Please do NOT merge unsourced duplicates into the MEDIEVAL tree

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, July 29, 2016
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There are, of course, various methods of equalizing - for instance - different but effective degrees of family ralationship:

Pedro Gomes de Abreu, 3º senhor de Regalados is your fourth cousin 16 times removed AND fifth cousin 14 times removed.
Pedro Gomes de Abreu, 3º senhor de Regalados

Are those duplicate profiles?

Clara - I've messaged George J. Homs - as he created both of them. Possibly he'll want to MP one.

Oh, Sharon, I beg your's and George's pardon! They are NOT duplicates.


Sharon, I was asked to do a merge, and if possible, would you check this out?
Thank you Cousin.

Thanks Tyler - It is a duplicate. Can you rather 'Request Management' on the original?



I think they are the same person but not 100% sure

I found this link

Translated ....

I hope this helps to straiten out the 2 profiles

I also found this link it's in Dutch so I cant read it

Than you Dorothy Smid. I think they are the same too. Will sort.

Sharon Doubell This is a link to the master profile of John Hutchinson (birth before 1534). There are two tree matches to his profile that appear to be unsourced. Several other profiles close to him also have tree matches. I don't have the knowledge to deal with them.
John Hutchinson

Thankyou. Sorted.

This profile for Malcolm III Canmore is a duplicate:

Malcolm III (Canmore) of Scotland

Sorry - I use a tablet, so can't link

Sorted,but only because I know the area. Otherwise we do need two links to check. Our a profile that had the blue box for duplicates showing on it.

*or - predictive text on my tablet!

What does Geni do with isolated discards? Do they ever go away, or do they remain cluttering up the bandwidth for all time?

They live in Geni Limbo for all time.

So far.

Sometimes people such as I, who cahn't stahnd it, merge them in where they fit best and clean things up.

Merging in profiles without relationships doesn't have the risk of hours of extra work merging in the whole line and fixing the inevitable conflicts. Fewer and fewer curators were prepared to work on the Medieval tree because of the sisyphian job we were being buried under.
The new Relationship Locking option - designed to fix this problem - is going to cut the relationships of profiles merged in too.

So, often, they get merged in; but if they don't, they aren't, in general, doing any harm.

Though they have their own sort of gravity and tend to attract other duplicates. As long as they aren't attached to the World Tree and dragging in incorrect relationships, they aren't a big problem.

But I do clean up sweeps sometimes, because they do get in the way in searches.

Here is a link to the profile of Edward Barbot Wayte with the blue box linking to a duplicate. Other persons in the immediate trees of both of them have differing parents and spouses so I'm leaving it alone.

Edward Barbot Wayte

I just looked again at the profile of Edward Barbot Wayte and someone merged it at the same time I was leaving the previous message. So hopefully they straightened out the other family relationships related to him.

The merge on Edward Barbot Wayte was done by the person who added the unsourced duplicate. The curator of the original profile had warned that there were conficting sources for other parents but that warning appears to have been ignored. So now there are people with multiple sets of parents on that tree.

Geni needs to educate people about duplicate portraits before they can be allowed to make merges.

I unmerged them, although I don't see conflicting parents on this profile or a curator on the other one. Awaiting further info :-)

Mary I, Queen of Scots

this tree is abandoned and a duplicate

Geni tells me this unsourced duplicate Sir John Cole, Kt. is my 17th grandfather. But the master profile that the blue box says it's a duplicate of is my 15th grandfather.

(No Name) & Private User


Thanks, I also have some other strange profiles in this tree:

Henry Stewart
Adam Stewart
NN Halcro

and several NN's.

The Earl of Carrick......He had married at Chelsea in 1604 Lady Elizabeth Howard, daughter of Charles Earl of Nottingham and widow of Sir Robert Southwell. They had one child, Lady Margaret Stewart, who married Sir John Mennes and became the ancestress of the Lords Willoughby de Broke. Carrick also had two natural children: a son, Henry Stewart, who received a grant from his father of certain lands on Eday, and a daughter (name unknown), who married William Craigie of Gairsay. As he had no legitimate son, the earldom of Carrick and lordship of Kinclaven became extinct on his death,

This wikipedia stuff is maybe not right - but all the NN's and the Adam's are certainly wrong.

Thanks for this advice. What about those more recent than the 1500s--they are all over the place. I'm happy not too, but it is annoying to see all those yellow exclamation marks. I gather if there is a master file that it shouldn't be tinkered with, but not sure about that.

Master profiles should be correct but they get out of alignment. The best way to get those curated profiles corrected is by using "contact manager" and providing the right information so the curator can quickly make a correction. Also, if you have the edit rights and your information does not conflict with what is in the MP, as a curator, I appreciate members making the corrections themselves. :)

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