God Almighty . - God Almighty is NOT your 85th Great Grandfather

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 25, 2016
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If this helps you identify alignment needs:

- King David of Israel shows as my 101st Great Grandfather

- God Almighty is cited as my 83rd great grandfather.

- Jesus Christ shows up as my 17th great grandfather's wife's grandfather's wife's sister's husband's first cousin four times removed's husband's 16th great uncle's wife's husband's brother's wife's son

- Odin shows as my 41st great grandfather

Clearly, the dates/lineages do not line up. Plus, why is God Almighty even listed - and with a birth year of 3825 - 3765 BCE? Odin for, that matter, too. Profiles should only exist for human beings who actually lived on Earth.

Erica Howton and Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) - on walkabout🇦🇺 --

Ha! Ha ha!

According to this scholar in 1898, that entire line that you sent me to look at is invented, and plays havoc with both dates and places:


so maybe in the course of Cleaning Up All Things Welsh we'll get the line put together right, but for now I'm detaching it -- it can't be made right.

Which is why it's not making any sense.

Though I especially loved the 1610 date, which was Really Exciting.

cheers, anne

Oh, wait, alternate spelling -- Ysgorda. Will go see what else we've got.

Just a general point. The decision was made (and I personally think it was right one) to treat the Bible as its own genealogical entity.

What we can do is get rid of the medieval fabricated lines to that genealogy. Looks like we've made progress on King David - 101 gens sounds about right - but we have some time traveling shortcuts to G-d Almighty.

Let's identify which exact profiles.

Back on the Welsh you sent me to -- following The British Chronicles, Vol. 2, I believe I've fixed it. Things got cut, redone, merged, etc. But I think it's making chronological sense now, besides obeying the history books.

Private Yes, say 77 gens to Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) sounds about right. Then add the Biblical genealogy to that, and we get about 120 - 128 gens to Adam of Eden.

I'm not great on the Bible but David at 101 gens sounded about right, too.

So great progress made already!

Sorry to come late to this discussion but I've been doing some research in the database on why Adam comes up as my 83rd ggf but Seth his son is my 126 ggf.

The database for my search is using Cain as a path for Adam which has an incomplete lineage. I say that because using Genesis 5 and 10 as research shows that by the time Abraham is born people are living less than 200 years so there should be some sort of close similarity in lineages.

Example, Absalom is my 98 ggf, Solomon is my 97th ggf and Nathan is 102 ggf.

Adams sons Seth and Cain should be within at least 10 but are not. 42 generations is way to big to be accurate for Seth and Cain there is simply to much of a gap to be accurate.

As a test try a search using Cain and then Seth see what I'm talking about.

Scott Dawson

Scott Michael Dawson I follow you, excellent analysis. The problem is Cain (figures).

Can someone tag the Cain profile for study?

First of all God and Jesua , arenot one in the same. One is the father, the other e is the same. However, if you could prove and I doubt , to date anyone can , that he or she is related to Jesus,then of course you would be related to God. However, AAAAAAAAAi don't see how this can be proven and I wish Geni would put a stop to these claims.

If God and Jesus are two separate people, then Christianity is not a monotheistic religion.

Private User you're letting us off too easy; in order to have the full contemplation of the Christian faith's challenges to ordinary logic logic, you must include the third person of the Trinity.... I leave you to the contemplation of the Doctrine of the Trinity... God is the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God from eternity to eternity ... but I don't think we should ask Geni to represent that in any way, shape or form.

The doctrine says Jesus became man and was born of the Virgin Mary; I think it's only reasonable to constrain our Geni tree to trace the (completely human) ancestry of Mary, and note that Jesus was her son.

As you wish, Isabel. Cain .

And just in case, Seth

From Cain's profile:

'The Talmud records that none of his descendants survived the Great Flood."

Can someone find Noah's profile & compare timeline ascribed?

That would give a cut & lock point.

Geni says: Cain . is your 85th great grandfather.


Noah . is Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו's 7th great grandfather.

(missing 3 gens - "Abraham was of the 10th generation from Noah")


Birth: -2704
Out Of Eden, before the Flood.
Death: -1754 (950)
MT Arrat, Turkey

So Cain's descent should be no later than ... ?

Well, since most of us do believe in God > We may call him by different names and each religions has it's own name for him but they all mean one God over everyone. I call him God, someone else calls him The Great Spirt,another Alayah
, another Jehovah ,the list goes on. And most religions have a creation story Again totally differently but yet still the same story. We more then likely all go back to God but it's still not possible to prove it in writing or DNA

Sorry ,I apologize I misspelled Allah. I had it right but though I was wrong. Tried spell check and the above is what I got. So since I can't go into my comment and correct it. I looked it up on Google. I am doing it here. I don't want to hurt or insult anyone.Most of the time spell check is very helpful and other time not.

It depends on how you count. Many numberings in the Bible count both ends of the list.

me = first generation
father = second generation
grandfather = third genreation
great grandfather = fourth generation.
2nd great grandfather = fifth generation.
7th great grandfather = 10th generation

So the list may be wrong, but in this way it seems OK.

Such lines need to not be dismissed, as they are traditional practice, but they must be approach mythically, rather than literally...after the manner of Depth Psychology. This is probably true for any lines prior to 1500s.

Not for all lines before 1500, no. While there are many people in the medieval tree we don't have lots of evidence for, there is an enormous amount of reliable evidence, especially for high born medieval people.

The English especially were very fond of keeping records. But medieval evidence is all over the place: wills, land documents, histories, genealogies.

You just need to know how to read the evidence, how to assess it, how to make judgments.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand

Hi cousin;

Yeah, I read up on First Council of Nicaea. That entire Holy Spirit loses me. But who am I to argue with great minds? Some folks just like symmetry.

can you please tell me what family is connected to these names above? Serri or Ajelllo or God Almighty or other? Thank you. .

God Almighty is now my 78th great grandfather's wife's fifth great grandfather.

No path found to Nammu, Goddess of the Sea (whew!)

Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH) is my 47th great grandfather.

PBUH is currently listed as my 43th ggf.
I wonder if there is any truth in this line: https://www.geni.com/path/Johannes-Fredrik-Steen+is+related+to+Prop...

No, I think you will have to cut off your line at Alice Radcliffe

Private User I disconnected Alice Sutton from her impossible marriage to Edward Loftus, of Swineshead

But this doesn't solve the Cain problem. Need your help!

Erica Howton Alice Radcliffe is still connected to Edmund Suton. Since you are the curator of both profiles, I will not touch this connection.
Private User, I presume this is what you were pointing to?

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