King David of Israel / דוד המלך - King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 100th great grandfather.

Started by Private on Saturday, December 10, 2016
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Thank you all for your answers.

I do not speak English well enough so that I can answer for you.
Import contact David king of Israel came to the site information.
Now, I'm actually looked like until only the 1300-1400's. They are my family since 1500. nobles families and royal families.

It would be interesting to know ...

1. What was the amount of Israel's 12 tribes and descendants of Jewish converts to religion when King David that is?
All the Jews, the Hebrews, had not yet arisen even genetic descendants of Jacob.
The Bible says that if anybody can join a citizen of Israel, if you turn to the Jewish religion.

2. What was the population of Israel when Israel was divided after the death of Solomon the son of David (The Northern Ephraim 10 tribes and the southern tribes of Judah 2).

3. How much is the amount of northern Israel, Ephraim was when they were forced into exile to Assyria about 712 / BC? (Freed about 612 / BC). Have still not returned to Israel.

4. How much was the amount of the tribe of Judah 2 of IDPs after the Eframin had to Babylonian slavery? How much will the descendants of Judah returned to Israel, it will read the list of names of the men I remember in the Bible. (Among them were not Eframin descendants of 10 tribes).

5. What is during these same periods was the number of people throughout the world's population?

ps. Family study can be received after years of ancestry is also disappearing. Ancestry will be the same family for children. It distorts the calculation of the ancestors amount (eg, 2,4,8,16,32, etc ...).

Jacob familytree

Juuda familytree

Came to mind just now, this ...
If Geni data show that the ancestors is King David. Calculate the Jewish descendants of David, a Jewish Yeshua.
1. If you go to your own family tree of David about 42 generations of modern times as the ancestors of whom end up?
2. Where in the world he lived in?
3. What year except end up?
4. Are there any historical writings about him?

Jeshua - Mattatan
Naatan, Daavid → Aadam

(Sorry my bad english, Google Translate.)

Kiitos kaikille vastauksistanne.

En osaa englantia riittävän hyvin jotta voin vastata teille.
Tuo yhteys Israelin kuningas Daavidiin tuli sivuston tietona.
Nyt olen olen itse tutkinut kuin pelkästään 1300-1400 luvulle asti. He ovat sukupuussani 1500 jälkeen aatelisia sukuja ja kuninkaallisia sukuja.

Olisi mielenkiintoista tietää...

1. Mikä oli Israelin 12 heimon jälkeläisten ja juutalaiseen uskontoon kääntyneiden määrä silloin kun kuningas David eli ?
Kaikki juutalaiset, hebrealaiset, ei silloin ollut edes Jaakobin geneettisiä jälkeläisiä.
Raamatussa lukee että kuka vaan voi silloin liittyä Israelin kansalaiseksi jos kääntyy juutalaiseen uskontoon.

2. Mikä oli Israelin väestön määrä kun Israel jakautui kahtia Daavidin pojan Salomonin kuoleman jälkeen (Pohjoinen Efraim 10 heimoa ja eteläinen Juuda 2 heimoa).

3. Paljonko pohjoisen Israelin Efraimin jälkeläisten määrä oli kun he joutui Assyyrian pakkosiirtolaisuuteen noin 712/eKr ? (vapautuivat noin 612/eKr). Eivät ole vieläkään palanneet takaisin Israeliin.

4. Paljonko oli Juudan 2 heimon pakkosiirtolaisten määrä kun Eframin jälkeen joutui Babylonian orjuuteen? Paljonko Juudan jälkeläisiä palasi takaisin Israeliin se nimilista miehistä lukee muistaakseni Raamatussa. (Heidän joukossa eivät olleet Eframin jälkeläiset 10 heimoa).

5. Mikä on noiden samojen ajankohtien aikana ollut koko maailman väestön ihmismäärä?

ps. Sukututkimuksessa voi tulla vastaan vuosien jälkeen myös esipolvi katoa. Esivanhemmiksi tulee saman perheen lapsia. Se vääristää laskennallisesti esivanhempien määrää (esim; 2,4,8,16,32, jne...).

