Rodulf & Ubba

Started by Justin Durand on Tuesday, March 7, 2017
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Thank you! I will dive into that link.

When I used the athey string input, it came back 67.4% R1B where the Plug by SY# was 100% I1....I will find the NevGen and try that...too much fun these interactive charts are.

Justin, I found a site with NevGen and loaded my Y67 and they predict 100% I1-L22-L813 so who am I to question stuff. They both are pretty fun tolls and are now squirreled away in favorites. Thank you for the advise, the paperwork and information were very much helpful.

Time to take one of FTDNA's SNP-based tests and get the Real Deal?

I am good at FGC 9486 with a positive test and negative for BY 3430. Leaves 15038 possible road. I have two strong DNA Matches there. Not sure how much further to take it. My last mutation occurred on one nodule in 1950 or so and I think that was me.

A bit geeky and not much genealogy but some people might be interested in this:

Friends, Vassals or Foes: Relations and their representations between Frisians and Scandinavians in the Viking Age

George Lucas Bassett it appears we are 32nd cousins 4x removed.MRCA seems to be @Gudron" The Meek" Halvdansson in 780. A speculative tie thru the coast of France per Geni! Regardless, howdy cousin, albeit distant, and yes it is fascinating. Justin is one of the best sources of information you never knew you needed until you realize you need it....wicked efficient.

Hello 33rd cousin thrice removed.

George, It is never a waste of time if in the course of your journey you get enlightened or you derive a level of happiness learning your genetic past. My DNA searches have been more centric to my DNA Haplogroup and its nuances L813.

Hello William, it appears that Geni has us as 25th Cousins, MRCA is Msitslav I of Kiev, AKA Harald Valdimirsson b 1076 d 1132. It was a Danish/Ukrainish thing.

Thank you for the interesting website George Lucas Bassett, Don't mean to be rude,
but, I have no confidence in anything "Madam Helen Blavatsky", and wonder why it
is that you do.
Andrew Gilbert, I have of course heard of Mistislav, but don't understand the Danish connection,

More info on ms Blavatsky here:

Thank you Harald Tveit Alvestrand , I know who she is,and that is why I don't care to know what she says about the subject at hand.

The problem with Blavatsky is that (as far as I know) none of the information she's claimed to have derived from "esoteric" sources has checked out with information uncovered afer her lifetime.

A lot of her theories (like the "extra islands" connected to the Canary Islands) should have left specific traces in specific places. None of these traces have been found.

The name for people who make predictions that don't check out when we try to test the theories is "wrong". "Smart" doesnẗ matter

(current Canary Islands tourist info says this about the Atlantis legend:

Thank you George Lucas Bassett for your information, I will confess a natural bias against anything "esoteric", but will also admit that such things are sometimes fun to read. Personally I have always enjoyed the works of Immanuel Velikovsky, without
ever subscribing, or commiting myself to his belief system, etc.

George Lucas Bassett, do you mean the Egyptian feline goddess Bast?

Personally, I have always thought that the "Atlantis beyond the pillars" reffered to the Atlantean trading empire, not the Atlantean motherland itself,

I have always imagined an ancient connection between |the Egyptian god Set, with
the Seth of the old testament, and Osiris with the lands of Syria,

I'm one of those who can enjoy things like Blavatsky and Velikovksy without feeling like I need to form an opinion. I first read Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine when I was 14. Pretty strong stuff at that age. I've never had the stamina to finish Isis Unveiled. On the other hand, I'm a big fan of Velikovsky. I have all his books and re-read them about once a year.

Now I have a bookstore where we sell both of them, along with lots of other interesting stuff. I get a chance to talk to both believers and non-believers, and of course many of my friends are Theosophists (or some other non-mainstream religion).

It's all fine with me as long as we don't start turning it into genealogical fact ;)

I'd have to google to find a reference but speaking of sonar evidence there is a volcanic caldera off Sardinia(?) which is the remnants of an volcanic island that erupted 4 or 5 thousand years ago. IIRC this eruption has been theorised to explain the sudden rapid decline of the Minoan civilisation and the parallel to the Atlantis story is obvious. Island one day, ocean the next, anyone that lived there gone without a trace.

Thera (Santorini). If I were going to choose a theory that would be it.

George, the variation of the human chromosome is often measured in centiMorgans -
the total is around 3700 centiMorgan; on the average you halve the number of centiMorgans you get from each grandfather in each genreration. After 42 generations, you have 1/4398046511104 of your DNA from each 42nd grandfather.

If Halvdan is your 42nd grandfather, and is that only once, the amount of DNA you get from him is .0000000008 centiMorgan.

