DNA Integration Superthread

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, June 30, 2016
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Showing 211-240 of 1387 posts

Elden. I was on Topic. I was talking about DNA and answering Harold's question in detail and twice was bounced out in mid comment So simply for me I am not that concerned with DNA. I had almost my entire tree before I started with Geni. I was lucky. My mother's family came early to this country .Some were on the Mayflower ,most showed up bt the middle 1600's and a couple arrived around 1700. Because of this I was easerly able to follow the paper trailI already knew a part Parker line and part of the Cookson line and from there it was easy. I was , I repeat,very lucky and I was even more lucky when I called N.E.H.G. in Boston about a Taylor .He was Tres. of the Mass Baty Prov back in the late 1600's and early 1700's and the research guy there was very helpful.I went in after he gave me over the phone about ten gen back ,in England.He showed me how to trace lines backwards. Got me the right books to use and the rest is history. One trip and I had it all .I went back again, to be sure I had done it correctly. THe French side was diferent. Someone from Geni, Ronda was very helpful.Turns out I had it but didn't know it. She walked me through the French Canadian system . I still have some holes. Still stuck on the Loubris side but stillI did the majority the old school way and the rest on computer but double checking things and on here. So I don't really think DNA is going to help me much, other then finding more relatives, which would be nice.

Cont. I know I missed a couple errors but the first time I lost my comment I was correcting thing. I was afraid to try. Any . So DNA other then maybe finding relatives and the race part would really not be much help to me. Maybe I am wrong. I have meet some nice people. Three of whom I Facebook with and Ronda was wonderfully helpful and a couple other people. I have also met some not so nice ones, who my opinion and this off topic, acted like they were far superior and their way was the only way. I hope the people who enjoy using this process get the results they want. As I said further back. I follow this , as do I follower other ones, just to keep in the loop and who knows , something useful to me ,might pop up up. Is that ok with everyone?

Leanne, the person you were referring to , didn't delete everything he said himself. Some of the comments were reported and couldn't be seen until. the powers to be review them.One of these is several comment before this one of mine. I don't know what he said. in one of them further back I didn't see it. The the last three I saw. One is waiting for the admin. and I guess he deleted the othes .I don't know. I don't care. Tjhis is all up to the people who run the site, not me.

Good luck to everyone in your personal

Mike, could you please give a hand. I've been arguing with Sharon Doubell about Mary's parentage. Geni allows for Mythological People, but as of this past week, two curators decided Mary's Heritage is not good enough. I want to know why, Mary can't have listed the parents that the Catholic Tradition teaches? The Curators argue no historical facts to base that claim. There is no historical proof of Mythological People or even Noah, yet we have them. I am asking that those of us who believe in the Catholic Tradition have that right to have Mary's parents on Geni.

I agree they are not Mythological people. If it's in the Biblr Most Christians ,as well as Jews, depending on if you are talking old or new testaments Even Muslims will agree these people existed..

Robert Thomas Wood

This discussion is about DNA Integration
If you wish to discuss anything else go here and create a Public Discussion, just make sure you enter the url for the profile you wish to discuss

After creating your discussion about Mary would you please come back here and delete your message so we can keep this discussion on subject

Here we go again with the control police. Angus I think Robert had a point. I don't think we can get DNA from these people and it all in old fashion way.I don't know where he's move it but it was a valid question. Direct him to the correct spot.

Robert , why don't you start a separate discussion on this, as Angus , I believe is suggesting. I am sure a lot of people would like to weigh in on this/ I know I would. Then everyone will be happy.

Maybe some day I will try it, when I get some spare money. Have fun

Angus, there's no need to be rude. Also, I resolved the issue with other Curators on the appropriate discussion. I was in the wrong, as far as DNA goes, DNA is like a puzzle piece. One sibling may share one piece of the puzzle, while another may have another.

Is ther possibly a little bug ,in this stream, i posted something earlier about Dna, , and now it has completely disappeared , :)

May be a repeat question, cannot read all to check.

I helped set up a cousin with Y dna,
All his and my husbands Y matches are HIDDEN name. Why?

Also, Y populated all males with that sir name, if say my brother does it, and there is variation or some mistake in tree or infidelity, how will that be read?

Seems the Y assumes the tree is correct, I think even more reason for us to be vigilant with our accuracy.

Private User The profiles with the name "HIDDEN LastName" are data from ysearch and mitosearch...that is basically the extent of the name that was public in those sites. In some cases you may be able to click the link for "Contact DNA Manager" and learn more.

Yes, DNA propagates to others in the tree. If there is conflict you will see this on their DNA tab. This has already helped make the tree here on Geni better for example with the Kauffman lines. There are some that trace to a Swiss line and some that trace to a German line and some that took a guess. The Swiss and German lines have significantly different Y DNA where it was able to point out that some were taking a guess as to which one they connected to and we were able to straighten things out working with the Kauffman DNA project admin who has a grasp of the Kauffmans as a whole.

Thanks heaps John :) Now I can explain to others. Shaz

Dear Sirs, I wish to make complete DNA from my father and mother lines,
which one should I choose? please advise,
will this test show also health also?

I have Bagrationi line from mother`s side and Tuder line from father`s side,
I have to research both lines with DNA, please advise, also health if it is possible...

Mike Stangel, is it possible to retrieve and use my grandsons paternity test DNA? It was state required so I'm assuming it's on file in Georgia. We are short on YDNA still alive. Any advice or information would be appreciated.



Y-DNA is offered through Family Tree DNA (www.ftdna.com).
mtDNA is offered through Family Tree DNA.
They also offer autosomal (Family Finder).

23andme bundles Y-DNA, mtDNA, autosomal DNA, and health information. There is one fee.

thank you, sorry, but I wished to order DNA on geni site, does all that included here?


Drop down under Research at the top of your homepage on Geni.

so, I need do this one to get replies for my questions?:
Family Finder + mtFullSequence

Ищет родственников по всем линиям и обеспечивает наивысший уровень теста mtDNA.

Or anybody that can answer my question...

If you can get the details of that test, you should enter it by hand on the appropriate profile. I would think it doubtful that you'll be able to get it in a form which can be 'electronically' loaded as with the tests which are done via the Geni partners.


You can still order FF (as well as other applicable tests) on FTDNA and then you can link your FTDNA and Geni profiles, so data will be available for Geni matching. Feel free to ask me more on this (here, or in VK, FB, email etc), as I have some positive experience with it all in recent months (e.g. you can see at/mtDNA/Y in my profile, and these are right those which have been imported from FTDNA). Also you might find it interesting to check the forum at molecular genetics site, i.e. http://forum.molgen.org as it covers many genetic genealogy questions (in Russian).


valentina v. golubeva Tuder, Geni partners with FTDNA for the DNA tests offered here. Since FTDNA does not test for health reasons, none of the tests offered by Geni do.

I'm going to make an assumption that you are female. You will not be able to test your DNA for Y-DNA. It is only available in males. atDNA (a.k.a. Family Finder) will contain information from your father's family.

So if you want to test your fathers line and he is not alive to give a DNA test himself you should go to his profile read the information in the DNA tab of the profile. There you will have both information about DNA tests and lists of people who can be tested for which DNA info, for example Y-DNA.

Won't work for me . No one here related directly to my father or either of my grandfathers. Can't even find sole on here who admits to be acturally related to my Loubris side.

Private User, - take a closer look: In the DNA tab of your father there is a link which generates a suggestion of four people in your fathers family which should have the same Y-DNA as him, which can be tested to get it.

I don't think so but I will check

Showing 211-240 of 1387 posts

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