Tuli juuri äsken mieleen tämä...
Jos Geni tietojen mukaan esi-isäsi on kuningas Daavid. Laske jälkeläiset juutalaisesta Davidista juutalaiseen Jeshuaan.

1. Jos menet omassa sukupuussasi Daavidista noin 42 sukupolvea nykyaikaan päin niin keneen esivanhempaasi päädyt?
2. Missäpäin maailmaa hän on asunut?
3. Mihin vuosilukuun päädyt?
4. Löytyykö hänestä jotain historiallisia kirjoituksia?

Shalom Chaverim !
The top row covered, 5 the name, part of the less than 100 years.
(google translate)
Ylärivi peitetty, 5 nimeä, osa alle 100 vuotta.

Helena Ollintytär Teittinen (Teit,Teitti)
her motheer

Olof Olofsson Teitti (Teit)
her father

Olof Thomansson Teitti (Teit), Thomasson Teittinen
his father

Thomas Perttelinpoika Teitti (Teit)
his father

Pertteli Perttelinpoika Teit
his father

Pertteli Antinpoika Teit
his father

Antti Mikonpoika Teit
his father

Mikko Antinpoika Andersson Teit
his father

Anders Laurentii Teit
his father

Karin Eriksdotter
his mother

Erik Eriksson Bielke, till Benhamra
her father

Gunilla Johansdotter Bese
his mother

Katarina Johansdotter Gädda
her mother

Katarina Bengtsdotter Königsmark
her mother

Märta Tordsdotter Bonde
her mother

Katarina Ulfsdotter (Roos af Ervalla)
her mother

Ulf Jonsson (Roos af Ervalla)
her father

Baron Jon Havtoresson Raud
his father

Agnes Haakonsdatter
his mother

Håkon V, king of Norway
her father

Ingeborg Eriksdatter
his mother

Erik IV Plovpenning, Konge af Danmark
her father

Berengária af Portugal, Dronning af Danmark
his mother

Sancho I the Populator, King of Portugal
her father

Afonso I the Conqueror, King of Portugal
his father

Teresa de Leão, condessa de Portugal
his mother

Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León
her father

Sancha I, reina de León
his mother

Elvira Menéndez, reina consorte de León
her mother

Tutadonna Moniz de Coimbra
her mother

Munio Forjaz de Coimbra
her father

Froila Gutiérrez, III conde de Trastámara, Conde de Astorga
his father

Aldara Álvarez Ériz de Lugo, Santa
his mother

Ero Fernández, conde de Lugo
her father

Fernando Fernández de Monterroso
his father

Rodrigo Romaes, II conde de Monterroso y de Sta Marta de Ortigueira
his father

Teresa Arias
his mother

Arias señor de Casa de Sirgal, senhor da Casa do Sirgal
her father

Nuño Núñez
his father

Suando Menéndez
his father

Ylduara Lúcida
his mother

her mother

Severianus, count of Cartagena
her father

his mother

Rufius Gennadius Avienus
her father

Rufus Viventius Gallus
his father

his mother

Rufius Postumianus
her father

Postumius Rufius Festus Avienus
his father

Petronia Probina
his mother

her mother

Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
her father

Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother

Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father

Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father

Julia Quadratilla
his mother

Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her father

Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother

Julia Iotapa
her mother

Alexander, King of Cilicia
her father

Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father

Alexander II of Judaea
his father

Alexander III, Prince of Judaea
his father

Marianne I Hasmonean, 2nd wife King Herod
his mother

Alexander II Hasmonean, High Priest
her father

Aristobulus II Hasmonean, King and High Priest
his father

Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his mother

Yohanan (John) I Hyrcanus, I Hyrcanus
her father

Rabbi Yossel ben Yohanan
his father

Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar
his father

Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah
his father

Zeredah ben Antigone
his father

Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father

Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father

Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father

Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his father

his father

Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father

Meshullam the Scribe / משולם הסופר
his father

Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father

Shealtiel, 2nd Exilarch / שאלתיאל
his father

Jehoiakim (Elyakim), 17th King of Judah
his father

Josiah, 15th King of Judah
his father

Amon, 14th King of Judah
his father

Menasseh, 13th King of Judah
his father

Hephzi-bah .
his mother

ישעיהו הנביא
