Rabbi Naftali Hirsch Katz, [ABD Lublin][Perot Genosar] - Naftali Hirsch Katz I - Two Wives

Started by Private User on Monday, November 28, 2016
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Private User
11/28/2016 at 5:27 AM

I have found recorded that Rabbi Naftali Hirsch Katz, ABD Lublin, "Peirot Genosar" had two wives. It was his second wife, name given as 'Shprintza' who later remarried Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Head, Cracow Yeshiva after the former's death.
Rabbi Yitzchak HaCohen Katz, II [of Stopin and Lublin] the father of Rabbi Naftali Katz II, haKohen is a son of this wife Shprintza. Accordingly, Rabbi Naftali Katz II, haKohen isn't necessarily a descendant of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King). It was Rbzn. Dina Katz Heschel who was a granddaughter of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King), not our Shprintza. Now of course this doesn't fit with anything recorded on Geni. Can anyone support/refute this? Here is a link to the document I am quoting - https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjB-Z-O4Zw-PdlIJaNMOOW9TkkI.

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