Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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Showing 841-870 of 884 posts

Private User Nicolaus de Ottenbüttel Krummedige is done.

Jeroen MW van Dijk Gracias.

Private User James Storer is done

Grote Iven Krummedige
Caballero, Mercenario, Por Ottenbüttel.

Timme Krummedige Hvitkop til Tange
Fue 1340 concejal en Kiel.

Private User both done

@Henneke Limbæk

Henneke Limbæk was not the son of Claus Limbæk. Claus Limbæk married the widow after Marcrad Wulff der Knobe 1322, who owned Törning Castle and Ida had her son Henneke with Marcrad Wulff der Knobe. That's how Claus Limbæk came to Törning Castle. Claus Limbæk was tax collector in Lübeck when he married Ida Wulff. The genus Wulff-Pogwisch originates from the same origin. The family dates back to 1184 to the Volrad Wulf 1200, together with the genus Fuchs in 1220, started with Albertus Vulpes. These two are brothers

Deceased musicians:
Jeff Buckley
Tim Buckley

Private User done.

Jeroen MW van Dijk Buen día y gracias

Volodar Glebovich of Polotsk
Prince of Minsk (1151-67), Prince of Hrodno

Niels I. Bugge

Ridder og riksråd, Riksråd 1302, Ridder, Riksråd, rigsraad, Riksråd i Danmark, Ridder i Danmark

The About Me needs a cleanup.
Any reliable sources, - especially on the new profiles in the area like parents and wife Nielsine? It is very unlikely that is mother used the husbands name

A MP profile should be a quality profile (just check the official Geni requirements) and I suggested cleaning up the About Me of that profile and that the spouses are set up with the husbands name 550 years before it started to be a tradition, so this is not quality.

Korsridder Anders Nielsen Due, til Tubetorp
Ocupación:Ridder, Korsridder, Dominus
Nævnt 1266-75. Mageskiftede 1275 med Sorø Kloster jord i Ørslevvester (Gyrstinge S., Alsted H.) mod jord i Stubberup eller Fakse (begge Fakse S., Fakse H.). Vel den Andreas Nielsen, der 1267 havde sat sig på gods, søsteren Estrid (s.d.) havde skænket Clara-klostret, dvs. enten Karlslunde eller Gørslev. - Skødede 1266 gave til Sorø Kloster for sin søster Gunnild.

Johann I von Brandenburg, Markgraf
Markgreve af Brandenburg, Markgrave, Markgraf von Brandenburg (tillsammans med brodern Otto III), var från 1220 gemensamt med sin bror Otto III den fromme markgreve i Brandenburg, Greve, Markgreve, John I, Margrave of Brandenburg, Married 1255.

I will review the past MP requests made this month. And place them in the correct project if needed.

The two profiles below are worthy of being included as MP both Mathew and Mary Have played important roles in Australian history specifically the Journal and drawings by mary on the two year trip from London to swan river WA and then to Hobart Town on the wanstead Arriving in 1830. Mathew being a decorated Naval officer, scientist inventor, He escorted Napoleon Bonaparte to St Helena, Port officer of launceston, and other important positions in the VDL governing authorities,He also invented the Polaris a navigational aid after he went blind and numerous other achievements.
Sources are included in both their profiles

Mary Ann Friend

Mathew Curling Friend
Terry Francis

Hi Terry John Francis
Both MPd
I changed the death location of Mary from VDL to Tasmania, at the least it should be spelt out in full as Van Diemens Land rather abbreviated.
Also i noticed some numbers in the name fields of Mathew's family, if they actually used ordinals they would be capital i's not 1's. If they did not actually use them in their own life times then please don't use them on Geni.

G`day Alex, thank you for the info, i am pretty new to doing the family tree research and have been at it for just over a year, i still have a mountain to learn.

Private User could you look at this MP request

I believe Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy should be MPd as they are both famous professional wrestlers.

Private User,


Showing 841-870 of 884 posts

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