Donald Trump, 45th President-elect of the United States - Donald Trump is a descendant of the Viking chieftain who founded Russia

Started by Алексей Нилогов on Saturday, November 19, 2016
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Hi Aleksei,

I can be possible, because I´m my self from the same line. So if I am ‘a descendant of Russian ruler’, then it is possible that Trump is also.

Hi Aleksei,

Rurik, Founder of the Rurikid Dynasty is my 30th great grandfather from my fathers line. Donald Trump is my 17th cousin, so it is possible that also he is ‘a descendant of Russian ruler’.
Rurik Рюрикович MP 100
Venäjä: Рюрик Рюрикович, Свеаланд Новгородский князь, Saksa: Rurik (Roderick) Рюрикович, Großherzog von Novgorod, Hollanti: Rurik (Roderick) Рюрикович, Grote Hertog van Novgorod, Ranska: Rurik (Roderic) Рюрикович, grand duc de Novgorod, Liettua: Riurikas Рюрикович, Kunigaikštis
Sukupuoli: Mies
Syntynyt: noin 830
Region of the Baltic see!
Kuollut 879 (45-53)
Rurikovo Gorodische (Holmgård), Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia
Hautapaikka: Shum-gora, Peredolskaya Volost, Batetsky District, Novgorod Oblast, Russia

NOTE: Rurik most likely originated from somewhere around the Baltic region, this area of northern Europe was very fluid at the time with no clear definitions or national boundaries. There is no clear evidence supporting Rurik's origins beyond the statement that he was a "varagian" (Varangian), but even the meaning of this word is unclear, he may have come from any of the Scandinavian or Baltic countries.

Hi, Ann Margit Lindström!

The genealogy of the line of Macleod, some gaps in the documents. Perhaps I shouldn't have jumped the gun with this sensation.

Trump is my cousin also.

I noted that Angela K.House is my 22nd cousin.

Trump is my cousin too!

Need proof of this line:

Donald Macleod, of Whitefield, near Thurso (ок. 1785 – ?)
→ Catherine / Christian MacLeod m. William MacLeod, Skerray (1809 – ?)
→ Alexander MacLeod (10.05.1830 – 12.01.1900) + Anne MacLeod (12.02.1833 – ?)
→ Malcolm (Calum) MacLeod (27.12.1866 – 22.06.1954) + Mary Smith (11.07.1867 – 22.12.1963)
→ Mary Anne Trump (MacLeod) (10.5.1912 – 07.08.2000) + Frederick Christ (Fred) Trump (11.10.1905 – 25.06.1999)
→ Donald Trump, 45th President–elect of the United States (р. 14.06.1946)

Geni has no path between Trump and Grand Duke of Novgorod Rurik Sigurdsson today.

@ Johannes Fredrik Steen, I see that Catherine/Christian MacLeod have been disconnected from her previous set up father, Commissary Donald MacLeod, of Whitefield near Thurso due to lack of records.


Christine MacLeod

Born in 1809 - Stornoway, Eilean Leòdhais, Écosse

Donald MacLeod 1785
Margaret Cameron 1785
Marriages and children

Married on 19 November 1828, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, to William MacLeod 1806-1869, with
Alexander 1830-1900
- person: O.Guionneau (message de D. Spencer Hines) 14 V 16
- marriage: O.Guionneau ( 14 V 16
- family: O.Guionneau (message de D. Spencer Hines) 14 V 16;i=4558930

Алексей Нилогов it seems to make some sense, but I think that the person who disconnected the parents needs to see the real physical records to accept them, or could there be some other emotional reasons behind the cut?

Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson, i agree. Of course, we need documentary sources. But:

This is a total non-issue.

You can be pretty sure that EVERYONE who lived around the year 1000 or before (and had at least some descendants) is a direct ancestor of almost EVERYONE who is alive today, even when Geni has not yet discovered the direct line.
There may be exceptions to this rule among native Americans or native Australians, but surely not Donald Trump

and that's a non-issue for similar reasons even though their common ancestor is a bit more recent.
I am not a descendant of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, 1st Earl of Richmond but of his grandfather (count William III of Holland). The descendancy lines may be correct but utterly meaningless for whatever opinion you may have about the living persons at the 21th-century end of these lines.
It may be entertaining for a few minutes but that's about it!

This is the "official" genealogy page for Pesident Elect Donald J. Trump

It does not assign parents to Christian or Catherine MacLeod.

There were numerous MacLeod families on the Isle of Lewis, and at this time, I don't think anyone can say which one she originated from.
"According to his son Malcolm, who was the informant of his father’s death, Alexander was the son of William MacLeod, a crofter, and Catherine MacLeod".

