Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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Showing 781-810 of 884 posts

Private User the fact that she married a king is not enough to make her profile a MP.IMHO

El hecho de que se haya casado con un rey no es suficiente para hacer de su perfil un Perfil Maestro en mi opinión.

Private User It looks like De Nada is well accepted and untranslateable in English. I personally think "Your welcome" and "De nada" have not the same meaning.

De nada may well be accepted by most Americans but it certainly isn't English. As for equivalence "don't mention it" (in response to a thank you) is the closest English phrase that springs to my mind.

Disclaimer: i learnt all my Spanish from Dora the Explorer :)

Interpreto que la pagina es para MASTER PROFILE!":
- Visite primero para ver si hay un curador específico que se especialice en su área. , a quién debe dirigir su solicitud
: asegúrese de que su perfil esté bien escrito con la gramática y puntuación adecuadas y, cuando sea posible, citas de fuentes.
no habla de protocolo ni salutaciones especificando idiomas

Jeroen MW van Dijk Jeroen MW van Dijk No comparto tu opinión considero que toda su familia pertenecio a la realeza sino la estaríamos discriminando
SU padre
Iver Iversen Lunge, til Toksværd
Este es el perfil maestro de Iver Iversen Lunge.
Nota del curador Bjørn P. Brox (22/11/2011):
Lea más sobre la familia Lunge en su hijo Oluf, que generalmente se considera el primer Lunge.
Su Hija
Regitze Christoffersdatter Løvenbalk, Prinsesse
Este es el perfil maestro de Regitze Christoffersdatter Løvenbalk.
Nota del curador Jeroen MW van Dijk (8/10/2018):

Could someone MP Eric Ericsson (fifth great uncle) → Swedish "brukspatron", "kronolänsman", member of the Swedish Parliament and the Board of Govenors at the Swedish "Federal Reserve.

Carlos Martel Carolingios
Nacido en el año 688, Carlos fue el fundador de la dinastía carolingia que gobernó Francia hasta el siglo X
Carlos Martel Carolingios, Mayordomo del Palacio de Austrasia 688-741

Carlos Martel Carolingios already has a MP, but with another name.

Please check for all the names in a lot of languages. I will see that action needs to be done.

Thanks Private User for reporting Carlos Martel Carolingios we will take care of that profile.

As far as I can see I have pickuped up all the requests profiles that are possible good enough to be a Master Profile. For now I'm not starting a discussion about what is a MP and what not. A agree that there is room for discussion and I agree what we disagree.

Adelheid von Vohburg
Adelaida de Vohburg, también conocida como Adelheid, fue una reina alemana, al ser la primera esposa del emperador Federico I. Adelaida era hija de Diepoldo III, Margrave de Vohburg, y de Adelaida de Polonia, hija de Vladislao I Herman y Judit de Suabia.

Thanks Jeroen MW van Dijk for MPing Eric Ericsson and Juan Carlos for suggesting our common ancestors for MPing.

Adelheid von Vohburg is also MPed,

Thanks Jeroen MW van Dijk for MPing


Can somebody tell me what this discussion is all about?


Bror (Irgens)

Robert Cornelius - photographer credited with taking the first light picture

If you need additional info added, please let me know. Thank for your assistance!

Private User your two profiles are MPed. I will send you a message why.

@nd Request to MP this Profile , Please, as it has been Ignored?

John Walker

Else Holgersdatter Krognos, til Bjørnholm
Den nuværende kirke er grundlagt af ægteparret rigshofmesteren Otte Nielsen Rosenkrantz og Else Holgersdatter Krognos, der ligeledes stod bag opførelsen af kirkerne i Tirstrup og Bregnet. Opførelsen er sket engang i perioden 1425-58.

Could someone please MP Carl Johan De Geer son of Louis De Geer (9th cousin once removed)

He is one of the private profiles (son) under Louis De Geer

John Walker, Else Holgersdatter Krognos, til Bjørnholm and Carl Johan de Geer are MPed.

De nada

Robert Cornelius an american is also MPed.

Private User
You must be very busy, Thank you

Thanks Jeroen MW van Dijk

Could anyone MPed

Anouk Aimée

she is alive


Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Eli Storbekken, norsk folkemusiker
Eli Florhaug Storbekken

Egil Storbekken,norsk folkemusiker, instrumentmaker og komponist
Egil Storbekken

Showing 781-810 of 884 posts

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