Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks - Parents Conflict Created

Начала Sharon Doubell вторник, 19 июля 2016
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19.7.2016 в 9:54 до полудня

Colin Bruce Milne can you come and have a look and help to sort it out. Let me know if I must undo your merge.

22.7.2016 в 4:34 до полудня

Well I think Hildegonde de Francie (born de Cologne)
is mother to
Chlodebaud de Cologne
Ungefär 421
Ungefär 484

22.7.2016 в 11:53 после полудня

I have tried to fix the problems yesterday,but it was a chain of conflicts not only one. Now it looks better than yesterday but maybe some problems still are left. Somtimes its hard to understand how the whole tree works.

23.7.2016 в 1:26 до полудня

Thankyou Gunnar for your work helping here. I was hoping Colin Bruce Milne would come and help so he'd get a better sense of what happens when you merge in duplicates in a second or two, and don't take the couple of hours to sorry out the tree conflicts you've created.
We're trying to work on an alternative where he gets a Curator to unlink the duplicate from the world tree instead.

23.7.2016 в 1:28 до полудня


23.7.2016 в 11:55 до полудня

I have a question. Can you connect to an ancestor directly in Geni ? I always add and merge, in Geni but for example in Myheritage you can connect to ancestor directly without adding a person.

23.7.2016 в 12:19 после полудня

Gunnar Regnell

Here is an example of your connection to Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks'
Gunnar Regnell is Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks' 44th great grandson!

You can find out any connection to a profile by just opening the profile and clicking on the thumb tack then go to the other profile, click on "How are they related' wait for a while for the answer

Hope this is what you were asking

24.7.2016 в 4:05 до полудня

Go ahead and do the splits on this.

21.9.2016 в 5:51 до полудня

Colin Bruce Milne, you've left a tree conflict on this profile after power merging in the Medieval Tree. - This is the 3rd time. Please come and help us clear it up before you continue power merging. A couple of clicks can be hours of research work for someone else who has to choose between parents on a conflict, and we're battling to get enough Curators and users who are prepared to do it, when it keeps happening.

3.10.2016 в 5:55 до полудня

Colin Bruce Milne you've left a tree conflict on this profile after power merging in the Medieval Tree. . Please come and help us clear it up before you continue power merging.

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