Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland {myth} - 47th Great Grandfather

Started by Thomas Charles Schneider on Friday, September 9, 2016
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9/9/2016 at 6:00 PM

Amazed I can trace back that far! Fornjot? And I merely tolerate the cold.

9/10/2016 at 12:46 AM

It´s absolutely mind-blowing..!! :)

Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is my 42nd great grandfather.ão-José-Roiz+is+re...

9/10/2016 at 5:24 AM

Yes, we have the sagas,and if we believe what they tell us, and all the intermediate steps, we can indeed trace back that far.

But the saga manuscripts we have are few, and written down for the first time hundreds of years after the events they purport to describe, so like all sources, they need to be treated with care.

Enjoy Geni!

9/10/2016 at 7:02 AM

I can believe it because I am larger than any NFL football player's myself. A few might have a couple inches in height on me.

9/10/2016 at 8:21 AM

The myth, and sons, at least do not care so much about chronological order as we need:

Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland {myth} is your Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland {myth} is your 41st great grandfather AND 56th great grandfather.
Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland

Kari "Wind" Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland, is your 56th great grandfather
King Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, of Kvenland

Kari "Wind" Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland, circa 189, Kvenland, Finland/circa 240, Kvenland, Finland, son of Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", king of Kvenland; father of Frosti / Jøkull (King in Kvenland) Karasson, King of Kvenland; brother of Logi Fornjotsson and Hlér "Ægir" Fornjotsson, is your 55th great grandfather.
King Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, of Kvenland

Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland - circa 189,Kvenland, Scandinavie/circa 240,Kvenland, Scandinavie, son of Fornjot "The Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland {myth}; father of Frosti / Jøkull Karasson, King of Kvenland; Fonn Karesdottir; Drifa Karesdottir and Mjoll Karesdottir; brother of Hlér "Ægir" Fornjotsson, Fornjotsson of Scandinavia and Logi Fornjotsson, King of Hálogaland - is your 55th great grandfather.
King Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, of Kvenland

9/10/2016 at 10:37 AM

Generational shifts are most common. In one path you find that several fathers had sons in their 40s; in another path you find that they had sons in their 20s. In 40-50 generations, those shifts can easily accumulate.

That said - paths that look suspiciously short is a hint that you should review them and find any "long jumps" and check their documentation!

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