Judith of Friuli - Not Adelbert's wife?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, November 1, 2016
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11/1/2016 at 5:00 AM

Judith of Friuli appears to have been erroneously linked to Adalbert II, count in the Thurgau as his wife. Cutting the link pending primary sources.

cf http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#BurkhardIdie... Medieval Lands

11/1/2016 at 8:36 AM

Dear Sharon,
I know two file's where she is named in relation with Adalbert II von Thurgau.
The Cumberland Family Software and the washinton.ancestry.register.com.
Both files shows that she is two times married: first with Conrad Ii de Bourgonge 840-881 childern 2 and second in ±864 with Adalbert II, 837-905, Graf im Thurgau 3 childern.
I have not found this information in the famous www.genealogie-mittelalter.de files.
All the best, Everard.

11/1/2016 at 9:17 AM

Thanks Everard - we need primary sources for proof, though.

11/4/2016 at 1:11 PM

Dear Sharon and Justin,
I see on the Internet and various files with my knowledge, I can not determine which have the required quality. Personally, I tend to look for the answer close to the source taking into account the original language. We know this that the original documents are in Latin and later translated into the vernacular.
Justin has named two files and I also called a file on Adalbert II. It is striking that the two files mentioned by Justin the result is different.

About Judith de Friuli wife of Adalbert II Graf im Thurgau and wife of Conrad II de Bourgogne.
1. freepages.genealgy.rootweb.ancestry.com/~luijkenaar/r/raetia/raetia/raetia_friulj.html
2. www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I022585&tree=Norway#cite1 (Cumberland Family Software)
3. fabpedigree.com/s032/f305250.htm
4. washinton.ancestryregister.com/FRIULI00006.htm (This file give a nice overview of the family.)

About Adalbert II or Burchard I
1. fmc.ac/projects/medlands/swabia.htm#DietpirchMHupold
2. www.manfred-hiebl.de/genealogie-mittelalter/hupaldinger_grafen_von_...
3. www.manfred-hiebl.de/mittelalter-genealogie/burchardiner/adalbert_2...
(1. result Burchard I, but 2. and 3. result Adalbert II)

11/5/2016 at 1:21 AM

Everard - what are the sources being used to validate these pedigrees?

11/7/2016 at 7:45 PM

Sharon, The sources behind the fabpedigrees is for me not clear. I have called that file on the question where did I find my information about Judith. The quallity of the pedigrees file is for me as well not clear. Gr Everard.

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