Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - Title

Started by Private on Friday, January 20, 2017
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Why was my President title removed? I entered it the second he was sworn in.

Not sure about the title, though I agree with the restore of the display name and birth surname. - Kevin Lawrence Hanit? The display name seems to follow our standard for the Presidents. Perhaps the title is not yet included on the other profiles so it was done for standardization. I went ahead and restored the title for now.

As it should be!!


OK. Let's leave the title in. Done the same with Mike Pence, 48th Vice President of the USA.

I never enter male birth surnames unless they change, e.g. a Eastern European Jew westernizing his Polish sounding last name with lots of J's and Z'.s It's the height of redundancy and many gigabytes are saved by not duplicating it.

Congrats to @President Trump and Mike Pence and wonderful families.I am so proud of my cousin many times removed . And never thought I would see this day. Unbelievable !


It should be entered as it is their surname at birth. One of my maternal great-great-uncles had two surnames listed on his birth registration.

Jonathan, a birth surname is a birth surname, regardless of gender, and whether it is the same as the last name or not. It should always be filled in.

Hi Jonathan, I just checked the listing and someone has already added "45th President of the USA" as his title. Done.

Is Mike Pence listed as the 48th, not the 45th Vice President? Wouldn't he be the same number as President Trump?

There have been 48 Vice Presidents. Many presidents have had more than one Vice President who served under them. For example Abraham Lincoln had two different Vice Presidents and Franklin D Roosevelt had three. Not at the same time of course.

Thank You Tamas, I just wasn't sure on that one. I haven't heard it stated, like with the Presidents.

Also, with the connections on geni. They seem to change accordingly with matched profiles being merged or other branches being added or cut in my observation.

I am also a distant cousin to both President Donald Trump and President Andrew Jackson according to Geni. Last time I checked but this may have changed a bit.

Does the President title apply only to the single current US President or the prior ones as well? I personally dislike display names because I dislike anything that abstracts from the hard, cold facts of a person's true demographic data bits.


The Clintons would be addressed on an envelope as President & Secretary Clinton.

Yeah, they retain the title.

Noel, perhaps new paths were added or a closer path was identified.

Private User we did come up with a secret plan to change every mention of Andrew Jackson everywhere on Geni to "Bloody Bloody Andrew on the Jake" but alas! Genealogical integrity prevailed. :)

Erica Howton you made me LOL.

Noel, The very same thing happened to me. Before he was my cousin, now I am related by marriage through Marla Maples? I too support "Our" cousin.

I'm related through Marla Maples and always have been. Can you look at her tree to see if anything appears out of sorts?

I've always been related via his Son-in-law Jared.

Erica, He isn't even really related now, when I look at it. Before the election we were, 17th cousins I believe through my Dad & his Mom. Now, I get this:7th great Uncle's nephew's wife's 1st C/3x's ex husband. It is the Anthony Shaw line (thru his Mom Rebecca Simmons & her sister, Mary (Wood) Sisson.) It is crazy. But, at least it isn't just me, I guess.

Still related to his mom directly and indirectly through family of ex wife M. Maples. In the end we are all connect in some way. GO TRUMP!!

- from California

Hello everyone.... thank you Jeff Gentes & Deborah Reed for your concerns about my question on Donald J Trump.... I happened to open his profile just the other day and I find that he has become my cousin once again ..... now that I have this question out of the way.... I find that I am related to every president in the United States .... and I am also related to all but three of the vice presidents of the United States .... which brings me to believe that we are truly all related.... I would also like to say that in working with my genealogy.... that I have reunited in my church and religion after 50 years of adsents...
and today my partne of over seven years Georgianna... has been taken religious classes.... today she stood at the altar in front of God...and Father Bill...and was welcomed into our church and religion at Saint Rose... thank you again NOEL

All American Protestants are cousins, provable in Geni. All descend from Eleanor of Acquitaine. I've never met an American Protestant unrelated to another American Protestant by blood.

I too am cousins with all of the presidents. I also descend from Edward I, "Longshanks" atleast twice through 2 of my 4 grandparents. I have atleast 1 path back to Henry II "Curt-mantle" from all 4 grandparents and my wife's 4 grandparents all have a path back to Henry II as well. I also descend from Eleanor of Aquitaine. I believe Jonathan Seth Wolfson on his statement. My paternal side is heavily Catholic and my maternal side is heavily Protestant. Interesting discussion!

I envy Christians who have deep genealogical roots. With my Eastern European Jewish ancestry which contains no famous rabbis, my ancestry is unknown and unknowable before the early nineteenth century on all sides.

That is wonderful Noel; please tell her I said "Welcome to the Church!"

Hi Jonathan

Protestants are all related, and many of us also have Spanish/Portuguese Crypto-Jew ancestry....LOL

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