Adriaen Gerritsz van Wijk - Evidence that Adriaan is father of Roelof & Willem?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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THis is on the profile:
"Roelof Adriaense's father was previously noted as Roelof Roelofse but from the DTB (Doop en Trouw Boek) from the wedding of Roelof Ariaense and Trinitjie Jans it is clear that Roelof Adrianz van Wijk (Adrians zoon) was the son of Adrian and their son Adrian(Arie) was named after his grandfather.
Source: Van Wyk study by GGSA Northern Transvaal branch."

I cannot find this Doop en Trouw Boek doc.
It also seems that the patronymic is all that's being used to infer the name of the father.

The inestimable Richard Ball does not appear to have found proof of this relationship either:

Unless people have documentary sources to add, I think this connection may need to be cut too.

We need primary sources on the two wives / mothers: Jannetgen Jans van Wijck

This on the wife, Johanne (Jantgen) van Wijk is in the Overview:
"Her name also Jannetjie, Johanna and her surname Arndts. On 16.02.1655 she is referred to as Jantgen van Wijck. widow of Aerdt van Wijck supported by Willem van Wijck Hermansz as gaurdian of her children.Source: GGSA Van Wyk CD"

All welcome to join the van Wyk Project I created to keep track of our research:

See below on Roelof and Tryntie van Wyk

Eodem dito (15 April) 1686
Willem van Wyck en Tryntie Hillebrans
Roelof en Tryntie van Wyck

See on Roelof and Trintjie

Dito (5 September) een kind van Arij van Wijck, en Cornelia
Cælius, genaemt Roelof, getuijgen Roelof
van Wijck en Trijntje Jans.

So that shows Roelof and Trijntje together? Roelof Adriaensz van Wijk, SV/PROG 1 and Trijntje Jansz, SM/PROG

'My guess would be that Willem and Roelof van Wijk were brothers, both sons of an unknown Arij van Wijk3, but I have so far come across no hard evidence of this.'

Thank you

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