her father

Amoz .
his father

Jehoaddan .
his mother

Jehosheba .
her mother

Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
her father

Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father

Kuningas Aasa
his father

Ana ., de Naftali
his mother

Basemath .
her mother

Solomon, King of Israel
her father

King David of Israel / דוד המלך
his father

The probability that a german family tree from 1942 is correct, is not as large as that of a corresponding US family tree. Because a jewish father would not be so good for survival. And so somebody would .. lie. For the king to have a doubtful father, maybe even a simple soldier of the people, would jeopardize his position and rights. And so his mother would .. lie. In a long written tale of family members, like the old testament, the probability is high .. that one single link was .. not correct. When the number N of generations backwards increases, the probability that one link is not correct .. rises significantly. Of course, @harald tveit alvestrand is right about using the old stories, letters, family trees, the old testament etc. Though these have a lower probability of correctness. I recommend more reliable sources are used in , technically absolutely required before a profile is generated. Good luck for us everybody.

I'm not sure if the historians even can agree that King David was a real physical person, they can't what I know, not even agree if Odin once was a real leader, and he lived much later, but we named some of our weekdays after some of the Norse gods, probably also some digits like one two three and four, of which just "one" is actually after Odin, there sure wasn't any "ONE" in the world before Odin, so how real and how a great leader mustn't he have been, to get a digit named after him in the most of the countries in Europe?

Anyway, less than 300 millions of people lived in the 200 century, and it's likely to think that the amount was fewer if we go further back, never to have reach over 300 millions in any prehistoric times before that.

It is wrong to question the false all the Old Covenant Family Trees or renewed the covenant family trees.
(Hoo haa scripture)
Hardly Jewish genealogists or the state of Israel to question any other Old Testament writings.

More than 1000 years older data does not just rely on some old nobles pedigrees.
How alone they should be 100% reliable, especially when the genealogy goes away from the 1000 figure.

There is no past no one living person come to us to tell who is her mother, father, spouse and children. Can only rely on history books and contemporary sources, and regarded them as the certainty of knowledge as they can as the old source of information to have. The farther you go the more uncertain as the information goes. The Bible is a welcome exception to this, thanks to the time the Jews have lived for genealogists, who wrote up the traditions.

Family study can be made of other studies, old books and a number of contemporary accounts of history.

Ready pedigrees sometimes being 1000-1500's even been sold and developed by ourselves, so that man has got a better social position.

Kings, popes and monarchs have reliable information about the history.

Please tell me on earth, which is the most secure and clearly the correct pedigree that goes away from the 1000 figure (in direct male line, in direct line with the mother, the father of the mother of a mixed line). And show the source of the information.

Can be written even in the wrong information. For centuries, then.
The child can play someone else's child, is not his father's child.

If anyone proves before the 1000 century ancestor who lived in the family tree also yDNA or mtDNA test, a straight line for a father or mother, still double the DNA tests and the same family with wood, wood genealogy that connects to some far-so. It can be a reliable family tree better than other family trees.

(Google translate)

On väärin kyseenalaistaa vääriksi kaikki Vanhanliiton sukupuut tai Uudistetun liiton sukupuut.
(huu haa kirjoitukseksi)
Tuskin juutalaiset sukututkijat tai Israelin valtio kyseenalaistaa muitakaan Vanhanliiton kirjoituksia.

Yli 1000-vuotta vanhemmissa tiedoissa ei kannata luottaa pelkästään joihinkin vanhoihin aatelisten sukutauluihin.
Miten pelkästään ne olisi 100% luotettavia varsinkin silloin kun sukututkimus menee 1000-lukua kauemmaksi.

