can't use template without being a project collaborator

Started by Eric H Mercer on Thursday, September 1, 2016
Problem with this page?


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9/1/2016 at 2:11 PM

In this and other templates and project-editing support projects, we are advised to switch to the Edit tab so that we can copy and paste the template. But of course there is no Edit tab unless one becomes a project collaborator. I think it would make more sense to include the Wikicode for the template at the end of the overview page.

9/1/2016 at 3:08 PM

... Or copy & paste it here, and as a plain text attachment

Here goes - please re use, feel free to edit / tweak


==This is a "Project" template==

'''Feel free to copy and paste as an organizing tool when creating a new Project.'''

=== Scope of Project ===


=== Overview ===

=== General Note ===

*''For more information about Geni Projects, see the Geni Wiki: Projects Page.''

* If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Click [ here] for instructions about using Wiki markup language.
* Send a message to the Project Manager to join us and collaborate.

'''Join the discussion'''


=== Tags ===

''tags are based on the categorization schema in Wikipedia''

* '''Events''':
* '''Activities''':
* '''Religions:'''
* '''Movements:'''
* '''Places''':
* '''Timelines''':
* '''Topics''':
* '''Series''':


* ''For more about resourcing and a listing of general genealogical resources, see:


'''Contributions welcome.'''





==Project Profiles==

==The Geni Master Profile==

* ''See for notes on historical periods that may be within scope but not covered below''.


Make sure the name fields of the '''Master Profiles''' include first name, middle name, last name, maiden name if known, otherwise blank, suffix for Sr., Jr., etc. In the display name field only add titles such as '''Gov.''' or '''Dr.''' preceding.

'''For example'''

FN Reuben MN (blank) LN Coffin MN (blank)
Display name is '''Captain Reuben Coffin'''



The United States did not exist until 1789 and the United Kingdom of England and Scotland was formed in 1707 the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland was formed 1 Jan 1801. Please be careful about using autocomplete. It is better to use the "place" field and type out the place name. Use place names such as '''England''' and '''South Carolina''' and spell out the country name with historical accuracy.

'''For example'''

''Colonial America: Charleston, South Carolina

'''Overview tab'''

It makes it easier to read a profile if the "about me" information is filled out in this fashion:

* (vitals, summary)
* (parents)
* (marriages)
* (children)
* (weblinks)
* (biography)
* (notes)
* (references)
* (citations)

* example profile: Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger

'''Media tab'''''''

- Future releases of the Geni Project module will create a dynamic library of downloadable media for profiles associated with the Project.

-- The media tab of the MP should be used for documentation files. Websites, biographies, census reports, image files -- the richer we make the profile, the more historically and genealogically accurate and meaningful it will be.

'''Sources tab'''''''

-- Adding a source validates the MP, and creates a "timeline" for each life represented by a profile. The more information we add, the more detailed and accurate.

-- Original source data includes: birth certificates, census reports, immigration records, ship rosters, obituaries, marriage licenses ....

==Works Cited==

* '''For more about sources, please see:'''''&#39...;

- Citation data (MLA format is good) should be noted for each source. If someone else can't replicate research, it's not acceptable.

- Instant citation makers on line:


==Suggested Reading==

''Please insert in alphabetical order by last name of author, and provide URL link if available online

9/1/2016 at 3:10 PM

NB I currently use this format at the top of projects, it goes well with an image flush right.

(line break)

=project name=

(link break)

9/1/2016 at 4:12 PM

Thank you Erica, though it doesn't help people who are looking at the project overview page and haven't thought to scan the discussions. You mention "and as a plain text attachment" but I don't see one. Do you mean added as a project "document" in some way? Adding it that way, and providing a line at the top that points people to that document, might be a good solution. What do you think?

My own preference would be for that template to omit all the explanation lines, so that I could just copy and paste and then only have the easily spotted section headings to remove if they weren't relevant.

Also, i believe it could be very helpful if there was a link on the overview page pointing to a project that is actually using this template (or most of it) to get a better idea of how it looks in a real application. Do you have one that you feel would make a good example?

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