Looking for sources to support this date. Most references quote other family trees - none of which have sources added that we can access.
My best reference is http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/burger/I117.html - if there was a date to be had then he would have it.
He arrived at the Cape as a bosskieter on the ship Dordrecht. This ship called at the Cape many times but did in fact arrive at the Cape on 26th April 1661 to depart on 5th May 1661, the date on which he was granted his letter of freedom so perhaps we can assume that he arrived on this voyage, which left Goeree in the Netherlands on 6th December 1660. (VC39,part 3, page123 and De VOCsite). At the end of March 1663 he petitioned the Council of Policy to take him back into Compay service and it complied, appointing him adelborst on a salary of 12 guldens per month. (Resolutions of the Council of Policy, C. 2, pp. 318-330. Saterdag ultimo Meert ao. 1663)
He appears on the muster rolls of Company servants until 1665 and then, from 1666 in the muster rolls of independent settlers. (Muster rolls, VC 39)
On the 23rd March 1677 the Council of Policy granted to Willem Schalck and Pieter van de Westhuisen land at Hout Bay which they were required to farm efficiently, and to contribute one tenth of its prouce to the Company each year. (Resolutions of the Council of Policy, C10, pp. 89-94. Dingsdagh 23 Maart 1677)
On the 2nd February 1688 he was granted permission by the Burgerraad
(Burger Council) of the Cape to transfer from the Cape area to go to live at Drakenstein (1 STB 15/2) and on the 7th September 1692, he was granted farm land at Drakenstein, on the Berg River.
When precisely he moved his family there I don't yet know, but after May 1688 the baptisms of his children are no longer to be found in the Cape Town church registers, and were presumably recorded in the (now missing) Drakenstein church registers. (MOOC 9/1/23, Verkoop Conditien and 1 STB 15/2, Permissions to transfer)
In her will dated 1710 his daughter, Jakomina Schalk, named her siblings then living; her sisters as 'Feijtie, Lena, Magtelt, Elsie, Neeltie, Eula' and her brothers as 'Schalk Willems, Pieter and Hendrik Schalk'.
On 27th June 1707 he sold up his farm on the Berg River in Drakenstein and all his possessions, paying off all his debts. The money resulting was to be used to maintain him for the rest of his life and also his minor children. (MOOC 9/1/23, Verkoop Conditien, MOOC 13/1/,5, Boedelrekening)
3 Deed of Gift - Van der Merwe, Willem Schalk &Elsie Jacob Cloeten - 1696, dated 5th June 1696 at Drakenstein, Cape Archives, 1 STB 8/1, 9
... den vry burger an drakensteyn Woonagthgh Willem Schalck met syn huysvrouw Elsie Jacob Cloeten ...
Resolutions of the Council of Policy, TANAP, Cape Archives
C. 10, pp. 89-94. Dingsdagh 23 Maart 1677
Ten laatsten om den nootsakelycken lantbouw (volgens de ernstige recommandatie uijt ’t vaderlant van onse Heere Majores ons van tyt tot tijt en nu jongst nog bejegent) soo veel immers mogelijc dagelijcks te doen behertigen en voort te setten, is mede goetgevonden willem schalck en Pieter van de Westhuijsen, beyde neerstige en bequame lantbouwers, in leening voor 12 jaaren soo veel lant in de Houtbaaij te geven als oordeelen bequamelijck te cunnen bemannen, met dien verstande nogtans dat gehouden blijven voors. lant jaarlijcx perforce te moeten besaaijen en van den ougst off winst een tiende aen d’ E. Comp. te geven
Death - 5 Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation - Membership Register page 116
Willem Schalk Van Der Merven den 12de July 1716 overleden .
Other references
http://www.stamouers.com/stamouers/surnames-v-z/523-van-der-merwe-w... - their sources GC de Wet, Die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting 1652 - 1700
Jan van der Merwe, "Willem Schalkszoon van der Merwe - "n Biografiese Ekskursie" Familia XVI 1979 no 1
Heese en Lombard
Hoge, Personalia of Germans at the Cape
Karel Schoeman, Armosyn van die Kaap: Die Wêreld van "n Slavin 1652 - 1733
- arrived April 1661
- burger 5 May 1661
- married 9 Sep 1668
Two sources for 1643 Oud Beijerland, Netherland added at http://1820settlers.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I2500&...
The Robinson Family Vol 5.GEDcom, Rowland Keith Robinson, William R Robinson.
Cloete, The South African Family, Dan Strydom, (http://incolor.inetnebr.com/strydom/geslagsregisters/cloete/422_e8.htm).
You might want to look at https://www.openarchieven.nl/transcripties/search.php?q=schalk+van+... It seems Willem Schalkz van der Merwe, SV/PROG is mentioned there.