DNA Integration Superthread

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, June 30, 2016
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Michael, Like me you are an unpaid user. Hard to complain that you aren't getting your money worth.

Weather we are paid members or not, we are contributing to the tree and many of us have contributed a lot and we have aright to expect some service and help if they expect us to continue to contribute.

Mike Stangel
Not sure what happened to my reply to yours of 27/7/2016 at 4:39 AM so here goes again.
I have loaded most kits myself from the Geni end, certainly for at least the 2 HENDERSON and one ANDREWS showing as close relatives on my profile. These three, and the other close relative are the ones that no longer show up in the list of matches.
If this is intentional, that's a pity as they provide a good point of reference in quantities shared etc.

I have not intentionally unlinked anyone, other than the deletion and reload of my kit and another unrelated to them kit, documented earlier in this thread to fix where loading from the FTDNA end loaded a male cousin's dna to my profile.

What exactly is this supposed DNA Conflict?

Hi Private User, the post that I was referring to has been deleted (this user constantly does this - he posts comments and then when challenged on ridiculous statements he deletes them). I agree that even unpaid users are entitled to service and I firmly believe that GENI provides an amazing service and access, far in excess of any other genealogy provider, to their unpaid members.

thank you

My paternal DNA-group I-L1302 works fine, up to my 8th great grandfather, Olof Nilsson b 1636 in Västbyn, Holm, (Y), Sweden. Then it doesn't seem to work any further. His father Nils Svensson b ca 1600 has not been given the DNA tab. It also means that Nils Svenssons other sons don't have it, which is a critical error IMO.
Does it have anything to do with the fact that I am not the sole manager? That doesn't seem to have been a problem with the generations before Nils Svensson though...

Torbjörn Jonsson - posting from 6/30/2016 - https://www.geni.com/discussions/157595?msg=1092691 -
"we're propagating Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA up the tree 10 generations, then back down. There's no hard rule on this -- especially with how slowly mt-DNA mutates, we could surely get away with propagating farther. We'll start conservatively, though, and see whether we get incongruous interactions at that 10-generation limit. If it all melds together well, we'll look at expanding."

Thanks Lois! I can understand the limit...kind of. But in my case, couldn't at least the brother's get the DNA tab? They are also part of this 10th generation...(and in my case, they are also younger:))
I can also understand that it's very different with available records for different countries. But in my case, Sweden, you get access to excellent records. For me, one of the biggest interest I have in DNA research, is to see if the records are correct. I can't do that with the 10-generation-limit.

Torbjörn Jonsson just give it a little time. As Lois posted, Geni intends to go forward, but it's still early days in the implementation. Better any kinks in processing get worked out first.

OK, I will try to be patient...:) Thanks for all the info!

Hi my autosomal dna transfer was over a month ago on June 30th. Any update please? thanks

@mike Stangel hi, my autosomal DNA was transferred on June 30. Still waiting, any update please? Thanks

FTDNA has a "Sizzling Summer Sale" on now - with Family Finder for $69 !!
https://www.familytreedna.com/sale.aspx - Have not seen an expiration date, so do not know if it is going to end really soon, or if it is about to become the new norm. But - From everything I have seen up to now, that really is a great price.

In one of the emails I received they said the expiration date is not being announced.

Still waiting for:

1) Some (ANY) results from upload of raw date from 23andme.com (for my partner Private)

2) Some (ANY) answer as to whether it is possible to un-bungle a bungled upload and/or re-upload (in the absence of any response it appears that if you screw up at all you are SOL)

3) Some (ANY) answer as to when or IF a re-upload option will be made public.

Private User it's possible (and generally harmless) to delete all DNA info from a profile and re-link. I've done it several times during testing. Sometimes it can cause erroneous messages about mismatch with close family members, but I hope that bug is fixed.

The function of analyzing uploaded DNA (as opposed to linked FTDNA profiles) has not been released. I assume that means it's not ready yet, and I assume that what you've uploaded is being used as test data that wil have to parse correctly before release.

We're all waiting for it.

Thanks Mike, I think I'll hang in there and wait. I believe (hope) it will be worth the wait. Thanks for getting back to me. Take care.

Harald: Re-link how? I see NO option to do that.

Thur recent Y-DNA showing HURST DNA I am giving this a try. Raise in an orphanage never knowing my paternal lineage. Now thru Familysearch,com and other research sites I'm finding quite a history. If my information is incorrect please feel free to advise me. In the end, we are all searching for the same goal. Thanks, Bob

Private User - in previous comment, https://www.geni.com/discussions/157595?msg=1095938 Mike told one person "go ahead and just delete both sets of data (using the "you may remove these results" link on the Geni profile DNA tab) and then link them again. " -- so I assume once you remove, you are supposed to get the regular link back.

Also, that idea is re-enforced by http://help.geni.com/entries/100286707-What-if-I-ve-linked-a-Family... with links to the other DNA Help entries

If you do not get the link back -
Possibly, try refreshing the screen, just in case that is the problem.

If still zip, then it sounds like you have a bug, and it may be time to tag Mike and clearly explain the situation to him.

Oh, come on. Why do you keep deleting him.=? It can't be that bad can it?

I am glad I am not involved in this project. I can't afford to. But I hope you all get your results soon.

Well, they might not like the first one. The second one is ok . But since I didn't see the original I can't say/

I don't totally understand all this DNA stuff and numbers

I know everyone , well, maybe not everyone, but some will hate me here, if they don't already and then they will try to explain it in very elongated terms , but I really don't care about DNA and am really not interested in it. If I got a test it would be just to prove or disprove a point.

Judy, then why are you following the discussion? Just click "don't follow", and it won't bother you again.
Some people love the DNA stuff, others don't. No problem!

I follow a lot of them just for the heck of it. It keeps me in the loop plus, I might pick up something useful and it might change my mind. You never know. Always keep an open mind and see both sides. Then make your final decision. Forgive me if tyhat's not spelled correctly.

I answered and I don't think any of it took.

Private, based on the number of times you delete your messages which makes threads very difficult to understand, perhaps you should look more carefully at your comments prior to hitting the "post button". If you are having to delete so many of your comments when people call you on them then perhaps you shouldn't be posting them in the first place.

Let's get back on topic here and take the ranting to another discussion.

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