None of you can have Ragnar as youe ancestor since he is a non-historical person. The sources mentioning him are untrustworthy and everyone of you should thoroughly check all of your links back to him and cut your link where the Sources begin to get untrustworthy.
Please help us get a correct tree instead of keeping propagating this unprovable ancestry.
34th for me where is the place in this line where sources grow unreliable?
Clara Olive Bowe
your mother →
Gladys Angela Senff
her mother → Mary Margaret Mansur
her mother → Orrin Longshore Macomber
her father → Joseph W. Macomber
his father → Benjamin Macomber
his father → Mary Brownell Macomber
his mother → Mary Deuel
her mother → Elizabeth Wilbur
her mother → Ezek Carr
her father → Robert Carr
his father → Benjamin Carr
his father → William Kirkaldy of Grange, 10th Baron of Ferniehurst
his father → Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehirst
his father → Katherine Ker of Kerr
his mother → Agnes Chrichton
her mother → Patrick Crichton of Cranstoun-Riddell
her father → Sir Robert Crichton of Sanquhar, Kt.
his father → Elizabeth Erskine
his mother → Nicholas Erskine
her father → Beatrice Lindsay of Crawford
his mother → daughter of Alexander Stewart
her mother → "Jean MacRory of Butte & Arran"
her mother → Ragnhild MacRory
her mother → Ragnall mac Somhairle, Lord of the Isles
her father → Ragnhildis Olavesdottir
his mother → Olaf I "Morsel", King of Man & the Isles
her father → Ragnhildr Haraldsdóttir
his mother → Harald III "Hard ruler", king of Norway
her father → Åsta "Astrid" Gudbrandsdottir, Queen of Norway
his mother → Ulfhild Ulfrida Torasdotter
her mother → Thora Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Skökull
her father → Björn "Hunda-Steinarson" Eriksson
his father → Åløf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother → Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father
Andi Bowe you claim to be a descendant of Ragnar Lodbrok, but you should know that that claim is impossible to prove. And not only do you have problem with that claim, but your claim of daughter of Alexander Stewart being a daughter of Alexander Stewart is not provable, and his wife wife of Alexander Stewart is in fact unknown. You and the curators Erica Howton and Justin Durand should make a decision about the links between these persons and wether they should be there or wether they should be cut because of the uncertainties around the persons.
Andrea, I would advice never to claim relationships to persons that far back in time unless you are pretty sure of the truthfullness of the claims, and since you are presenting all the links, you should also be pretty sure all the links are correct. And I have already shown you two large uncertainties which should make you doubt that these claims are correct. The reason I'm cautioning people to do this is that when you are showing all these relationships, someone with less knowlegde about genealogy could take all these links for the absolute truth (like copying information from an unsourced familyhistory webpage and thinking everyting is correct) and then copying these untrustworthy links into their own genealogy, which could make their own tree wrong. So please be careful about doing this.
My recommendation would be to delete both relationships. People are reluctant to give up their myths, I know, but it seems we ought to be working in that direction.
Personally, I think the evidence is still fairly good for Jean MacRory, but personal belief should not determine what we show on Geni. Especially not when it goes against expert opinion.
It's back to the old wish for a method to show speculative connections. Currently the path gives equal weighting to every relationship with colour changes denoting marital connections rather than blood. There are now two options for showing a parental relationship, bio and adopted, i _believe_ that once you have set which option you want displayed there is no differentiation.
What If:
A third parental link, surely now that the structure is in place for two options adding a third would be "simple".
Then if there is a Speculative relationship in your path the colours stop at that point and everything further back is grey. Also rather than "his mother/father/son/daughter" in the path it would add SPECULATIVE in nice bold font to increase visibility.
People (customers) like to see these paths to famous people, what is needed is to improve the understanding that they aren't necessarily reliable. We can't expect Remi to monitor the public discussions board and post a warning every time someone claims ancestry from ... anyone.
Andi Bowe Don't let them misguide you. Even if they delete those connections, you would still be related to the mysterious Ragnar, but not as 34th, more like 36th something, it will show up if they cut these connections, but then again, they might want to cut other paths, who knows?
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton is Ragnar lodbrok Sigurdsson kung av Danmark och Norge, King of Denmark and Norway's 16th great grandson!
Andrea (Andi) Bowe is William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton's 20th great granddaughter!
PS. My middle name is Benjamin so in light of that I'm going to reiterate that the problem IMO isn't the suspect link (it could be correct after all) it is the lack of understanding on the part of users. Remi (aka Don Quixote) is trying to educate users on at a time but Geni could assist by improving visibility of these suspect links.
On and on. There are dozens of these lines from Ragnar down through various medieval figures. It would be nice to cut them all, but it's risky business.
Funny story: a year ago I got thrown out of Geni for saying Ragnar was fake. Now Remi and the rest of us are allowed to say it out loud. Some day we'll get to the point where we can cut fake lines without a lot of drama ;)
A fake. Or if you want to be polite, a "literary creation"
A good parallel would be something like chanson de geste composed about William of Orange. William was a real character who can be recovered from history, but the poems are very elaborate fictions. Ragnar could have been a real person, but unlike William we can't recover the real Ragnar from the fictional literature. Not even enough to know whether he was really thought to be the father of the children attributed to him.
Fake lines should but cut (fake news are popular these days & shouldn´t be unchallenged). A while ago I found a "fake Vasa" in my line to Gustav I Vasa, king of Sweden. I asked for & got help to cut it, "risking" not to be related to Gustav Vasa anymore. It turned out that I instead got a closer relationship with him :), so we shouldn´t be afraid to act when we find obvious fakes. In Sweden we have an expression named "politically correct", it´s something that populists like Trump hate like the trolls fear the sunlight. I vote for seriousness combined with speaking Your opinion, there shouldn´t be a contradiction. I can live with the knowledge not being related with God, Adam & Eve, Harry Potter & Donald Duck (or Trump for that matter) ;)...
No you can not. There only exist one mankind, and we are all related, in fact, we are related with most of the life on earth, you're thus related to an actual tree! ot only the ones created on Geni.
It's only when we want to find out exactly HOW we are related, the paths becomes important, but to say that you're not related because of lack of paths, that is not true.
Pers Anders Denker, why would you be so crass as to inject your personal POLITICS into this genealogical discussion? By now, we all know that you dislike the President of the United States, so give it a rest and try to stay on topic, would you. I mean, who really cares if you dislike Trump, besides you?
Kimball Richards Borg, I realize the confussion, but there´s no opinion stated in my commentary about "fake lines" & fiction, which it was about, but like the famous, swedish slalom skier Ingemar Stenmark told a journalist, "it´s not worth trying to explain to someone who doesn´t understand". I´m here for geneaology & will continue focusing on that & I have put Ragnar Lodbrok behind me for now...