Ei menneisyydestä ole kukaan elävä ihminen tullut meille kertomaan kuka on hänen äitinsä, isänsä, puolisonsa ja lapsensa. Voi luottaa vain historian kirjoihin ja aikalaisten lähteisiin ja pitää niitä niin varmoina tietoina kuin ne voi niinkin vanhoilla lähde tiedoilla olla. Mitä kauemmaksi menee niin sitä epävarmemmaksi tiedot menee. Raamattu on tässä ilahduttava poikkeus, kiitos silloin eläneille juutalaisille sukututkijoille, jotka perimätiedot ylös kirjoitti.

Sukututkimusta voi tehdä toisten tutkimuksista, vanhoista historian kirjoista ja useista aikalaislähteistä.

Valmiita sukutauluja ollaan joskus 1000-1500-luvulla jopa myyty ja kehitetty itse, jotta ihminen on päässyt parempaan yhteiskunta asemaan.

Kuninkaista, paaveista ja hallitsijoista on luotettavampaa historian tietoa.

Kertokaa ihmeessä, mikä on varmin ja kiistattomasti oikea sukupuu joka menee 1000-lukua kauemmaksi (suorassa isälinjassa, suorassa äitilinjassa, isä äiti sekalinjassa). Ja näyttäkää lähdetiedot.

Voi niissäkin olla kirjoitettu väärää tietoa. Jo vuosisatoja ja sitten.
Lapsi voikin olla jonkun muun lapsi, ei olekaan isänsä lapsi.

Jos joku todistaa ennen 1000-lukua eläneen esivanhemman sukupuun myös yDNA tai mtDNA testillä, jonkun suoran isä tai äitilinjansa, vielä kahden henkilön DNA testeillä ja samalla sukupuulla, sukupuulla joka yhdistyy jossain kaukaa niin. Sen sukupuun luotettavuus voi olla parempi kuin muiden sukupuiden.

The hard part, I do not understand?
The days of Noe, 8 were saved?

Vaikea kohta, en ymmärrä?
Noan päivinä, 8 pelastui ?

Thanks for the link. Maybe I'll be there to contact.

Shalom Chaverim! Today Update...
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 103rd great grandfather.

Information has changed, I have not changed the information. I do not know where in there is a change.
It does not matter to me whether generations of 100 or 103. Interestingly, however.
I picked 52/2016 Contact
but the site did not respond to me.
I contacted the embassy of Israel, and even they have not answered me.
Does not interest them any seed of David. ;) Can you hear even the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God YHWH? Hopefully.

(google translate)

Tieto on muuttunut, minä en ole muuttanut tietoa. En tiedä missä kohdin on muutos.
Ei sillä ole minulle väliä onko sukupolvia 100 tai 103. Mielenkiintoista kuitenkin.
Otin 52/2016 yhteyttä
sivustoon mutta eivät ole vastanneet minulle.
Otin yhteyttä myös Israelin suurlähetystöön, eivätkä hekään ole minulle vastannut.
Ei heitä kiinnosta Daavidin mahdolliset jälkeläiset. ;) Kuuleeko edes Aabrahamin, Iisakin ja Jaakobin Jumala YHWH ? Toivottavasti.

King David of Israel / דוד המלך is my grandson Joshua's 99th great grandfather. Thank you everyone for your hard work.

Shalom Chaverim!
Thanks for the replies.

Today Update 1 / 7 / 2017 ? King David no my Great Grandfather ?
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 76th great grandfather's wife's first cousin once removed's 1st husband.

1 / 7 / 2017

Shalom everybody,
just a quick short note from your [part time] Biblical Curator. I try and keep the Biblical Tree consistent with biblical and related sources. As far as this project is concerned that means as far as Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל (6th century BCE) for the Jewish Bible, and Jesus (1 CE) for the Christian Bible.

We know for a fact, that pretty much ALL lineages connecting TO the Biblical Tree, especially those of European "Nobility", are complete FABRICATIONS. It was a fashion in Medieval Times to create such trees, to prove how special these nobody rulers were. There ARE 2-4 rather obscure lineages that are mostly accepted as valid. To my best knowledge NONE of these has been entered on Geni yet.

