Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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Charles Aznavour is an MP. He is famous enough.

Can be made MP, (might need some completion depending on how accurate the creator of this profile has been). Private

If you're in a need of laughing, watch him here!

The quality is too low to become a Master Profile (just the name and birth date). Secondly curators can only request it to become a Master Profile and it looks like the manager account is abandoned.

Private User well, as I stated, it might need some extra work, but I can fix that very easily if I only could see the private profile so I could be able to do just that, I got the missing information.

Well, as I said: There is no option to make it a Master Profile - there is 22 users within his family, så we need an approval.

in Private User seems to be saying that a Profile that is MPd without blocks is only a Temporary MP.

Is this just the way he chooses to do things, or is that official policy as understood by all Curators? Or am I misunderstanding what he is saying there?

With the new GDPR rules we should be very careful using any tricks to force the profile of a living person public, like for example making him deceased, MP and then make him living again. If a curator makes this thick he/she will probably not be a curator anymore.

Then only official way in this case is to make a request and hope some family member will approve it.

Private User

Yes there is, " Curators may also send a Master Profile request to the managers of private profiles. "


What is a Master Profile?
A Master Profile is the standard, most comprehensive and accurate profile for a given person. Other profiles for the same person are secondary and should eventually be merged into the Master Profile.

Curators have the ability to designate profiles as Master Profiles. In order to protect the integrity of the profile's data and prevent incorrect merges, Curators may either lock individual fields of a Master Profile or lock the profile entirely. If you would like to edit a locked field, please contact the Curator of the profile.

Public profiles in the World Family Tree or in the same tree as a curator can be made into Master Profiles.

Curators may also send a Master Profile request to the managers of private profiles. By accepting the request, the profile manager grants permission to make the profile a Master Profile. The Curator who submitted the request will become the Curator of the profile.

Note: the profile will become public once the Master Profile request is accepted

Updated: February 13, 2014

Sorry, didn't see your post before posting.

Position of my post above may have been misleading - it was not in response to the one above it -- not sure if Bjorn's next post was to mine or just to the prior discussion -

-- if they feel a Public Profile qualifies for permanent MP status, do all Curators always lock it or at least some fields of it?
-- do all Curators regard an MP without locks as just a temporary MP?

I never lock a Master Profile unless we get an edit war or people disrespect curator notes about unknown parents etc.

Private User, - using abandoned tree on the manager of the Carl-Einar Häckner profile added an extra manager that might respond on the request to make it a Master Profile, so I resent the request to the new manager, but she has not logged in since April. If we does not get a response within a week we can ask Customer Support for an advice.

Lois, re

My answer re: locking fields, as an experienced USA curator, is “it depends.” If you spin off into a separate conversation I can go into more details; would rather keep this discussion flowing on requests / responses.

Re: “temporary MP“. Keep language differences in mind. :)

Alex Moes -- re your comment above: "I removed most of the text from his About as it had no genealogical information in it that i could see."
-- I thought Geni wanted, and at the very least allowed, information in the Overview Section about the Person's life - thought Geni was about Family History, not just Genealogy - valued information on a person's life, activities, etc. Are you actually
a) removing non-genealogical information when you see it
or b) removing such information before making a Profile a Master Profile
and/or c) against non-genealogical information being on a Profile's Overview
or ??

Or was this mainly just an issue of not wanting to Master a Profile that you felt violated Copyright Rules, and was I incorrectly reading something else into it?

I agree.
I have a group about this topic: [].

Private User mostly Option D.
The About was a copy and paste of 100% of the Wikipedia page. If the wikipedia article was more focused or just a sentence or two i would have left it but hundreds/ thousands of words describing the different phases of his career are i think unjustifiable either in regard to possible copyright issues or genealogical relevance. Simply stating that he was a famous architect and giving a link is enough in my personal opinion.

Happy to discuss further if you wish to break off a separate discussion and tag me

Private User Interesting, I am following the project. Thank you for thinking of it.

Regitze Christoffersdatter Løvenbalk, Prinsesse
Perteneciente a la realeza de dinamarca
hija de Christoffer II. Rey de Dinamarca

Anders Jachimsen Bjørn, af Voergaard
Perteneciente a la Nobleza Dinamarquesa Propietario de Randrup (Skibsted):

"" MPing is another way to make a profile public.
You can mp a profile without blocks.
It is then of cause a temperaly mp status"

Is what I did wrote.

You have read this as If you make profile public by MPing it then it only temperarly as it is only to make the profile public so someone can add extra info.

And of course you need to MP it without blocks. But the connection that a MP without block is a temperarly MP that is a conclusion I would not make. I also did not write.

Anders Eriksen Grøn, til Tamdrup Bisgaard
Perteneciente a la Realeza dinamarquesa :nævnes 1536 i recessen sammen med Lars Grøn og Christen Grøn, fik 1560 brev på to kronens bol i Tamdrup (Nim H.), deltog 1564 i krigen, men fik hjemlov for at være foged hos Holger Rosenkrantz, fik 1578 brev på fremdeles at besidde kronens gård i "Tanderup" i Bygholm len, skrev sig 1580 til Bisgaard (i Tamdrup), som hans hustru samme år fik brev på at beholde efter hans død, tilsiges 1580 blandt adelen i Aarhus stift til hyldingen og besegler denne og fører en mur i sit skjold.
Fuente:Danmarks Adels Aarbog, Thiset, Hiort-Lorenzen, Bobé, Teisen., (Dansk Adelsforening), [1884 - 2011]., DAA 1895: 186, (1.

Private User ofcourse they are MP's , but .. I will sent a PM about them.

Jeroen MW van Dijk Gracias.

You are welcome,
De nada.
Graag gedaan.

Those last three MP's are high, high royalty, just the level under kings. So any curator wants to take over curatorship??

Erik Nielsen Rotfeld

Propietario de Bratskov :Bratskov es una casa señorial en el municipio de Brovst Jammerbugt (histórico Brovst Sogn <, Øster Han Herred, condado de Hjørring). El edificio actualmente contiene un museo histórico con una gran colección de herramientas de piedra de la Edad de Piedra del sitio de Brovst. También hay un centro cultural en el edificio principal. Propitarios 1373 Niels Ingvorsen (Rotfeld) 1391 Margrethe Henriksdatter de Rydhave Niels Kalv (Rotfeld) y Erik Nielsen (Rotfeld) 1452 Niels Eriksen (Rotfeld)

And again Private User has found high royalty.

Jeroen MW van Dijk gracias

In case anyone would like a chuckle -- accepting offer to Translate Into English
changed comment at the top of the page to
"You are welcome.
De nada.
You're welcome."

Apparently "De nada" is accepted as English.

Inger Iversdatter Lunge
Esposa de Christoffer II (1276 1332), rey de Dinamarca (1320-26 y 1329-32),

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