Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, August 11, 2016
Problem with this page?


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Showing 241-270 of 2799 posts


Private User,

Done and found a duplicate near her, so I have merged the duplicate.

Lots of old private profiles around this one:

Private User, Samuel was set private by an active manager. The other two were fixed by Eldon.

Father. Thank you.

Jeanette Craig

thanks Jim Wile
and Eldon of course ( ;

Private User Done

This merge has a zombie on it and the managers of the zombies have disappeared. Please check:


Thank you

Alice Zoe Marie Knapp

Private User All done

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert

Private User
Aaltje Pouwels Woldendorp

Private User, merge completed.

Bergljót Sigfúsdóttir - her mother

Private User,


I was just looking for Israel Lahnstein when I saw a profile of Ansgar von Lahnstein and his whole family which is a fake. The photo is the photo of Wolfram Grandezka, a German actor, and the whole family belonged to a German Daily Soap some years ago.
Could we delete this family or what should we do?

Ansgar von Lahnstein

Johannes von Lahnstein

Johannes von Lahnstein

And also this family, I couldn't remember their TV names and I had to search via Google

Clarissa von Anstetten

The manager of those profiles is called Nico von Lahnstein (TV played by Verena Zimmermann, not related!). I don't know who this manager is.

Report the 'creator' as fake profile, and ask in the message that all the profiles added by it be deleted. It is currently an isolated branch (not part of the World Family Tree), so there should be no issues with the whole branch being removed.

I am not very fit with my Pc, Please tell me how to do it and to whom I must report.

Showing 241-270 of 2799 posts

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