And there you have it! Until actual records of birth for Christian / Catherine MacLeod or probate records for one of her parents naming her can be found her parents are unknowable. The laws of genealogy have not been suspended. (And possibly Christian and Catherine were two separate wives).

For the record Hilary (Rodham) Clinton's line to John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster was disconnected at Joseph Rodham for the very same reason. No evidence has been found as to his origins or parents.

GENI is evidenced based. We apparently have higher standards than the and Who knew?

The parents are not quite "unknowable", they are just not fully proven, some slight difference I guess? Then you have another argument in this case like; A, B and C had the same names and lived in the same area under the same time frame, people had A as the parents, did someone else actually had B or C as the parents, I guess not...

Have Donald Trump mande any DNA test ? if not i hope he will do .

il a ri, elle a pleuré

Private User “not fully proven?” – Really? It is wild conjecture without any basis in fact and it does not belong on GENI. There were families named MacCloud all over that island and we have conflicting data on her town of birth so you have no idea that this particular family (one of dozens of this surname) was living in the same town she was born in. Regardless of the town it is not acceptable to pick any parents at random with the same surname and add them as parents.

As far as you’re "A, B, C’s" no one cares if someone “had” A, B or C on a tree that is based on pure fantasy. This is fiction not genealogy. As I stated above it is unknowable at this point unless further evidence is found.

Ulf is that how you decided who your 2nd great grandmother was? You picked a random family with the same surname living in the same town? Well that would certainly make genealogy a lot easier Ulf. We don’t need any evidence we can just make it up as we go along – is that what you are saying? That’s a very interesting idea. I don’t know why the Mayflower Society and the National Society of Sons of the American Revolution made me produce all that pesky evidence to prove my lineage. You are saying they should have just let me make it up? I’ll be sure to let the Magna Carta Society know that you said I didn’t need evidence for genealogy and I’m sure they’ll send me a certificate without delay!

This is a genealogy site and we require evidence here. And when it comes to a pedigree of the United States President-Elect that evidence needs to be of the same quality as would be acceptable to Gary Boyd Roberts. That’s not negotiable. The damage done by this article already should be sufficient evidence as to why we need to do this.

Yeah... My article played the role of criticism in the pedigree of Trump.

Roland Henry Baker, III You are assuming that someone have earlier faked this cut off parents, I never assume that people deliberately fake anything until it's proven that they did, what you are saying is that that line is guilty of fraud, because you haven't seen the record your self.

Normally procedure, before cutting off anything would be to start a discussion about it, in this case, I don't know why, the person behind the decision didn't.

When it comes to Scotland, I know that the records sometimes are clouded with errors when it comes to years and places, and I also know that many, ( excuse me) clan families had a lot of intermarriages, making many of the bigger clans within a couple of generations ending up with the same forefathers, either on the male side, the female side, or more commonly, on both sides.

And for the record, I do not set up people from the premises " same name, same person", as you suggest, at random, but that does not make me faultless, I do sometimes makes errors, my rate is today 1 per 1000 in average, I can live with that and hopes that any detected fault made by me would be discussed and corrected, and not to be assumed as a deliberate fake.

Ulf you are making three incorrect assumption:

1) You assume I thought that this error was due to fraud. I have made no such accusation. In fact I think it was just sloppy work. I have seen no indication of deliberate fraud. In fact some of the research on his tree is of high quality in my opinion.

2) You assume that I have not seen the records. I have indeed seen the records. There are no birth records. There are no probate records. There are four census records. We have an account from a descendant. These are all valid records. But none of the records or accounts indicate in any way who her parents were. It doesn't mean that no evidence exists. It just hasn't been found yet if it does. It could very well be other evidence such as burial monuments have yet to be explored. I expect more work will be done on this line now that is has a historical importance.

3) You assume that there was no discussion about it. There was indeed a discussion before the cutoff. In fact there was more than one discussion.

We all make errors myself included.

Ulf, we are in a more modern period with this profile, and the profile managers were alerted and invited to submit sources or even logical arguments to support the parent claim. There was no response, for a simple reason: there isn't evidence, one way or another. And when a public figure's "official" genealogy site does not make the claim, there isn't a lot to debate without more substantive evidence than so far available.

I agree Roland that we can expect more focus on his line since he was 45th elected president of USA, he is found among Geni's popular profiles, so I guess a lot of people will be more eager to find out his lineage and maybe their eventual connection to him.

Erica, I have followed you work in various lines and have become some kind of secret admire or your work, so you have my trust when it comes to me believing your being thorough, but still, I am also for the method to not act to fast in some cases, I would prefer a limelight on the profile for a time, await people to dig in it, before to hastily just cut of, unless it's 100% guaranteed that it's completely wrong. ; )

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