Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - Title

Started by Private on Friday, January 20, 2017
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Many of the Inquisition Sepahrdic Jews fled to Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe was kind to take them in...Kindness is key, and love your neighbor.

We're all related but my point is Geni shows blood relational paths between all American Protestants, at least any who descend from 17th century immigrants from Great Britain and usually The Netherlands. The novelty of Geni is one can see how each president, for example, except Trump, is a blood related cousin to one another, because each descends from a 17th century immigrant from Great Britain. In Van Buren's case, Netherlands, but even he descends from Eleanor of Aquitaine. The other 43 are blood related descending from Eleanor's son King John of England, the Magna Carta king.

I don't know who all of President Trumps acestors are going back to 17th century America. However, I do know that one of his great-grandmothers from Britain is Kathryn Swynford Dutchess of Lancaster, who is the grandmother of Joan Beaufort Queen of Scotts. I'm pretty sure most of the US Presidents are also descendants of Kathryn Swynford. This would make all or most Presidents also cousin's of President Trump. I'm not sure why liberals are trying to discredit his Royal lineage? His ancestry goes waaaay back to Charlemagne the "Father of Europe." President Trump can also trace his British lineage to King David and many heroes of the Bible. (the Torah and the New Testament)

Pretty sure he was a descendant of John of Gaunt, first Duke of Lancaster...

Which also makes him a descendant of Edward I, "Longshanks" as well as Edward II and Edward III

Before they merged it, it showed my relationship to him, now it shows my relationship to Marla. I am also descended from Eleanor of Aquaine! I don't understand what changed.


As more people are added the algorithm gets better and determines closer relational paths. For instance, you may have a complicated, hairy relational path to a person who you are attracted to, and then you marry that person, and then pushing the recycle icon refreshes it and the algorithm determines that a closer relational path between you and this person is that he or she is your spouse, as opposed to the hairy complex path.

Or as merges are done, it finds a closer path through marriages and then it changes the path away from cousins and does the path through marriages. Is there a way to filter it so it does the cousin path? Also would be cool if it showed the common ancestor in the path instead of going to their sibling.

Yes i agree. I keep saying the coolest feature on Geni would be to choose which path to show and to see how you relate to your spouse other than as a spouse.

"Cuzzin Ñoño " seemed like a chatroom troll name. His real name is Nolan Amory Kingston.

Hello everyone .... once again I come to you with the same problem .... just to refresh your memory before the election of Donald J Trump... I was his cousin then after the election I was not his cousin and then a month or so later I became his cousin again ...
well I'm here to tell you that I am no longer his cousin.... however I am still a cousin of his daughter... I also found that this is happened to a number of profiles that I have checked..
I also have another problem with the family tree .... it is very difficult to follow... it only provides first names and it is very slow... unlike my heritage which gives you full names and dates of birth and deaths.... I do purchase both companies and believe their owned by the same .... any help would be appreciated... thank you Noel

The reason why it's not showing up as a cousin anymore is because Trumps link to John of Gaunt is now cut off to an UNKNOWN.

His connection was going back to John of Gaunt where it shows he was actually related to Hillary Clinton as well.

I guess more proof is warranted to make the connection. But every other place says this is a legitimate link.

Hello cousin Arthur Wilkins Newkirk III... I thank you for your quick response on my question of president Donald J Trump.....however I am proud of Donald J Trump and will continue call him cousin.... I find this problem quite frequently... when Geni sends me an email of a related path I store it in a particular folder...periodically I go back and find that the path is no longer the same.... I am not well-versed on electronics and genealogy but I am learning.... it sounds like we have a couple of people disagreeing with each other... I do get frustrated when things like this makes me want to quit working on my project... thank you again Arthur......Noel

Hi Everyone

I can explain what happened to Donald Trump's ancestry.

In March 2017 an article was published in American Ancestors magazine tracing his ancestry:

American Ancestors magazine, Volume 18, Number 1, Spring 2017, Page 50-51. "the ancestry of President Donald John Trump: an initial exploration"

This study is being conducted by Gary Boyd Roberts, Senior Research Scholar Emeritus at NEHGS - best known as "THE" genealogist for the ancestry of American Presidents.

The article is summarized here:

And basically the ancestry "breaks" at a lady called Catherine/Christian MacLeod

Unfortunately the Isle of Lewis is full of MacLeod families, and at this early period there are (so far) not surviving paper records (birth, baptism, probate, etc) to confirm "which" MacLeod parents were hers.

What you'll see on other sites is a leap of faith - to the "grandest" possibility!

On Geni we'd rather wait for the researchers to complete their work.

Hope this helps and keep your eyes out for "actual" records, not wishful thinking ....

And I thought 4,817 of his ancestors disowned him! lol

:) So since we're stuck (at the moment) on the Scots side, I wonder if there's any tree expansion possible on his German side? Our Geni members did great on the Slovenian ancestry for Melania. I'm on the Marla Maples side, I suppose i should go see if more can be done there ....

When I first saw Melania, I knew for sure that I had to be related to her. It turns out that I just remember her from her famous photos and male-oriented fantasies. I'm actually supposed related to Marla instead, but not to Little Donald at all.

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