Aharon Meshulem Zalmen Halevi Horowitz - Confusing duplicate

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Tuesday, November 29, 2016
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11/29/2016 at 12:25 PM

I think you are confusing him with this one Aaron Meshulam Zalman Munka Halevi Horowitz

10/18/2019 at 9:53 AM

Randy, I can't read the German article. Can you summarize its contents? But you seem to be saying that the person in this profile who lived in the early 1500s is in fact someone who lived 100 years later? We ahve a tombstone but I cannot make out the letters. It surely indicates a date of death....? WOuld love to hear from the curator of this profile what they think. THis person is a linchpin for going farther back and if the profile is wrong then it changes many things. We really should sort this out.....

10/18/2019 at 9:53 AM

Randy, I can't read the German article. Can you summarize its contents? But you seem to be saying that the person in this profile who lived in the early 1500s is in fact someone who lived 100 years later? We ahve a tombstone but I cannot make out the letters. It surely indicates a date of death....? WOuld love to hear from the curator of this profile what they think. THis person is a linchpin for going farther back and if the profile is wrong then it changes many things. We really should sort this out.....

10/18/2019 at 10:02 AM

Is there something that doesn't look right? I don't understand the question.

10/24/2019 at 11:48 AM

Randy, You seem to be suggesting in your comment that this profile is being confused with another person by the same name. If this was resolved it would be useful to have that noted. Also, one of the moderators advised me that the translation to the tombstone is in the profile. But it is not one of the four attached documents and I do not see anything that reads like a Jewish marker. (e.g. "Here lies our belove respected and reknown rabbi and teacher etc."). If that is somewhere in the profile I must be blind and apologize. In any events, thanks for the response.

10/24/2019 at 11:50 AM

OK. I figured it out. The photo is not of Aharon Zalmen's tombstone, but a marker in the cemetery. I was excited to think that this was the actual tombstone I could visit of my 15th great grandfather. But now I understand. Thanks again for your help and great work

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