landed gentry family and the crofters on the Isle of Lewis.

I believe the mixup / wishful thinking is about this army officer:

Commissary Donald MacLeod, of Whitefield near Thurso

Who is not the same person as Donald MacLeod

Entirely different locations, dates, occupations, and families.

Hope this helps.

In the name of justice, it must be said that if Trump were - lets say, for example - well, someone more liked, I don't think anyone would have started checking intensely these lines. Politics and religion are things that unfortunately also affect here. And there has been cases of "white washing" and rewriting history, so we must be careful with that.

Certainly Trump also has influential ancestors, as does all the living descendants of Europeans in general, it is just mathematics. It is different thing to prove it. And in the end it really does not mean a thing. We are all calculated to be about at least 15th cousins in Europe through multiple connections. More we do genealogy, the more we understand that we are all connected. With the "good" and "bad" guys and all between. Peace :)


#1: Genealogical education. I did compare/contrast the genealogical conclusions of a young student from the UK and an acclaimed Icelandic genealogist who holds a Master of Neurophysiology. My bad! I fully acknowledge; however that there are not typically any formal educational requirements to becoming a genealogist. =)

#2: James IV of Scotland. Thank you for pointing out that the Icelandic genealogists theory hinges upon the relations of pedigree to James IV, king of Scots

#3: Trump indeed may have Icelandic roots, according to the Icelandic Genealogist who says Trump Is related to 'Gottskálk the Cruel'. I haven't found that connection yet but as you know there are many paths and, while a very robust tool, may not be able to find all the connections. I do not have access to the Icelandic genealogists' database.

He wrote "Most Icelanders can trace their ancestry back to Gottskálk “grimmi” (or Gottskálk the cruel), Helgason writes, “and you can look him up to see how you are related to Trump.” Iceland has one of the best genealogy records in the world thanks to Landnámabók that documented the Viking settlement of the island, the Iceland Sagas, and fairly decent record keeping over the ages. Isolation in the North-Atlantic and relatively small population has also helped keep things simple. Icelanders can look up their ancestry in an online genealogical database maintained by deCODE Genetics, a Reykjavik biopharmaceutical company."

Iceland was a part of the Kingdom of Denmark from 1814 to 1918 and a separate kingdom in a personal union with Denmark until 1944, Denmark has very good genealogical records like the Mormons in Utah.

#4: I'm not interested in sensational reporting, however, I was leveraging the opinion of a highly acclaimed genealogist. This is a discussion group and I thought I'd share the article with the group.

That is totally ok to share articles and views of genealogists, always interesting.

What comes to "family search" genealogy page, made by LDS church (mormons), it is full of errors in their trees, mainly because they do not have any kind of curatoring and they use names for babtisms for the dead in their temples, recycling the names and inventing ones if necessary, so even though they have collected and microfilmed huge amount of records, that I am greatful, their genealogy program cannot be trusted.

But anyway I think the article is interesting, so thanks for that. Cousin Oddur is a good genealogist.

From the article linked "[Oddur] Helgason, a former fisherman, is one of Iceland’s most prominent genealogist and president of ORG-genealogist service in Reykjavik."

Your comment "...Oddur F. Helgason, he holds a Master of Neurophysiology and is an acclaimed genealogist in Iceland." Not many professional fishermen go on to study neurophysiology, or did he do his masters then go to sea?

My point anyway is that it doesn't matter what Oddur's credentials are, facts based genealogy is based on facts (hence the name) not reputations so your calling attention to his (alleged) credentials is an attempt to deflect from the lack of any facts in the story.

I'll happily admit, that as Saga points out, Trump is statistically certain to be related to all these European royals in some way (just like every European descendant is) but the path that these articles rely on is unsubstantiated (if not actually disproved).

The article is saying, one old white guy is related to a bunch of dead white guys. That's not interesting, that sensationalist click-bait masquerading as journalism. I feel dirty now that i have read that article twice because of you. Shame.

"What comes to "family search" genealogy page, made by LDS church (mormons), it is full of errors in their trees, mainly because they do not have any kind of curatoring"

Saga, you might enjoy this link:

"ancestors claimed in the LDS FamilySearch Family Tree, with a 60 percent error rate for claimed ancestors born before the year 1700"

Agreed on the accuracy of the trees. However, I must concede they've improved a lot over the last 10 years. There are an increasing number of people over there citing primary sources and journals and clipping unproven garbage than ever before some acting as de facto curators. Still they need real curators and a locking system like GENI has. I mostly go there for their collection of deed, court and probate records. They have a nice library as well.

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