Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - What happened to Donald Trump's ancestors?

Started by Yehuda Rubin on Wednesday, March 22, 2017
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead. Public domain. Via
  • From pages 250-251 of the History of the Macleods, which you will find the full text as a PDF in the media section. It indicates Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times. Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times as follows: Wife #1: Anne. Page 250 reads, "Donald married, first, when only 18 years of age, Anne, daughter of Roderick Macleod, XVII. of Macleod, by his wife Isabel, daughter of Kenneth, third Earl of Seaforth, by his wife, also Isabel, sister of George, first Earl of Cromarty." Wife #2: Margaret Macdonald. Page 253 reads" "He married, secondly, Margaret Macdonald, described as "a daughter of John Macdonald Gorm Macdonald of Sleat." They lived together for nineteen years, without issue." Wife #3: Margaret, daughter of Rev. Donald Macloed, III, Of Greshornish. Page 253 reads: "Donald Macleod of Bernera married, thirdly, in the 75th year of his age, Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod, III. of Greshornish, and minister of Duirinish. She was then only sixteen years of age. By this marriage Donald had issue, in his old age—three sons and six daughters.

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Susan Jennifer Cooper thanks for the info. I appreciate it :) So the culprit was Martin Van Buren. Funny that I'm related to him as well.

Martin Van Buren, 8th President of the USA is your 13th cousin five times removed.

As far as infamous or "notorious" cousins go, I have a few of them as well, LOL.

Folks like Lizzy Bordon (dang it, I can't get that song out of my head now), Billy the kid and Jesse James ( I like both of those actually).

But like my cousin Barbara Jean TWEDT I'm also related to Charlie Manson. Nothing I can do about it but I'm not about to rewrite history just to make myself "feel better".

As cousin Erica "the Disconnectrix" Howton, has explained in great detail, it's just a matter of getting his lineage properly sourced and vetted. Better to make sure all the connections are correct than just take an overly aggressive genealogist's word who possibly jumped to some conclusions.

Cuzzin Ñoño I would of been gone a long time ago 🤐

Yes I will have to agree with you Private User
I never did actually check to see if I'm related to any phychopathic serial killer 🤔
Maybe I should check, Just in case I go on a date, you know.

Some of the guys I talk to want to know how exciting I am. If I could rattle of a few names like Manson, Ted Bundy The Crazy Necrophile, Jack the Ripper, Tsutomu Miyazaki The Human Dracula, since I'm 🇷🇴 Romanian and of course Aileen Carol Wuornos 😁 Tell them they are all my cousins 😃

Maybe it could increase my popularity, because really, who can be more exciting than that!! 😜

I didn't say who it was because I couldn't remember.

I haven't gone around intentionally looking for famious people I am very distantly related to. Mostly I am interested in following direct lines ,all of them, to wherever or whomever they lead to. Some are good, some are bad and some are ugly , as in nature, not looks. So it goes.

Susan Jennifer Cooper: How do you mean, Susan? Are you referring to Islam, Saladin, or John Lackland. If you are referring to Lackland, I agree wholeheartedly. If you're referring to Islam, I only agree if you are thinking in terms of sectarian Muslims like Sunni, Shi'a, etc. If you are referring to Saladin, it only depends on what your role in the wars at that time were. He was a very generous and kind person, also married to a Hindu lady, but tough as nails on uncooperative enemies like the one who returned home with with a cute, little, and fuzzy rodent in his skull. Boo! lol

it is great tht Americans want to be part of the "the American Presidents extended family" yet i have no desire for it. Yes i am descended from King John "Lackland" and King Alfred the great, to mention a few. (King William the conqueror and Saint Margaret of Scotland, are also direct ancestors). I am more interested to find my cousins in England, Like the late Princess Diana, and separate line, Prince Charles. :) :) God bless you all in your quest, and may you conquer. :) :)

Everyone has his or her own reasons for going on the hunt for family members. I started just to see how far I could get and finding connection. I didn't start to find Kings or Queens but I did. It's fun and I really enjoy it.

Yehuda Rubin Currently, I see no path between John Lackland and the president, so I guess it went through one of the disputed Scottish ancestors. Can you check? I don't have a Pro subscription anymore, so I can't.

