Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom - The Queen

Started by Robert L Hinshaw on Sunday, January 8, 2017
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  • Photo by Joel Rouse of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence; retouched by Wikipedia user nagualdesign. Licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0 (OGL v.3). Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_Elizabeth_II_in_March_2015.jpg#mw-jump-to-license

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Showing 31-54 of 54 posts

Ben, you know that there's many ways to the queen, some of them might be bad done out of wishful thinking, other paths may shift due to corrections and became longer or shorter, and some paths are more persistent.

Bjørn P. Brox is Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark's 22nd great grandson.
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark's 18th great granddaughter.
Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark is my 20th great grandfather.

Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark

Yes, Ulf...I know that you are right, and I agree with you.

Valdemar is shown as being one of my many 26th Great Grandfathers.


(My current path to the Queen through my father's family is fairly distant at "13th cousin 4 times removed", while my path to the Queen through my mother's family is not shared with the public on Geni)

Hi there ! Valdemar I is my 23 rd Great Grandfather.....

Hello, Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark is my 22nd great uncle's father

Valdemar the great is my 25th great grandfather.and the queen my 26th cousin twice removed. but i've seen depending on whom i connected with the lineage is shorter. like when i connected with Jacques costeau The link was shorter to the queens father. only 14 relatives away but when i connected with the queen the link jumped from the paternal lineage to the maternal lineage which made the lineage further away. and that was because i connected with the queen first. so i'm thinking if i had connected with her father first the lineage wudnt have been longer . but thats just me. i dont know if its true.

This is a fascinating discussion. So many people joining the dots. Wonderful to see.

Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark is my first cousin 26 times removed.

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is my 13th cousin five times removed.

Now it's showing that the Queen is my 12th cousin. I'm not sure why the difference?

@Ulf Ingvar Gote Martinsson Thank you for your response and the tips. I haven't been able to populate my Family Tree on 2 branches beyond a great grandparent on one and great great grandparent on another as I don't know who they were, hence the reason I did autosomonal DNA and yes I'm Australian with European, English, Scottish, Irish ancestry and many American cousins, I have discovered since I received the DNA test results..
@Bjorn P.Brox Thank you for your reply and answer to my question re the parent DNA test. I can ask my brother to do the Y-DNA.
@Ben Thank you for clarifying the "relationship pathways" and good work by Geni Curators on the building of the World Tree. I can't complete my Family tree at this point in time until I am certain I have got it right and I still have a long way to go.


As Curators (and many others) work on the World Tree, the pathways change. This is because incorrect connections are cut, while new connections are made. In addition, the computer program that "finds" the pathways is always searching for the shortest path, which can sometimes result in slight changes to your connections.

Thanks Ben,

I'm aware they change, but in the same night? I didn't see any update to her profile. The first time I looked the family line went through the Wurttemberg side. The second time through the Lyon's both are my fathers side. I'm liking that I'm related it was just weird seeing that change so quick in one night (within minutes).

I'm new to Geni but since putting in the family tree info I did have, I've discovered multiple ancestors that have been a surprise. Queen Elizabeth II is my 13th cousin once removed, William "The Conqueror", King of England is my 29th great grandfather, Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia is my 18th cousin four times removed, Anne Boleyn is my 6th cousin 17 times removed, Empress Matilda is my 27th great grandmother. Of course, once related to William the Conqueror there's a great many royalty one is related to then. What's fun to find out is some of the others; Robert E Lee, John F Kennedy, Florence Henderson, Elvis, William Shakespeare, Goldie Hawn, Mick Jagger, Dolly Parton & Marilyn Monroe, just to name a few.
When all I thought I was was German, Irish, & Norwegian; I've discovered so far with Geni Welsh, French, Spanish, Danish, plus I'm sure I'll find out more when my DNA results come in. So basically a mutt. LOL
One thing I figured out though, is that if you go back far enough, everyone is related one way or another. So thank you Geni and Blessings, Love & Light to all my extended, crazy & dysfunctional family in the world.

Gina, since you had some of the same matches as I do I checked and we are cousins :)

Gina Kristine HAEFER is your 16th cousin once removed.

Happy to meet you cuz.

Hi Debbie,
Nice to meet you too cuz. We're only 2 1/2 hrs away from each other, and our b-days are only 2 days apart! :)

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is your first cousin once removed's husband's sister's husband's third great aunt's husband's son's wife's uncle's wife's great aunt's husband's daughter's husband's nephew's wife's second great nephew's wife.

Gina Kristine Haefer is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom's 13th cousin once removed.

Between us there is no direct relationship, but we are still relatives.

Евгений Владимирович Терещенко is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom's husband's second great aunt's husband's uncle's wife's father's wife's great niece's husband's niece's husband's father's wife's third great nephew's wife's brother's wife's first cousin once removed.

We, real Royalty don`t bother much about our connections to other Royal persons.
King Dries

Royal Persons are in fact actually very interested in how We are related to other Royal Persons. How else would We know to Whom to leave what?

Dries is not in line for an inheritance. 14th Cousin is too far out for consideration.



What about a direct descendant ?? Charles V le Sage, roi de France is your 20th great grandfather

Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark is your first cousin 28 times removed.
→ Stephen Alan Thoreson, Father
your father → Samuel Alfred Thoreson
his father → Jennie Thoreson
his mother → ada a hall
her mother → John Nelson hall
her father → Elisha Hall
his father → Hezekiah Hall
his father → Joseph Hall
his father → Sarah Hall
his mother → Job Babcock, Sr.
her father → Sarah Babcock
his mother → Capt. Joseph Brown
her father → Jeremiah Brown
his father → Rev. Chadd Browne
his father → Arthur Browne
his father → Sir Thomas Browne
his father → Anne Gardiner
his mother → Helen Tudor
her mother → Jasper Tudor
her father → Catherine of Valois, Queen consort of England
his mother → Elisabeth von Bayern, reine de France
her mother → Stephan III von Bayern
her father → Elisabeth of Sicily
his mother → Federigo II di Aragona, re di Sicilia
her father → Pedro III el Grande, rey de Aragón
his father → Violante de Hungría, reina consorte de Aragón
his mother → ÁRPÁD(házi) II. András - Andrew II, King of Hungary
her father → ÁRPÁD(házi) III. Béla király, King of Hungary & Croatia
his father → Eufrozina Misztiszlavovna-Rurikova Princess of Kiev - kievi hercegnő
his mother → Mstislav I Vladimirovich the Great Grand Prince of Kiev
her father → Ingeborg av Novgorod (Kiev)
his daughter → Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark
her son

Steven Alan Thoreson is Charles V le Sage, roi de France's 20th great grandson.


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