Ignatius Ferreira, SV/PROG - Heart Disease

Started by Andre Marais on Monday, October 31, 2016
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Progressive familial heart block

Two types of familial heart block have been recognized in certain Afrikaans-speaking families distributed over South Africa. These autosomal dominant conditions are progressive, and in the absence of treatment to regulate heart rate the defect of cardiac conduction causes syncope and sudden death. Type I progressive heart block was delineated in a family in which numerous cardiac deaths (22 in three generations) had occurred. Electrocardiographic investigations of 55 further family members demonstrated conduction defects in 31. Type II progressive heart block was recognized in another family with a strong history of sudden deaths, and electrocardiographic studies have revealed 10 affected individuals. These family studies are not yet complete, and the magnitude of the problem has not been determined. However, it is clear that both types of conduction abnormality have serious medical implications, have been spread widely by the founders, and are at present to be found in numerous predominantly Afrikaans-speaking families. The type I founder family can be traced back to the marriage in 1735 between a male immigrant from Lisbon, Portugal, who arrived at the Cape in 1696, and a woman of French descent. They settled in the Eastern Cape, and a large number of descendants from three branches of the family through at least six generations still live in the area. From the fourth generation onwards the family spread widely over South Africa and beyond. The founders of the type II family are the offspring of a Dutch immigrant from Amersfoort, who arrived at the Cape in 1713 and married a local woman in 1720. This couple had 4 children and the condition can be traced to a branch of the family founded by a son who settled in the Eastern Cape, where many descendants still live.

•(Ignatius Ferreira)
•(Jan Izak van der Bank)


Do you have anything to add Andre?

Donovan Not really. This shows how specific heart disease was brought to the SA gene pool. Ignatius Ferreira is my great + grandfather. The history of heart disease has been well confirmed in that line.

Thanks Andre, if anything of interest comes to light, please share with us..

Thanx for the info. Ignatius is also my husbands great + grandfather & he suffers from the same condition. He saw a Prof in CT who told him of the family history.

Oh, my word. My 5th great grandfather. I wonder if that's why my father had triple bypass surgery and eventually died from a heart attack. Although he did live until he turned 80.

This makes sence because he is also my first husbands 7th Greatgrandfather...Johannes Jacobus Lodewicus Britz, he died after a massive heartattack at the very young age of thirty six and a half years....a tragic loss for me and his two children.

This makes sence because he is also my first husbands 7th Greatgrandfather...Johannes Jacobus Lodewicus Britz, he died after a massive heartattack at the very young age of thirty six and a half years....a tragic loss for me and his two children.

This makes sence because he is also my first husbands 7th Greatgrandfather...Johannes Jacobus Lodewicus Britz, he died after a massive heartattack at the very young age of thirty six and a half years....a tragic loss for me and his two children.

Ook my 5de GGF./Also me 5the GGF

Die geen vir progressiewe familiële hartblok en familiële iskemiese hartsiekte (hartaanvalle op 'n jong ouderdom) is nie dieselfde geen nie. Beide kom veral in Afrikaanse families voor. Eersgenoemde is deur Ferreira die land ingebring. Dit kan gelukkig "genees" word deur voegtydige (dikwels babas) inplanting van pasaangeërs. Daar is nog 'n genetiese toestand wat gekenmerk word deur vinnige ritmestoornisse wat uiteindelik lei tot dilatasie van die hart en gevolglike hartversaking en dood. Hierdie toestand het 'n familiële verbintenis met die Ferreiras.

Die geen vir progressiewe familiële hartblok en familiële iskemiese hartsiekte (hartaanvalle op 'n jong ouderdom) is nie dieselfde geen nie. Beide kom veral in Afrikaanse families voor. Eersgenoemde is deur Ferreira die land ingebring. Dit kan gelukkig "genees" word deur voegtydige (dikwels babas) inplanting van pasaangeërs. Daar is nog 'n genetiese toestand wat gekenmerk word deur vinnige ritmestoornisse wat uiteindelik lei tot dilatasie van die hart en gevolglike hartversaking en dood. Hierdie toestand het 'n familiële verbintenis met die Ferreiras.

Jammer dat my vorige relaas gedupliseer is. Rekenaars is vêr bokant my vuurmaakplek. Ek wil net byvoeg, waarskynlik deur ondertrouing, kom meer as een van die gene in somige families voor.

Good Evening All,
I am hoping someone can assist me, i am looking for the relatives of a Dolly Ferreira who is also one of the direct direct descendants of a Thomas Ignatious Ferreira. Dolly's biological mother passed away giving birth to her and she was then fostered by the Weyers family. Dolly Married a Sybrand Lourens Bezuidenhout and they had 4 Daughters one of which is my grandmother; Cusilla Elizabeth Bezuidenhout.

If anyone can help i would appreciate it, please mail me on:

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