The normal rule of thumb is that any DNA segment less than 5 cM is impossible to reliably identify - so the task of identifying the minuscule segment that you may have inherited from Halfdan is a clearly impossible one.

Thank you George Lucas Bassett for giving us all, a great deal to think about. I found your statement about the Bast oracle " Seems very Druid-like." intriguing.

All of the Egyptian cults seemed to have morphed somewhat over time, reflecting shifts in population. The ones that appealed to visiting foreigners and immigrants changed more so than others. They were after all, to some extant, profit oriented organizations,

Thera might not have been the heart, or capital of Atlantis, but in my mind there is no doubt that Santorini was the end of it.

George Lucas Bassett
"Gnostics teachings say 'Archon Energy' got into our system. David Icke describes the same event as 'a virus got in.' On the other hand, others say, don't dare cal it Archon - it's a literal 'Virus.' A Jewish relative just informed me, "a bacteria lives w/ some of us.' I have 'the origination of the Virus' story,' is anyone is interested. Happened in the caves north of Sumeria by the Black Sea."

That idea made me recall this article, but here its about some strange effects caused by genetic sickness, use Google translation if you need, its in Norwegian.

"Cochran og Harpending foreslår sykdom. De europeiske jødene er utsatt for en serie sjeldne sykdommer, sykdommer som fører til at nervecellene samler opp såkalte sphingolipider – et slags isoleringsmateriale for nerveceller, som hjelper dem både med å sende elektriske signaler og til å gro nye forbindelser med andre nerveceller. Sykdommene er arvelige, genetiske lidelser som Tay-Sachs, Nieman-Pick og Gauchers.

Deres påstand er deretter at disse sykdommenes tendens til å stimulere til mer nerveaktivitet, fører til økt intelligens – og at det er denne intelligensen som holder de nevnte sykdommene i live."

So, George Lucas Bassett, what is your opinion of Rodulf & Ubba?

Thank you George Lucas Bassett for the music, I have never heard Druid hip hop before, "Saint Peter the Meeter" (lol)

Is this the "322" that you refer to? <;

“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had happened in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes

(Tyre was the ruler of Carthage, not Jerusalem)

iIn a Biblical context, Tyre was a town next to Sidon, both cities in Lebanon of some importance in New Testament times.

Maybe we should pause here for a minute and ask what any of this has to do with genealogy.

Sometimes, in intervals, people deliberately destroys information, there's always some agenda ongoing in this, information could be anything from art, buildings, temples, statues, archaeological findings, books, etc. When we saw the destruction by the Taliban in Afghanistan of the giant Buddha statues, it doesn't differ a bit from the Isis blowing up the remains of the ancient city in Palmyra, and it doesn't differ from the first Christian crusades against Greek temple in that religions beginning, and in fact, this goes back and beyond the existence of the pharaohs, where a new ruler suddenly could carve away every evidence of the previous one, all this historical destruction has one and the same purpose, make people forget their past in order to enslave them, easier, prohibit books, arts, knowledge, replace it, create illusions, fantasies and falseness, it's the ground pillar for anyone who wants to divide and rule, nothing is new except from the increasing scale of this due to more people and technological advantages, but still, we cant rebuild those statues, we can't rebuild pyramids, the knowledge is forever lost and that's the price we pay for those new rulers megalomania, so you sit there with new religions, new orders, and an increasingly paranoid system that tries to keep track of every single individuals mind by monitoring methods en masses, and someone asks, what have this to do with genealogy? Well, at some point, the records we need today were deliberately burnt, at some point, others were fabricated and falsified, at some point, people were persecuted and scattered, never to be able to track their roots again, and as a result some of us are having much difficulties with recreating the fragment that survived, so what does history have with genealogy, or religion, or politic?

It's never as simple as all that. I can tell you from spending so many years "in the biz" that it's like a Zen koan. You already know the famous koan -- "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" This is another of those.

One minute you're hot on the trail on buried codes and hidden information. Then you get the uneasy feeling you've been played for a fool. It's all disinformation. So, off on a new trail. Then that turns out to be disinformation too.

One day you wake up, tired and exhausted, and you realize there is no "there" there. Your own mind is the source of the patterns you thought you were seeing. At that point, you give up the game and begin learning to live from your own experience instead of handing the power over your beliefs to others.

(sounds like a remake of National treasure)

"Freemasons say the 'royal bloodline' is I2b1. Matches a Sinclair female's statement regarding her father's 'royal blood.'

The book stresses hard that Rodulf is 'royal.' Then, I2b1? What does 'royal' mean? Heard that 'J2' something is the 'royal' Ishmael bloodline. Think it was Europedia that named the Rothschilds as 'J2.' So, 'royal' Ishmael."

So, it all comes down to the Masons and the Rothschilds, (again)

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