Francois Viljoen SV/PROG - Questions regarding Francois Viljoen French ancestry

Started by Private User on Sunday, September 25, 2016
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Showing 61-71 of 71 posts

Look at baptism and marriage documents at Simondium all in French.
People also forget how many dialects of Dutch exist even today.
Also the various other languages and dialects in Europe today and even more so in 16th and 17th century.
Look at Frisian speakers fighting for their language in Netherlands today.
Official 17th century Dutch was a unifying force and forced upon the community at the Cape but still Afrikaans developed as Dutch was a foreign language for most.
Even in Netherlands today , Dutch used is very very different from 17th century Dutch .
Cadeau did not exist it was just a persentje

Whenever I visited Holland I understood them but they all pretended not to understand us.
I find spoken Swedish easier to follow when watching TV.
Belgian Dutch much easier than Dutch from Netherlands.

I can't understand spoken Dutch at all :-)

Why do all the sites insist that he was a Huguenot refugee ?
He was not a refugee at all.
Came to the Cape as a soldier not as a vlugteling.
Maybe everyone just copied the same incorrect "book ".

Do you think I should remove him from the French Huguenot project?

Thinking - if we could find a source or data /info for his father from France that would actually make him the first Huguenot at the Cape apart from Frau van Riebeeck .
Not a refugee or vlugteling per se but still a Huguenot.

Belgium was French in the south and Dutch in the north until 1830 when the country became independant . A lot of people don't know that.

patricia dean-cailliau --~
A lot of Wallonians do not like being called French !
Also a lot of Flemish hate being called Dutch .
the Limburgish in the North East are definitely not Dutch .
Similar the German speaking in the North East are definitely not Dutch .

More correct mostly Waals or Wallonian in the South east and mostly Vlaams or Flemish in the North West .
Main Difference with the Dutch Netherlands have always been Religion !
Catholic or Protestant .
Also the Spanish Netherlands so one could say Belgium was Spanish ?
Burgundian ?

My french speaking Belgian relatives hate being called French and Vlaams speaking relatives are vehemently not Dutch .

The Eighty Years' War (1568–1648) divided the Low Countries into the
Northern United Provinces (Belgica Foederata in Latin, the "Federated Netherlands")
and the
Southern Netherlands (Belgica Regia, the "Royal Netherlands").
So in Latin NO Netherlands just Belgica !

Lanuage a very sensitive issue in Belgium --some Flemish believe making Dutch the official language in Belgium is not correct it has 'dutchified ' the real spoken Vlaams . .They insist and argue that their language that they speak is as different from Dutch as Afrikaans is different from Dutch .

Showing 61-71 of 71 posts

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