Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - Cousins everywhere ...

Started by Private User on Friday, October 14, 2016
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Bevan we have similar paths except I go to through the Plantagenet Kings of England and then to the Stewart Scottish Kings to Hamiltons.

P.A. have you tried the Devil?? JK ... he's not showing up today so someone must have deleted his profile. Someone will probably put him back in.

Yup, I've also got those lines (Plantagenet and Stewart) but I guess that is a slightly longer path to the Almighty so Geni chose the shorter route for me this time... A key figure on the Plantagenet line is John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (my 17th GG, probably yours too). Almost all English Royalty is descended or linked to his Beaufort line, including George Washington, so Washington should be a cousin for you as well. The current Duke of Lancaster is of course HM Queen Elizabeth, always Duke, never Duchess.... The Duchy of Lancaster is incredibly wealthy and is where the Queen gets most of her income from.... Now ask yourself how did the Lancasters get all those lands and what where they really fighting about in the Wars of the Roses?

I run into John of Gaunt often when I'm trying to figure all of this out.

A 14 year old girl figured out that Obama and all US Presidents are descendants of John "Lackland" for her school project. A (small) pic of it is in my Media.

Indeed. Lackland sealed the Magna Carta and most of our Scots Ancestors signed the Scottish Declaration of Independence at Arbroath, which inspired the US Declaration of Independence. Makes history more interesting. John of Gaunt will also connect you to the 1st Earl of Atholl, who married Eleanor Sinclair, the daughter of the builder of Rosslyn Chapel, which featured in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. Then things get really interesting...

Thank you Bevan!

Pleasure, an interesting twist for me is that Nelson Mandela is also a cousin of mine, through inter-racial marriage on my maternal side. I imagine there are very few people out there who have all of the English, Scottish, French and Monaco Royals, as well as all Presidents of the USA, and most Southern African Royalty, as cousins. Makes me wonder if I'm supposed to do something important in this life.... LOL! Then again, all of humanity is one big family and what's important is what we choose to do with our lives, and not sit back and glow in the achievements of others, so that "Rising to eminence by merit, we will live respected and die regretted." Hamba Kahle, meaning "Go Well".....

Check out Prince Albert of Monaco (my 10th cousin)... should be your closest royal connection because of your Hamilton line, although he could be more on the Douglas-Hamilton side....

Thank you Bevan! All very interesting. I have native American Indians that are cousins but I haven't had time to figure that out yet. Probably somehow through my settler great grandparents who were 1st cousins. Keeping it all in the family.

And, the hunt for Royal cousins continues...:)

Diana, Princess of Wales is your third great grandfather's wife's nephew's wife's great niece's ex-husband's ex-wife's husband's fourth cousin.

both diana and charles are descendants of Gorm den gamle a Danish king

and i saw somewhere that 70 % ? of the male populaton in europe are related to William .
cant remember where.

Oh I LOVE this site! I was still giggling over Tracey tracing her line back to God Almighty and Adam of Eden when I saw Per Anders message saying he is probably an alien. Nearly fell off me chair.

John Enok's reference to Gorm dem gamle reminds me of another ancestor of mine - Galadriel, can't think how I missed her out, and definitely Harry Potter as I am definitely psychic. And before the mammals came out of the sea I can trace my line right back to SpongeBob Squarepants.


i.m also related to the almighty i think he'/she's 135th GG good to know you're well connected. but no nepotism there i have noticed.

LOL SpongeBob Squarepants 😆

Don't forget about Jesus or Lucifer

Pheew no connection to "Lucy"

Can say as John Nathansen - no realtionship t Lucifer but
Jesus Christ is your 31st great grandmother's husband's grandfather's wife's brother's wife's father's wife's great granddaughter's husband's 14th great uncle's wife's husband's brother's wife's son.

God Almighty . is your 42nd great uncle's half brother's wife's second great aunt's husband's grandson's wife's 6th great grandfather.

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your 21st cousin four times removed's husband

If you accept that there are 40 generations in a 1000 yrs you had exactly 1 099 511 627 776 grandparents living a 1000yrs ago! At the time the total world population added up to only 300 000000.
This means that all of us living today had the same direct ancestors (or at least your gggrandfather was mines brother.) It also means that they all married their cousins (or worse, siblings) to get the figure down to 300 000000
Interesting thought
Robdrt Sydney Blake

Yes, it's interesting!
"Without pedigree collapse, a person's ancestor tree is a binary tree, formed by the person, the parents, the grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. However, the number of individuals in such a tree grows exponentially and will eventually become impossibly high. For example, a single individual alive today would, over 30 generations going back to the High Middle Ages, have roughly a billion ancestors, more than the total world population at the time".

Yes... but those days they probably could not count very well... and they probably did not even know where the people were hiding themselves... they probably lacked a holistic perspective on the planet.

But I agree a lot of them married their own cousins.... because I can see that trend clearly amongst my own immediate ancestors.

I once did an loosely estimation of how many people on earth it likely lived year 0, I came up around 300 millions, that's the same as the Population Reference Bureau have presented, nevertheless I think they are more cunning than me in this subject.

In 40 generations (1000 yrs) one person has
2 199 023 255 550 direct ancestors (grandparents) !

This also makes for interesting reading:

I agree! Considering my family, I know I must be related to Lucifer (LOL). Especially, when I go out dancing on Saturday night!

Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam are interesting thought experiments. Because DNA is one thing. Even chimps have DNA. The spark of human intelligence is completely another thing. One must wonder why human records all seem to begin around Anno Lucis, the year of Light. Lucis of course being Latin for "the possession of light" and not the nasty guy who supposedly lives deep underground.

Sorry Tracey, this is now completely off topic but interesting, for me at least. If one starts with 2 humans in the year 4,000 BC and then grow that at an average rate of 0.37% every year, then you get to around 8 billion people by the year 2015 AD, which is more or less right, give or take a few millions. This growth rate means that, at around 1 million people globally, there would be for example 6,000 babies born and 2,300 people dying, for a net growth of 3,700 new humans per year. Quite conservative indeed. But at only 2 people it would mean that a baby is only born after 62 years. Perhaps Adam and Eve took a really long time to figure things out.

The reality of course is that, with low global population numbers, the growth rate is actually much higher, becoming much lower at higher global population numbers. One must also account for negative rates e.g. plagues etc. I struggle however to believe that "official" population growth rates have very low growth rates circa 10,000 BC and higher rates closer to the current times. They have had to do this to "fit" official estimates of the "human" population over time.

No worries! This is really interesting and I'm enjoying it. Carry on 💗

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