Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge - great-grandfathers

Started by Private User on Saturday, December 17, 2016
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Private User
12/17/2016 at 8:04 PM

Kate and I share the same great-grandfather. Charlemagne is Kate's 33rd great-grandfather and 37th.

12/17/2016 at 8:49 PM

Unfortunately and family tree that many generations back in or any other source is highly questionable and lacking proof! But it is estimated that over 100 million people living today may be related to Charlemagne due to the frequency of close relative marriages among royalty for many many generations. Ghengis Khan is also a common ancestor of millions.

12/17/2016 at 9:50 PM

Douglas, you are completely correct. No one on Geni can state with 100 percent accuracy that the Geni relationship calculator is correct. It is only as correct as the information uploaded is correct. And, as I have discovered, even when many of my lines are correct and proven, sometimes people make changes to my that aren't correct. Or, I will discover new information and when many of my lines are curated and locked for protection purposes, it is another project to update my lines. However, I highly recommend having a curator lock your proven lines, even if it does take extra time.

3/26/2017 at 10:24 AM

Great to meet you, 18th cousin! It is good to hear from someone so enthusiatic about Genealogy, their personal ancestors, and My departed Grandmother Myra Jacobs Sheldon and her cousin professional Geneologist Rev Frank Kennth Barta passed along incredibly accurate geneology notes with bibliography to my Aunt Jane Sheldon Sharpe. Fortunately Rev Barta's meticulous research matches well with and many of our royal and historical ancestor profiles are already locked by curators or are being updated by equally meticulous authors. Many Counts von Rantzau, Princes von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, and the Wettin (Windsors) Royalty are ancestors and cousins are just a few generations back on my tree with Hapsburgs, Danish Kings such as King Christian III and Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain being well documented and locked ancestor profiles about a dozen generations back. I have traced Ken Barta's notes of ancestors back to Charlemage matching exactly with! Thanks for the suggestion of requesting curators to lock profiles which appear to be most factual.

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