God Almighty . - God Almighty is NOT your 85th Great Grandfather

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 25, 2016
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Showing 241-270 of 273 posts

(I changed the current picture right after I responded to Ulf. Probably should have left so everyone could see the problem, but it seemed better to show that it could be changed.)

Well, it's nice to see that Eve, the mother of all people, still have some living descendants.

Curator please stop this nonsens.Its all speculations.But still fun in a way.But i can t see eny serius in this .

Let's not confuse genealogy with mythology.

I do indeed believe that my parents are my genetical parents. However, I have no DNA proof with 99.99 % probability.
* My father did only tell us about our half sister in the last week of his life. I am grateful to him for her, she is a lovely person, so he could have told earlier. So much for dark secrets.
* Now some really simple mathematics: If delta is the decimal probability that the father is NOT really the genetic father, i.e. that somebody lied, then the probability that the father is the genetic father is 1-delta. With N generations from the child to a certain male predecessor, like a famous person, the probability that this male predecessor is really related this way is P=(1-delta)^N.
* With the P=0.5 (50%), and delta=0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 or 0.05, then N=138, 69,39,23,17 or 14 generations with 50 % probability that the Nth grandfather is the given one.
* If you say that it is only 95% probable for each generation that the mother did not lie about the real fathers name, then one can track back the 14.th grandfathers name with 50 % probability.
* As for King David he is maybe N=95 generations away from me. If all parenthoods have a 1 % not-correct probability, then it is 38 % probable that I am related to King David in these 95 generations. If ... 3 % not-correct .. 0.1 % probable that .. in 95 generations.
* Please let us stick to facts and use thrustworthy sources like official registers and DNA. Still, a certain amount of ALL genealogical informations before DNA of approximately 1985 are .. NOT TRUE.
* Still, a relationship with Captain Kidd might lead to the gold treasure over that funny old book I inherited from my grand-grandfather who was a sailor ... ;) and leads me to think that geni sometimes is amusing reading. 😊

Ulf, yes it is. ;)

Andrei, yes, let's not. ;)

Hakon, I like your post, but I wonder how many times you are going to post it? ;)

Svante, there"s no nonsense, no speculation, yes it is fun, yes it is sort of serious.

Yes, all this mythology.

X was a real person.
200 years after his death he was already deified
300 years after his death he absorbed another deified man
400 years after that he absorbed another deified man
In the ninth century after BC he absorbed a saint, who once was a real man, the saint replaced his function.

Yet, almost every king in Europe claimed to have been a descendant of X

Conclusion by experts:
X can't have been a real person because he was later mixed up with other deified people, demigods and a saint, thus, X is just a myth.

I think I agree with you Ulf, because much like "from Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus", I think it's a shame when real people become lost to us through the myths they become.


Svante, I don't think the thread needs to be closed. People are giving their answers to a serious genealogical question. The fact that this topic comes up so often suggests it has perennial interest.

None of this is off-topic. No one is crossing the line into personal attacks against other people for their opinions. If someone is not interested in this subject, it's easy to unfollow the thread.

Ben, Haile Selassie was deified as a god in Jamaica, and this happened as late as in the 1960-70's. We have several both living and dead historical leaders whom have either themselves or by followers been appointed to gods, this phenomenon is probably as ancient as the civilization itself.

So then by the "Selassie Standard" should Gene Simmons be considered a "God of Thunder . . .and rock and roll . . ."?

In my not so humble opinion, he most definitely should be (and is) but then where does one draw the proverbial line? ;)


Case is point . . .a definition of God (ɡäd/ noun)

2.(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

By this definition some of the people who have known me would have to refer to me as a God . . .but I wouldn't.

Nd next to your previous post I found Jesus!! ; )


Ben - so God is a sysadmin?

Isn't that how some sysadmins behave?

Ulf, "Oh My God!" ;)

Harald, God? Must be a Solar System Administrator . . .


(Fast Forward to 1:55)

"In a form of sympathetic magic, many built life-size replicas of airplanes out of straw and cut new military-style landing strips out of the jungle, hoping to attract more airplanes. The cult members thought that the foreigners had some special connection to the deities and ancestors of the natives, who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches."

A great book...and thankfully, an equally great film.

Hahaha, GOD dont exist btw :)

Atleast NOT in geni haha xD
So mutch bullshit.

Report people who has Fail Report in GEni Tree ;)

btw i am not using mutch Geni anymore i am using MyHeritage owned by same jewish People ;)

so Jesus says God IS the One Father, so who am I to say different?

Yes the lines are a little short to God on genealogy if your looking out there. I tried looking a little bit around at the massive intelligence in the creation for signs of God, and have think that God is just that. I don't think we will get that on Geni.

Jesus dident exist either ;)

Roman empire made Christianity religion :)

Flavian DYnasti made up Jesus :)


Well, since I beg to differ about Jesus being made up, I won't argue with your belief system. However, miracles do exist and I personally have experienced them, so who are YOU to say different?

Showing 241-270 of 273 posts

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