God Almighty . - God Almighty is NOT your 85th Great Grandfather

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 25, 2016
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Might also want to consider consolidating Yashjub bin Yarab, Ruler of Sheba, "Father of Pure Arabs" into Yashyuv .

Meanwhile I will cross reference.

Might want also to look at God Almighty . is Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH)'s 74th great grandfather.


I also should note this point from another discussion:

"Please don't get too excited about this link, because that line is MUCH too short! If you look at the lineage itself, it even says "missing link" at least once.

Any reasonable line from present time to Adam would have to be about 150 generations long. It can be worked out like this:

We have external non-Biblical records to show that Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל was a person that lived in the 6th century BCE, i.e. about 2500 years ago. That works out to 100 generations (at a most reasonable *average* of 25 years between the birth of the father and his son). The Bible goes back 54 generations to Adam.

So Adam lived about 150 generations ago.

Anything less than 120 is going to be highly suspect."

'Awwam (curated by Customer Service?)

(Ok so the whole line is curated by Customer Service . . .is that not a red flag? Or is Customer Service the new position of the person who used to curate this line? Strange.)

@Ben -- There are MP's that were once curated by various people who are no longer acting curators. When that happens, usually they get taken up by other, active, curators; sometimes profiles fall through the cracks.

Customer Service sometimes "takes over" temporarily until a new curator assigns themselves to re curate. It is a better solution than un curated, in my opinion.

In case it's not clear, I don't think I (personally) should curate in these lines. I'm happy to contribute research efforts and perform "PRO" functions after checking with others via this discussion or the "contact manager" function.

Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd has a note in the profile:

The overwhelming majority of traditions and Muslim scholars state that Adnan is a descendant of Kedar the son of Ishmael,[5][8][9][10][11] except for Ibn Ishaq who claimed that Adnan was a descendant of Nebaioth,[12] this confusion of Ibn Ishaq can be because one of the descendants of Kedar was also named "Nebaioth".[13]


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adnan Gives the descent of Mohammed from Adnan


I figured it was something like that, but of course if "Customer Service" is busy with customer service, maybe someone else with knowledge in this area should be looking after it. And yes, it already was clear that this is not your preferred area of Curator-ship, and that you are just having fun with the puzzle while at the same time bringing your considerable skill-set to the table. I guess my point was, how can Customer Service keep track of this complex mess while busy doing other, more pressing, work . . .

Anywho . . .it's been fun so far and I think good progress has been made, so if anyone is still interested well then I am too. Just let me know how I can help, because one thing I know for sure is that G-d is not my Nth Great Grandfather.


Keep looking for the dicey links. The time travellers are the most important to send to their more realistic spot on the tree. I don't worry about 115 year olds when we have little for records so the dates are an estimated range. But a born bca 1600 with a son born 100 after the common era ... That was a good win.

Of course CS is busy with CS. But I would not expect anyone, including active curators, to be able to do this on their own. It's why we collaborate.

E (t D) H,

I understand and agree and will continue to do what I can to help.

A novice at best,

Adam of Eden was an estimated 930 years old when he died. So there's a thousand years right there. ;)

I think Adam was not anywhere near around 930 years ago, considering he was at the beginning, very beginning of the Bible. and Christ wasn't born until 2017,way way way after Adam was made bt God and died, and before Noah and Moses. All who came to be way way before Christ.

E (t D) H,

Here is the Father of Jesus I found while doing some tree climbing on the path between myself and Jesus. So how did G-d Almighty become connected/disconnected . . .
Unknown father of Jesus

And I do my best to understand you'll..

Imagine a blue line that stretches a couple of miles, then that you place your ancestors on this line, some of them are right next to the one behind, and or the next in line, some of them stands several miles apart, but the thing is, it's not meant to be precise, o9nly figurative.

(I have no idea what Judy is talking about. I'm also not sure what Ulf is saying, or who he is saying it to)

I'm addressing all participants in this discussion, named "God Almighty is NOT your 85th Great Grandfather", and focusing on the subject with a simile, but I do understand that it's not easy for everyone to grasp, even though I really tried to make it as easy as possible.

I was referring to the comment about Adam dying 930 years ago.

Sorry Ulf . . .I'm still not sure what you are trying to say with the whole blue-line thing . . . . . . . . .

simile; a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox ).

I am only interested in real pathways to real people who are really related to me in a real way. Everything else is a waste of time to me. I am simple just not enthused by genealogy that is for "entertainment purposes only".

Maybe you could please try again to explain what it is that you mean . . .

Re: unknown father of Jesus disconnected

Does it matter how / why? There's nothing we can do about this sort of transaction until relationship locking is available technically, which it is not. I'm sure you'll be among the first to know when it is,.

I am having problems with my computer ,so it took me a few minutes to get to original statement and then ,had problems again commenting. Grrrr. Anyway I did misread it as being born 930 years ago instead of what you actually said ,Ben, which was , he was 930 when he died., which is why I commented the why I did before.


I was referring to G-d Almighty being connected/disconnected, not "unknown father of Jesus" . . .my point being that someone must have recently disconnected G-d as the father in favor of Unknown Father Of . . .which is one of the things I thought we were trying to do . . .so . . .yay (or whatever).

Speaking in plain English as always,

Ah, I misunderstood. It's good news, then.

I'd love to somehow expand the timeline from the 120 gens currently to the 150 gens it's supposed to be to Biblical Adam, but my knowledge of Tannukh is not nearly sufficient to the task (understatement).

So maybe we can progress on the medieval connections, and also the Egyptian connections.

I like to see sources in the profiles before disconnecting.

Re: Unknown Father of Jesus

My understanding is that this was a curator decision quite a while back. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have different versions, and there are no primary sources. Geni is not a religious website, so it's not a good idea for Geni to endorse one version over the others. Better that we all accept it's a matter of personal belief and opinion, without trying to coerce others.

I would like to see the cleanup continue. As long as anyone on Geni has a direct line, we have a problem because there is no proven line. Not 120 generations. Not 150 generations.

I would, however, like to see Adam disconnected from G-d. As soon as we have relationship locking. We've been through all this many times before. The only reason they are currently connected is that if we break the relationship some people go to great lengths to add it back. It's not worth the continual maintenance to keep disconnecting.

Having Adam as G-d's literal son is the perfect way to offend Christians, Muslims, and Jews all at once, since that's not the mainstream theology for any of them.

Ahh . . .I confused myself by "walking up the trees" looking for "time travelers".

As I said, I am a novice at best, genealogy not being for forte, but rather a hobby.

This is what I thought I was talking about . . .

Adam of Eden "Adam of Eden" by Shmuel, with G-d as his father

"Jesus Christ" by Shmuel with Unknown as his father

..."a forte"...not "for forte"...

whoops...here is Jesus Christ with unknown father Jesus

There was a time on Geni when Adam, Eve, and Jesus all had the same father. It threw off the relationship calculations in a big way. G-d was an ancestor of Mary and Joseph, but also Mary's "husband".

Some people wanted to make two versions of G-d to fix the problem. That would have been offensive to many because it would imply two gods.

Genealogy software is never designed to tackle metaphysical questions ;)

Justin! Metaphysical Genealogy! What a great book idea . . .

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