I don't know hot the rat got in there. If it crawl in on it's own or was put in and ate the person. The book didn't say. Just said when they opened it up that's what was there. Don't know the significant of it ,if any. Just thought it was interesting. I have since forgotten where I read it.

I find wired facts ans stories like this interesting.Maybe bot useful but everything doesn't have to be useful, does it?

Susan Jennifer Cooper
"My God!!, Whoever wants to take my Geni path to Donald Trump, I am giving it away free of charge."

Thanks for the offer, but my vanished blue line will have to get by with this one instead, until it might change again?

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 19th cousin 7 times removed's ex-husband!

Thank goodness I'm only related to him by his marriage to Marla Maples!

Enno Borgsteede It's not a pro feature to track a path between two people, but you were correct. For some reason, Geni found no path. Probably a glitch.

I know, but without Pro, the search feature is quite limited, so I can't search for known persons that might have been in the old path.

Anyway, I bet that the old path linked us through the Scottish ancestors that were removed, since I do remember some McDonald's or similar names in that path, and I can see that the path still works for persons that I'm following.

Who was removed? I'm still related by blood lol 😂 blessing indeed. Deathly honest with no sugar coat must run in the family

Whats goin on with Donald J. Trumps profile. Geni said there was a relative path & that i was related to him & now that someone was removed from his family tree (Dont know who), but now Geni says i am no longer related to him at all. can someone enlighten me on why that is so?

In March 2017 American Ancestors Magazine released a "preliminary official" Presidential Genealogy.

They are, at this time, unable to confirm the parentage of Catherine/Christian MacLeod

Investigation continues by the good folk associated with the NEHGR.

How is he related to Vladimir Putain and Bashar al-Assad? Family disputes are always the most bitter.

Cold-blooded animals such as poisonous snakes don't hold up well in genealogy.

Lolol. I try to add Hillary to the imposters project because of what she did to Haiti, and get a ton of backlash, a ton of poorly argued backlash. If Trump is not your President, America is not your country, and you should probably move to where this website says your ancestors came from. Trump is not related to Putin or Assad, none of them have royal ancestry! My god, even on this website theres a double freakin standard!!! Come on geni customer service! Time to shut it down! Dont be rediculously biased! Seriously though, this is for family tree's and finding distant cousins, not politics, leave your opinion where it belongs! At a protest, where youre protesting a right that hasnt been taken away!! No double standards please!!!

Apparently how many people both inside and outside US sees it could probably be described and summarized with this proverb; in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Among people with a disadvantage or disability, the person with the mildest disadvantage or disability is dominant; even someone with limited talent or ability is considered special by those having no talent or ability.

Which leads my mind to this conclusion:
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Sense, do not criticize others if you have similar weaknesses yourself.


I quite agree that politics should be off this website. But one might be allowed a mild joke now and then. Most of us have ancestors/relations who are not quite what we would want, Donald Trump may end up being a great President, or a useless one. Who knows, except future historians.

But isn't adding Hilary to the imposters project a bit poiltical?


This discussion itself is getting too political, and non-genealogical. I will report my own message to bring attention that this discussion perhaps needs closing.

> Trump is not related to Putin

Because Putin's tree is not ni AllWorld's Tree. All peoples is related.

@That's easy. None of us want to be connected to him.

A young lad in the UK, Tamas Caldwell-Gilbert, has made changes which may affect the presidential pedigree. You may like to review the following discussion:

Donald MacLeod
Donald 'Old Trojan' Macleod

John MacLeod
John Finlay MacLeod

That's a shock, I'm related to Marla Maples via old New England families.

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA is your 8th cousin twice removed's ex-husband.

The young lad from the UK might be incorrect (he's not a genealogist).

Icelandic genealogist Oddur F. Helgason. Iceland Monitor/ Skapti says All Icelanders a “tiny bit” related to Trump. He also writes the followng

"President Trump’s royal ancestry: Denmark and Scotland

Mr. Trump is a descendant of King Christian I of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Trump can also trace his ancestry to the Scottish royalty. Christian I of Denmark was the father of Queen Margaret of Scotland, the spouse of King James IV of Scotland. Their son, King James IV of Scotland is also Mr. Trump’s forefather.

Trump’s royal British ancestors have been reported on earlier, and Trump and his democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, are related through a common ancestor, John of Gaunt, son of King Edward III."

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