Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp - Too many children?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, March 19, 2017
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Gysie Steenkamp seems to have been given far more children than we have records for - which are

with Jean "Jan" Labuschagne b. 16 Oct 1706, d. 17 Nov 1753
*Frans Labuschagne, i b. b 22 Oct 1752

with Jean "Jan" Labuschagne
* Gesina Susanna Maria Nel b. b 19 Nov 1758
* Jan Hendrik Nel b. b 23 Nov 1760

Casper Jan Hendrik Steenkamp b 1726 certainly can't be her child! She was born in 1718!


I see that a note on the profile from Ilse Suzette Anne Van Wieringen, (c1b1a)

Louis Jacobus Nel b 1767 when Gesina is 49

Disconnecting, pending records

Gerrit Nel b 1762

Disconnecting, pending records

Willem Nel b 1765

Disconnecting, pending records

Susanna van der Vyver b 1756

Disconnecting, pending records

Anna Catharina Labuschagne b 1734

Disconnecting, pending records

Pieter Labuschagne b 1736

Disconnecting, pending records

Jan Harm Labuschagne b 1740

Disconnecting, pending records

Casper Labuschagne b 1746

Disconnecting, pending records

Frans Labuschagne, i b 1751

Disconnecting, pending records

Jannetjie Labuschagne b 1750

Disconnecting, pending records

Now it may be that we can reconnect some of these as we find the records, but - given the number of children added, it seemed wiser to simply start with the ones we have records for.

There are many wrong entries on the different Frans labuschagne profiles.
Frans Labuschagne, i b2c6 This specific entry is incorrect. They were two brothers with the same name. The one died very young. The parents were also from two brothers with the same name.
Probably where all the children came from. I am not sure weather they were half brothers.

I believe June Barnes has info on this


In my records I have two sets of brothers with the same name and there are lots of wrong entries on birth dates in different family trees

The other 'Nel' PROG is Estienne Niel, SV/PROG. Not a relation.
But I don't think you mean him?

I never worked on these profiles before, but I see that they actually are sourced reasonably well. Were not Sourced on Geni??- I see that on the profile of Gesina Geesje Steenkamp herself, that the whole story is explained reasonably well (I could understand it).

The following makes no sense to me...:

1. Remove the DVN? (there were two children named Gesina Geesje, of different parents, so the DVN is key here?)

2. Delete the links to the correct children with such short notice and without giving anyone a reasonable chance to act?

3. Lock the profile while it is incomplete and incorrect, as her date of birth was 1723 (and there was a sister born +-1818 with the same names)

However, with the lock now placed (which I agree should probably be there, but the DVN is now locked and blank, and should be something meaningful... propose something like b7 ii (and sister b6 i). Could a curator please update this?

Also, I am adding back the children, and sourcing where this was not done...


In my records I have two sets of brothers with the same name and there are lots of wrong entries on birth dates in different family trees
No I was referring to Frans Labuschagne and the Gesina steenkamp children

Do not add back the children without discussing it here, Jan.
We are trying to figure out if there was a smerge on two brothers' profiles.

Dont follow - there is only one family tree and if not should be merged into one. Labuschagne and Steenkamp had children with same names, as when the one dies young the next got the same names - one reason for using DVN. As it is on Geni now I believe correct.

I have restricted your edit permissions to stop you making changes without consultation.

Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's profile was updated by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1. birth and death
12 minutes ago · view

Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1 was added as a manager of Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp.
12 minutes ago

Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's profile was updated. nicknames
13 minutes ago · view

Gesina Steenkamp, b7 ii was merged into Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
13 minutes ago · view

Gesina Steenkamp, b7 ii was added as Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's sister by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
13 minutes ago

Jan Steenkamp, b6 was added as Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's brother by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
15 minutes ago

Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's profile was updated by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1. birth
18 minutes ago · view

Maria Magdalena van der Merwe (Miekie) was added as a manager of Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp.
18 minutes ago

Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp's profile was updated. nicknames
18 minutes ago · view

Gesina (Geesje) Steenkamp was merged into Gesina "Geesje" Steenkamp by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
18 minutes ago · view

Louis Jacobus Nel, b2c2d6 was connected to Jan Hendrik Nel, b2c2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
27 minutes ago

Willem Nel, b2c2d5 was connected to Jan Hendrik Nel, b2c2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
28 minutes ago

Gert Johannes Paulus Johannes Paulus Nel, b2c2d4 was connected to Jan Hendrik Nel, b2c2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
30 minutes ago

Susanna (Sannetjie) Nel, b2c2d1 was connected to Jan Hendrik Nel, b2c2 as his daughter by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
33 minutes ago

Johanna Labuschagne, b3c7 was connected to Jean (Jan) Labuschagne, b2 as his daughter by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
42 minutes ago

Frans Labuschagne, i b2c6 was connected to Jean (Jan) Labuschagne, b2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
46 minutes ago

Casper Labuscagne, b2c5 was connected to Jean (Jan) Labuschagne, b2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
48 minutes ago

Jan Harm Labuschagne, a1b2c4 was connected to Jean (Jan) Labuschagne, b2 as his son by Jan Marthinus Blomerus, b2....h1.
about an hour ago

I have come late to this discussion as I was otherwise engaged and wasn't at the computer when the query was made.

I looked thoroughly into this section of the tree a while ago and it was very much in order. It looks as if there have been some merges that may have been incorrect. I will look more thoroughly again tomorrow - later in the day as I am on Ouma duty in the morning - and make sure that as far as possible connections are correct and sources/references given/found as necessary. Please could all involved exercise a little patience - life sometimes interrupts Geni activity! I will get to it as soon as I can.

I have connected the children of Jean "Jan" Labuschagne and Elizabeth Besselame to their rightful parents. Looking briefly it seems to me that otherwise the correct number of children are assigned to Jean "Jan" Labuschagne and Gysie Steenkamp - I will see what documents can be added to support them later tomorrow. The Nel children also seem to be present and correct.

An observation -

The FFYP covers the first 50 years commencing 1652. It seems that Jan Nel and Geesjie had a number of children after their marriage on 29 12 1754 - outside the scope of FFYP - although there is some information added to the project outside the cut off date. Private User - not all children would necessarily be added to the FFYP. Perhaps Delia can elaborate on the range date wise of records included in the project.

Private User, can you add to this discussions which children you are connecting?
I can't tell between the ones you added and the ones Jan simply added back?

Casper Labuschagne b 1746 -Somewhere there must be a March 20 1746 Baptism entry & a 15/5/1770 marriage entry with Cornelia Coetzer that confirm his parents. As June says, it seems unlikely that he isn't the child of Jan & Gesina, but the Inventory doesn't prove this.

Also the story of his murder must be available somewhere - does anyone have it?

Jan Harm Labuschagne b1740 - Somewhere there must be a Baptism entry dated 8/21/1740 & a marriage entry with Johanna Dorothea Coetzer on 23/3/1766 that gives his parents.

Louis Jacobus Nel - Gesina is 49 in 1767! - 12 April 1767 is very precise, but it seems physically unlikely. Where is the baptism record?

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