If you look at King David's profile, under discussions, you will see this has been discussed endlessly before.

Lastly, King David lived about 100 generations ago. You will find that most lineages to him are 60-80 generations long. This is clear proof that they are nonsense. They too too mny short-cuts.

We curators do our best job to CUT off these fake lines, but people love them so much that it's an ongoing battle to keep up with pruning them.

I'm being very forgetful tonight. Here is a link to the relevant project which can answer most other questions that you might have.

Shabbat Shalom! Do you have a line of King David the information changed? Or is there a line of ancestors remained the same? I've got the first hit in the family tree data is changed at least four times.
(sorry my bad english , google translate)

Shabbat Shalom! Onko teillä kuningas David linjan tiedot muuttuneet? Vai onko esivanhempien linja pysynyt samana? Minulla ensimmäisen osuman jälkeen sukupuun tiedot on muuttunut ainakin neljä kertaa.

Today 2 / 25 /2017
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 37th great uncle's 61st great grandfather.

Sonja Marie Clark-Moss-Woodruff You do not come from God Almighty .. It is a fake tree, as a father of Adam of Eden as Adam had no father or mother, but he was created from dust. You are not descended from God Almighty .!

Yehuda Zev Rubin. So who created Adam and Eve if God Almighty didn't. I believe in the Bible and it isn't fake. Sorry

Sonja Marie Clark-Moss-Woodruff Yes, God Almighty . did create Adam of Eden and Eve, but he is not their father. I believe in the Bible, but you do not come from them.

I prefer to think of The Adam, the first humans upon the earth. Spirit is first.
I don't believe that there were enough generations in God Almighty to be quite correct for mine.

Our lines to David are 90th, 94th, 98th. One line to Nathan,his son, says 100 generations. The window on these lines is Eleanor of Castile. We have lines to Absolam and Solomon too. Any ideas?

"It was a fashion in Medieval Times to create such trees, to prove how special these nobody rulers were."


I am getting reticent to accept any genealogy that is not printed in a book of genealogy at least 100 years old or less. No one could have kept intelligent records before that...or at least very accurate....except for the Romans and Old Welsh. However, only a thought of mine of course. They are ancestors and I am quite prejudiced! Blessings!

Warning: The most recent high point of published fake genealogies was 1700-1900. Afer 1900 there seems to have been a little more skepticism to go around, but many people published genealogies based totally on those fake genealogies published 1700-1900.

My approach is generally "trust but verify" - unfortunately there's a lot of stuff where I have just gotten around to the first step, but the nice thing about Geni is that if someone else verifies and writes the data he found into the Big Tree, I can find it and re-verify very easily.

Yehuda Zev Rubin is completely right in all his comments, G-d Almighty has no children and no family. That would be biologically impossible.

[This message has been hidden until it can be reviewed by an administrator.]

I believe that the God Almighty listing is similar to some, for instance, like Odin, Zeus.or Isis. Folks in olden times liked to be descended from their gods, so is understandable that they considered that the first Kings or Queens originated with them in their linages.

Have checked some of these lines out and they seem to fit. Perhaps I do have lots of ancestors from Abraham into Damascus. Interesting. Thanks everyone for your inputs.

update versio 2 / 28 / 2017
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 99th great grandfather.

No doubt it started as an oral tradition and once these "descendants" learnt how to write (and having a good memory) they decided to write down their lineage. Just like us, I guess people want to try and find their lineages until they right back to creation or whatever. King David is my 98th gg btw.

I have four lines to David...Solomon, Nathan and Absolam, and David's sister. Very interesting to see a lot of other people on them. Have learned more about history. For instance the land of Palestine is not exactly as was envisioned,( growing up in Sunday school ), in the time of Jesus. There were so many factions both religious and political wanting power. Very different world and cultures than we were led to believe.

Showing 31-60 of 88 posts

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