Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - What happened to Donald Trump's ancestors?

Started by Yehuda Rubin on Wednesday, March 22, 2017
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead. Public domain. Via
  • From pages 250-251 of the History of the Macleods, which you will find the full text as a PDF in the media section. It indicates Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times. Donald Macleod of Bernera was generally spoken as "The Old Trojan" and he was married three times as follows: Wife #1: Anne. Page 250 reads, "Donald married, first, when only 18 years of age, Anne, daughter of Roderick Macleod, XVII. of Macleod, by his wife Isabel, daughter of Kenneth, third Earl of Seaforth, by his wife, also Isabel, sister of George, first Earl of Cromarty." Wife #2: Margaret Macdonald. Page 253 reads" "He married, secondly, Margaret Macdonald, described as "a daughter of John Macdonald Gorm Macdonald of Sleat." They lived together for nineteen years, without issue." Wife #3: Margaret, daughter of Rev. Donald Macloed, III, Of Greshornish. Page 253 reads: "Donald Macleod of Bernera married, thirdly, in the 75th year of his age, Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Donald Macleod, III. of Greshornish, and minister of Duirinish. She was then only sixteen years of age. By this marriage Donald had issue, in his old age—three sons and six daughters.

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A while ago, Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA# had 5,000 ancestors listed on his profile, the maximum that an unclaimed profile can have listed. After that, he only had 183 ancestors, suddenly, one day. Now he only has 131. What kind of vandalism is going on, that he's being disconnected from his ancestors?! What happened to them?!

My guess is that alot of people are being political here. I don't care. I'm related to him and to Obama so they're probably long distant cousins. To me family relations are family relations, good or bad. I'm also connected to Charlie Manson too. Another reason is that maybe with the merging/unmerging of family connections get lost.

There is no path between us. But because you are so interested in genealogy we are family. Have a great night.

Please see this message:

(If you look at discussions on public profiles you may often see questions already asked and answered).

We all look forward to more findings from Scotland to clarify.

Yehuda, the same principles of genealogy were applied to his ancestors as are applied to any other profile on GENI. Evidence is the basis for genealogy and evidence was lacking for certain connections in Scotland. I assure you politics never did and never will enter into it. Clinton's ancestry also got a trimming at the same time for example. And I should note that President Trump's own website terminated his tree in the exact same location as now shown on GENI. President Trump never made any claims to the ancestors shown previously on GENI before the trimming. In fact the part of the tree published on his website held to the same standards of evidence we use here and was very well done. I'm busy trimming my own ancestors all the time for the exact same reason. Any connections that lack evidence should be disconnected. The person who made the connections was perhaps a bit exuberant. However, I have good news for you which I posted previously on another thread. American Ancestors Magazine Vol 18.1 Spring 2017 announced that an initial genealogy of President Trump is about to be published by Alexander Bannerman in Executive Papers, the journal of The Hereditary Order of the Families of the Presidents and First Ladies. Gary Boyd Roberts will publish a full genealogy in the next year or two. You can read a summary of the article here:

The full article for NEHGS subscribers can be downloaded here:

Good question! Is it possible that 4,817 of his ancestors disowned him?

Yes, many have disowned Donald John Trump.

Perfectly understood! lol

I was thinking the exact same thing too

You cannot disown family members just because you agree with then or not. One of my distant relatives is Charlie Manson. I don't agree with what he did, but he is still connected to me, same goes with both Bill and Hillary Clinton (yes they are distant cousins, the same with me and my husband) and Obama. I don't agree with them, but I'm still connected with them. How are you going to pass your genealogy down to your children if you pick and chose who's going to be on it.

I won't disown him

I am not related to Donald Trump in any form , shape or manner. If you connect me to Kushner I understand, but even that is not through blood but marriage.

I'm sorry Everyone,
This is too funny!! We don't pick our relatives whether it's through blood or marriage. You can not take them off the tree, even if we wanted to.

I understand your concern or embarrassment.
Look at poor Barbara Jean Zinn. She is related to Charles Manson, did she choose this? No!!
And the worse one of all,

How do you think Hilliary Clinton feels being a blood relative of Trump?
She has it worse than all of us!! Even Barbara Jean Zinn!!

i too have relations to charles manson but also jeffrey dahmer, and john wayne gacy. and other folks like herman göring.and 1 other nazi. so 1 cannot choice your family or relations. p.s also bonnie and Clyde and other notorious wild west outlaws are relations.

Ok John, You seem nice, but I don't know if I would go in a dark alley with you!! 😂😂😂

Whatever you do, do not press the Hitter button, just saying 😳

John Enok, Your my relative!! 😂😂😂

yep susan you're a not too distant relative i see. meaning that we dont have a lot of relatives between us. usually my cousin are 23th -25th- 26 th cousin .

btw susan i'm also related to Sharon Tate. makes me wonder if Tate and Manson were related too. unbeknownst to them both

Oy Vey 🤦‍♀️

We need a picture of you john if you want us to trust you more with all your serial killer relatives 😃

I read somewhere that all the Presidents are related to each other except for 2 of them. Can't remember which 2 now but thought it was pretty funny to find this out. I mean we're all related in some fashion, right?

I thought they were all related. Didn't an 11 or 12 year old girl discover that a few years ago?

Ah, there you Morohndra. Nice find. I knew it was something like this. Doesn't surprise me since every president I've ever checked I've ended up related too as well, LOL.

Geni can't find any path between me and Trump, but I started following him when Geni could do so, I don't want to unfollow him yet, because it has changed of and on a couple of times, maybe the path will be blue again, or not. I was also one of those who could claim that I was related to all of the Presidents of the US, at least here on Geni.

Well, all the Presidents are descended fromJohn I "Lackland", King of England, so they all ARE related, Yes, Trump and Obama are both descended, and are 16th cousins, once removed!

This is true except for one . I forget who it was but one was not.

And Mr Trump hss the values and personality most like John Lackland. John had 20 children by numerious women and he wasn't a nice person.

Oh ,ya he tried to make a deal with Muslim leader of the time ,that he would change the religion of England to Muslim if Saladin, probably spelled wrong ,would support him against the French. Salden ,didn't take him up on it and history said probably John would have backed out anyway.

My God!!, Whoever wants to take my Geni path to Donald Trump, I am giving it away free of charge. 🙄
So it's all yours Private User

Also Private User the President you wanted to know who is not related to all the other Presidents is, Martin Van Buren, and he was not related to to King John because he had Dutch roots 🤗

I am not a fan of JOhn Lackland. I am related to King Henry 2nd via both john and his half brother William Longspree, who was illigitment but I like him better. You can't choose your relatives. Just a note Saladin had many of the knights killed among them Willian Longspree's son also named Willian Longspree. When his body made it back home to England and they opened the coffin a rate crawel out of his skull.

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